Alexis de Tocqueville: Influence and Application of His Thought (Including Contemporary Commentaries)

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Influence and Application of His Thought (Including Contemporary Commentaries)

Time flies in the midst of these peaceful occupations: we always find that it goes by too quickly; and, indeed life moves on.  It is a pity that one does not truly know how to take advantage of it, except when one becomes old.

Alexis de Tocqueville to Jeanne-Rachel de Codoüe, Countess de Mandat-Grancey (Dec. 28, 1856).

 in Selected Letters on Politics and Society, 339, 341 (Roger Boesche ed., James Toupin & Roger Boesche trans., University of California Press 1985)

Abbott, James, Whither Tocqueville in American Sociology? 38(1) American Sociologist 60-77 (March 2007). On the diminishing influence of Tocqueville on sociologists.

Ackerman, Andrew, Local liberty and respect for individual autonomy : a Toquevillian critique of liberal neutrality (Dissertation, Bowling Green State University, 1999).

Adams, Charles Hansford, “The Guardian of the Law”: Authority and Identity in James Fenimore Cooper (Dissertation, University of Virginia, 1985).

Allen, Barbara Ann, Democracy in America Revisited: An Application of Tocqueville’s Political Theory to Feminist Theory and Action (Dissertation, Indiana University, 1981).

Atanassow, Ewa, Patriotism in Democracy: What We Learn from Tocqueville, in Tocquevillian Ideas: Contemporary European Perspectives 39-58 (Zbigniew Rau and Marek Tracz-Tryniecki, eds.; Lanham: University Press of America, 2014).

Baczko, Bronislaw, Furet i Tocqueville, 72 Przeglad Polityczny 178-184 (2005). English translation: Furet and Tocqueville.

Baltzell, E. Digby and Howard G. Schneiderman, From Rags to Riches: The Horatio Alger Myth and the Supreme Court, 28(4) Society 45-54 (1991).

Barker, Mary Katherine, Alexis de Tocqueville and James Fenimore Cooper on Jacksonian America (Bachelor’s Thesis, Drew University, 1970).

Beasley, Edward James, Empire as the Triumph of Theory: Imperialism, Information, and the Colonial Society of 1868 (London, NY: Routledge, 2005). Includes discussion of Tocqueville’s influence on nineteenth-century English thinkers.

Beasley, Edward James, Mid-Victorian Imperialists: British Gentlemen and the Empire of the Mind (London, NY: Routledge, 2005). Includes discussion of Tocqueville’s influence on nineteenth-century English thinkers.

Beasley, Edward James, Who Built the Bandwagon? A Study of the Founders of the Colonial Society of 1868 (Dissertation, University of California, San Diego, 1993). Includes discussion of the influence of Tocqueville’s visit to the U.S. on British imperialists of the 1800s.

Beem, Christopher, The Necessity of Politics: Reclaiming American Public Life (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999). Includes several chapters on Tocqueville and Democracy in America.

Bénichou, P., Le temps des prophètes (Paris: Gallimard, 1977).

Benoît, Jean-Louis, De l’importance du corpus tocquevillien, Res Publica, 40 (January 2005).

Benoît, Jean-Louis, Tocqueville aurait pas voté BushSee also Chartré, Jean-Philippe, Le devoir de philo. Tocqueville, voterait-t-il Bush? April 22, 2006

Benton, James Smith, The New Sensibility: Self and Society in the Post-Industrial Age (Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles, 1981).

Bentzel, Anne, Traveling Tocqueville’s America: Retracing the 17-state Tour That Inspired Alexis de Tocqueville’s Political Classic Democracy in America (Baltimore, MD: Published for C-SPAN by the Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998).

Bernard, Jean-Alphonse, Tocqueville, a Companion to an Indian Journey, 29(2) European Journal of Sociology 397-408 (1988).

Blackmore, Tim, The Dark Knight of democracy: Tocqueville and Miller cast some light on the subject, 14(1) Journal of American Culture 37-56 (Spring 1991). On the comic character Batman.

