Happy Birthday, Walt Whitman
It’s Walt Whitman’s Birthday! He was born OTD in 1819. Below is a short bibliography on law and politics and the works of the distinguished poet.
Askin, Denise T., Whitman and the Law: A Prophetic Parallel, 27 Walt Whitman Review 126 (September 1981).
Buinicki, Martin T., Walt Whitman and the Question of Copyright, 15 American Literary History 248 (Summer 2003).
Erikkila, Betsy, Whitman the Political Poet (Oxford University Press, 1989).
Frank, Jason, Aesthetic Democracy: Walt Whitman and the Poetry of the People, 69 The Review of Politics 402 (June 2007).
Gandelman, Claude, Kokoschka, Whitman, Thomas Mann: Le motif de l’ecorché vif, 8 Néohelicon 119 (1981).
Grossman, Jay, “The Evangel-Poem of Comrades and of Love,”: Rivising Whitman’s Republicanism, 4 American Transcendental Quarterly 201 (September 1990).
Klammer, Martin, “Hounded Slave”: Whitman’s Attitudes Toward Slavery and the Emergence of Leaves of Grass (1994).
Mottram, Eric, Law and the Open Road: Whitman’s America: in Nineteenth-Century American Poetry 13 (A. Robert Lee, ed. 1985).
Outka, Paul H., Whitman and Race (“He’s Queer, He’s Unclear, Get Used To It”), 36 Journal of American Studies 293 (2002).
Wiegman, Robyn, Writing the Male Body: Naked Patriarchy and Whitmanian Democracy, 33 Literature and Psychology 16 (1987).
Ziff, Larzer, Whitman and the Crowd, 10 Critical Inquiry 579 (June 1984).