Alexis de Tocqueville: Historical Thought and Philosophy of History

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Historical Thought and Philosophy of History


The regime which is destroyed by a revolution is almost always an improvement on its immediate predecessor, and experience teaches that the most critical moment for bad governments is the one  which witnesses their first steps toward reform.

The Old Regime and the French Revolution (Harper & Brothers, 1856) at 214.


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Aron, Raymond, Idées politiques et vision historique de Tocqueville, 10(3) Revue française de science politique — (september 1960).

Bass, Thomas Alden, Fiction and History: Essays on the Novels of Flaubert, Garcia Marquez, Coover, and Pynchon (Dissertation, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1980). Includes analysis and discussion of Tocqueville’s Recollections, Marx’s Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte and Flaubert’s L’education sentimentale as descriptions of the Revolution of 1848.

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Brint, Michael E., Response to M. Lavroff, 10 Tocqueville Review 245-248 (1989/1990). Reply to Dmitri Georges Lavroff, Les revolutions americaine et française dans l’oeuvre de Tocqueville.

Brogan, Hugh, Alexis de Tocqueville and the Coming of the American Civil War, in American Studies: Essays in Honour of Marcus Cunliffe 83-104 (Brian Holden Reid and John White, eds.; NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1991).

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Clive, John, Looking Over a Four-Leaf Clover: A Quartet of Nineteenth-Century Historians, 27 Critical Review 66-83 (1985).

Connell, Kathleen (Mother M. Stephen, R.S.H.M.), Alexis De Tocqueville: Witness and commentator of Western Revolution (Master’s thesis, St. John’s University, 1963).

Costantini, Robert, L’image en France de l’état de New-York entre 1776 et 1861: Thèmes et sources, 4(1) French-American Review 36-41 (1980).

Cox, Marvin R., Tocqueville’s Bourgeois Revolution, 19(3) Historical Reflections/Reflexions historiques 279-307 (Fall 1993).

Damien, Roger, Tocquevilles Reise in die Franzosische Revolution: Oder, eine kopernikanische Wende der politischen Wissenschaft, 38(2/3) Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Ernest-Moritz-Arndt-Universität-Greifswald: Gesellschaftwissenschaftliche Reihe 35 (1989).

Deane, Seamus, Burke and Tocqueville: New Worlds, New Beings, 31(1) boundary2 1-23 (Spring 2004).

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Douthwaite, Julia V., The Uses of History in Tocqueville’s Souvenirs and Flaubert’s L’education sentimentale 4 RLA: Romance Languages Annual 40-46 (1992).

Drescher, Seymour Irving, “Why Great Revolutions Will Become Rare”: Tocqueville’s Most Neglected Prognosis, 64(3) Journal of Modern History 429-454 (September 1992).

Drew, Stacey L., The Second Republic: a comparative analysis of the writings of Marx and Tocqueville concerning France, 1848-1852 (Bachelor’s thesis, Drew University, 1992).

Drolet, Michel, Tocqueville Unveiled: The Historian and His Sources for the Old Regime and the French Revolution, 18(2) French History 241-244 (2004).

Durr, Emil, Die Demokratie in der Schweiz nach der Auffassung von Alexis Tocqueville (Basel: S. n., 1925).

Estrada, Fernando, and José Daniel Parra, Labyrinth of Modernity, CUADERNOS DEL CIPE, Facultad de Finanzas, Gobierno y Relaciones Internacionales, 2009. On the Old Regime and the French RevolutionIn Spanish.

Gannett, Robert Tileston,Jr., Tocqueville Unveiled: A Historian and Sources in L’ancien regime (Dissertation, University of Chicago, 1998).

Gannett, Robert Tileston, Jr., Tocqueville Unveiled: The Historian and His Sources for The Old Regime and the Revolution (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003).

Gargan, Edward T., The formation of Tocqueville’s historical thought, 24(1) Review of Politics 48-61 (January 1962).

Gargan, Edward T., The formation of Tocqueville’s historical thought (Notre Dame, IN? : University of Notre Dame Press? 1962). Offprint of the article in Review of Politics.

Gargan, Edward T., Tocqueville and the problem of historical prognosis, 68(2) American Historical Review 332-345 (January 1963).

Grudzinska-Gross, Irena, Pietno rewolucji: Custine, Tocqueville i wyobraznia romantyczna (Warszawa: Wydawn. Naukowe PWN, 1995). Translation of The Scar of Revolution.

Grudzinska-Gross, Irena, The scar of revolution : Custine, Tocqueville, and the romantic imagination (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991).

Guizot, Tocqueville, Thiers (2d ed.; Paris: Calmann Levy, 1888). Includes discussion of Tocqueville, Marie-Joseph-Louis-Adolphe Thiers, François Guizot.

Harmon, Jonathan, De la tyrannie en Amérique: étude des sources de l’interprétation pessimiste de l’oeuvre de Tocqueville dans les sciences sociales américaines d’après-guerre (Master’s thesis, Université de Montréal, 2008).

Hochberg, Leonard J., Reconciling History With Sociology? Strategies of Inquiry in Tocqueville’s Democracy in America and The Old Regime and the French RevolutionJournal of Classical Sociology 23-54 (2007).

Hoeges, Dirk, Alexis de Tocqueville–Literatur im Zeitalter der Gleichheit, 1982 Siegener Hochschulblätter 44-55.

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Kahan, Alan Sidney, Tocqueville’s two revolutions, 46(4) Journal of the History of Ideas 585-597 (1989).

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Lawler, Peter Augustine, Tocqueville on Socialism and History, 21(2) Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy 181 (Winter 1994).

Lawyer, John E., Jr., Tocqueville on the Religious Foundations of Democracy, 42(4) American Benedictine Review 418 (December 1991).

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Maza, Sarah, Politics, Culture and the Origins of the French Revolution, 61(4) Journal of Modern History 704-723 (December 1989).

Mellon, Stanley, Tocqueville as historian of the French Revolution (Albany, NY: State University, 1989). Lecture given March 9, 1989: ninth annual Phi Alpha Theta Distinguished Lecture on History at the University at SUNY–Albany.

Melonio, Françoise, De Tocqueville à Taine, 258 Magazine Littéraire, 59-61 (October 1988).

Mitchell, Harvey, Individual choice and the structures of history: Alexis de Tocqueville as historian reappraised (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996).

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Orr, Linda, French romantic histories of the Revolution: Michelet, Blanc, Tocqueville–A Narrative, 1989 Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 123-142 (Special issue).

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Orr, Linda, Tocqueville et l’histoire incomprehensible: L’Ancien Regime et la Revolution, 29(49) Poetique 51 (February 1982). Translated by Gilles Declercq.

Palmer, Robert Roswell, The two Tocquevilles and two kinds of history, 131(4) Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 341-347 (1987).

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Petrequin, Paul, Friedrich Nietzsche and Alexis De Tocqueville on the possibility of history (Dissertation, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1997).

Pitts, Jennifer, Republicanism, Liberalism, and Empire in Post-Revolutionary France, Paper delivered May 22, 2009, Stanford University.

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Spears, Monroe Kirklyndorf, Countries of the mind: literary explorations (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1992). Includes Tocqueville in 1989, at 39-51.

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