Bowie, Nikolas, Written Testimony: The Contemporary Debate Over Supreme Court Reform, Presented to the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States, June 30, 2021.

Boyd, Richard, and Gianna Englert, Georges Sorel’s Tocqueville, 45(2) History of Political Thought 347-371 (2024).

Bray, Samuel L., Written Testimony Presented to the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States: “Case Selection and Review at the Supreme Court, June 30, 2021.”

Breslin, Patrick, Democracy in the Rest of the Americas, 15 Grassroots development: Journal of the Inter-American Foundation 3 (1991). Tocqueville’s likely reaction to Latin American revolution.

Burns, Allan Douglas, Henry James and Democracy (Dissertation, Pennsylvania State University, 1996).

Campbell, Stuart L., The Tocquevillian Liberalism and Political Sociology of Raymond Aron, 53(2) Historian 303-316 (Winter 1991).

Carey, Peter, Parrot and Olivier in America (NY: Knopf, 2010). A fictionalized account of a French aristocrat’s visit to the United States in the early 1830s.

Chartré, Jean-Philippe, Le devoir de philo. Tocqueville, voterait-t-il Bush? April 22, 2006. See also Benoît, Jean-Louis, Tocqueville aurait pas voté Bush.

Chastagnaret, Yves, George Sand et Tocqueville; Hommage a Annarosa Poli, in George Sand et son temps 1025 (Elio Mosele, Geneva: Slatkine, 1994). Three volumes.

Choi, Joung-min, The Critics of Democracy: The Political Visions of Walker Percy and the Tradition of Alexis de Tocqueville and the Vanderbilt Agrarians (Dissertation, Saint Louis University, 1995).

Christol, Hélène, Un Tocqueville italien en Amerique? O America, de Luigi Barzini, in I L’Amerique et l’Europe: Realités et representations 125 (Aix-en-Provence: Université de Provence, 1985).

Cicalese, Marialuisa, Democrazia in cammino: la formazione del pensiero politico di Stuart Mill nel dialogo con Tocqueville (Milano: F. Angeli, 1988)(Studi e ricerche storiche; 118).

Clavero Salvador, Bartolomé, Tutela Administrativa o Diálogos con Tocqueville, 24 Quaderni Fiorentini Per la Storia del Pensiero Giuridico Moderno 419-468  (1995).

Clegg, Stewart R. and David Courpasson, Political Hybrids: Tocquevillean Views on Project Organizations, 41(4) Journal of Management Studies 525-547 (June 2004).

Cofrancesco, Dino, Tocqueville e il pensiero conservatore: riflessioni sui quaderni di viaggio e sulle lettere dall’America di Tocqueville. Alle origini della sociologia, 6(4) Controcorrente 11-40 (1974).

Cohen, David, Chasing the Red, White, and Blue: A Journey in Tocqueville’s Footsteps Through Contemporary America (NY: Godalming: Picador USA; Melia, 2002).

Compagna, Luigi, La modernità di Tocqueville, 153(214) Nord e Sud 84-94 (1972).

Cushman, Reid, Textbooks, technologies, and Tocqueville : Alternatives for introductory American government, 26 PS 223-227 (June 1993).

Dawidoff, Robert, The genteel tradition and the sacred rage : high culture vs. democracy in Adams, James, & Santayana (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1992)(Cultural Studies of the United States).

De Sanctis, Francesco, Carl Schmitt e Tocqueville, 2(1) Filosofia Politica 173-183 (1988).

Diani, Marco, Baudrillard’s Explorations of Tocqueville’s America: Wandering in Hyperdemocracy, in Issues in Travel Writing: Empire, Spectacle, and Displacement 123-134 (Kristi Siegel, ed.; NY: Peter Lang, 2002).

Diani, Marco, The Desert of Democracy, from Tocqueville to Baudrillard, 30(3) L’Esprit Createur 67-80 (Fall 1990).

DiJoseph, John M., Jacques Maritain and the Moral Foundation of Democracy (Dissertation, Catholic University of America, 1993).

