Syllabi or Course Descriptions (Listed by Faculty Member)
Prof. R. Buchanan, York University. Osgoode Hall. Law and Film. Syllabus.
Prof. Elizabeth Conley, University of Utah. Film and the Law: Courtroom Drama. Syllabus.
Prof. Brenda Cossman, University of Toronto. Faculty of Law. Law and Film. Syllabus.
Prof. Megan Estes, Amherst College. Department of Law, Jurisprudence, and Social Thought. Film, Myth, and the Law. Syllabus.
Prof. James Elkins, West Virginia University. College of Law. Lawyers and Literature. Syllabus.
Dr. Mark Fortier, University of Guelph. Department of English. Law and Literature. Syllabus.
Prof. David Gurham, University of Southampton. Crime in Law, Literature, and Culture. Course Description.
Dr. Susanne Gruss, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg. Law and Literature. Syllabi.
Dr. Stephanie Insley Hershinow, City University of New York. Law and Literature. Syllabus.
Prof. Peter H. Huang, University of Colorado. School of Law. Media, Popular Culture, and Law. Syllabus.
Dr. Jennifer Leetsch, University of Bonn. Syllabi.
Prof. Mark Lewis, Capital University School of Law. Law and Literature. Syllabus.
Prof. Andrej Milic, Florida International University. Law, Literature, and Pop. Culture. Course Description.
Dr. Paula Murray, University of Texas. Law and Literature. Syllabus.
Prof. Ravit Reichman, Brown University. Law and Literature. Course Description.
Dr. Dana Schmalz, Goettingen University. Law and Literature. Syllabus.
Prof. Susan Silbey, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Departments of Anthropology, Political Science, Urban Studies and Planning. Law and Society. Syllabus.
Prof. Daniel Solove, George Washington School of Law. Law and Literature. Syllabus.
Prof. Catherine R. Stimpson/Prof. Stephen Gillers, New York University. School of Law. Law and Literature Seminar. Course Description.
Prof. Alan Stone, Harvard University. Law and Literature. Course Description.
Prof. Donald Vish, University of Louisville School of Law. Law and Literature. Syllabus.
Prof. Ian Ward, Newcastle University. Law and Literature. Course Description.
Course Descriptions (No professor’s name available)
Roma Tre University. Law Department.
Law and the Humanities 2020. Syllabus.
United States
Cornell University. Department of English/Government/School of Law. Law and Literature. Course Description.
Duke University. School of Law. Law and Literature. Course Description.
Swarthmore College. Department of English. Course Description.
University of Arkansas, Little Rock. School of Law. Course Description.
University of Florida. School of Law. Course Description.
University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth. Course Description. Law and Courts in Film. (archived).
University of Pittsburgh School of Law. Literature and Law Seminar. Course Description.
Washington & Lee. Law and Literature Weekend Seminar.
See also Consortium for Undergraduate Law & Justice Programs. Syllabi.
Also see Centers, Programs, and Courses of Study in Law and the Humanities.
Articles about law and literature courses
C/M/Law Introduces Law, Literature and Film Course, August 9, 2017.
Giovanna Deo, New Course Examines Law Through Literature, Iowa Law News, Dec. 21, 2021.
Elizabeth Villiers Gemmette, Law and Literature: An Unnecessarily Suspect Class in the Liberal Arts Component of the Law School Curriculum, 23 Valparaiso Law Review 267 (1989).
Adam Liptak, Next on the Syllabus, Romeo v. Juliet, NYT, Oct. 30, 2002.
Guy Osborn, Borders and Boundaries: Locating the Law in Film, 28 Journal of Law and Society 164-175 (March 2001).
Simon Stern, Law and Literature Seminar, Draft Syllabus.
Some faculty make syllabi available only as PDFs with no URL, so we suggest searching for these in a browser using keywords such as “Law and literature syllabus” or “law and film syllabus.”