Dombowsky, Don, Nietzsche’s Plan for Political Organization and Its Formation in Political Theory (Dissertation, University of Ottawa, 2001).

Donahue, Francis, Cuban de Tocqueville, 3 New Orleans Review 355-358 (1979). On José Marti.

Dreeben, Michael R., Written Testimony Presented to the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States, Case Selection and Review at the Supreme Court, June 30, 2021. 

Drescher, Seymour Irving, L’Amérique vue par les tocquevilliens  2001(1) Raisons politiques 63-76.

Duncan, James Stewart, Computers in Political Conversation: Tocqueville and the Internet (Dissertation, Regent University, 1998).

Dupont, Pascal, La banniere etiolée: voyage sur les traces de Tocqueville (Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1993)(L’epreuve des faits).

Dworkin, Ronald William, The rise of the imperial self: America’s culture wars in Augustinian perspective (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1996).

Edwards, Bob, and Michael W. Foley,  Beyond Tocqueville : civil society and the social capital debate in               comparative perspective (Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 2001).

Epstein, Joseph, Alexis de Tocqueville: Democracy’s Guide (NY: HarperCollins/Atlas, 2006).

Ernst, Daniel R. Tocqueville’s Nightmare: The Administrative State Emerges in America, 1900-1940 (Oxford University Press, 2014).

Eschenburg, Theodor, Tocquevilles Wirkung in Deutschland, in Alexis de Tocqueville: Über die Demokratie in Amerika (München: dtv, 1984).

Ewing, Samuel Edgar IV, Ralph Waldo Emerson and the New Aristocracy: Greatness and the Great Man in Democratic Society (Dissertation, Harvard University, 2003).

Featherstone, Mark, Tocqueville’s virus : utopia and dystopia in Western social and political thought (London: Routledge, 2008).

Finkel, Evgeny, and Scott Gehlbach, The Tocqueville Paradox: When Does Reform Provoke Rebellion? November 4, 2018. Available at SSRN.

Fishman, Ethan, What Makes Rabbit Run? Updike’s Hero as Tocqueville’s American Democrat, 13(1) American Politics Quarterly 79-100 (1985).

Flikke, Geir, Amerika–tre syn pa autentisk folelse: Tocqueville, Hamsun og Baudrillard, 6 Samtiden 80-90 (1991).

Foley, Michael W., and Bob Edwards, eds. Beyond Tocqueville: Civil Society and Social Capital In Comparative Perspective,  42(5) American Behavioral Scientist 5 (September 1988).

Foley, Michael W., Bob Edwards, and Mario Diani, eds., Beyond Tocqueville: Civil Society and Social Capital in Comparative Perspective (Hanover: University Press of New Hampshire for Tufts University, 1998)(Civil Society: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives).

Forment, Carlos A., Democracy in Latin America, 1760-1900. Volume One: Civic Selfhood and Public Life in Mexico and Peru (Chicago: University of Chicago, 2003).

Franzosa, John, The Language of Inflation in Rappaccini’s Daughter, 24(1) Texas Studies in Literature and Language 1-22 (Spring 1982).

Frohnen, Bruce P., Philosophy and Virtue: Burke, Tocqueville, and the Contemporary Conservative Dilemma (Dissertation, Cornell University, 1988).

Frohnen, Bruce P., Virtue and the Promise of Conservatism: The Legacy of Burke and Tocqueville (Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1993). Includes Tocqueville and the Conservation of Liberty in America, at 90-118.

Fugiel, Peter, J., Illinois municipal revenue raising: an operationalized account of Tocqueville’s concept of administrative decentralization (Dissertation, Northern Illinois University, 1979).

Furet, François, Aron réintroducteur de Tocqueville, in Raymond Aron, la philosophie de l’histoire et les sciences sociales (J.-C. Chamboredon, ed.; Paris: Editions Rue d’Lum, 1999).

Garcia Calderon, Francisco, La herencia de Lenin y otros articulos (Paris: Garnier, 1929). Includes Un libro sobre Tocqueville.

Goldberg, Chad Alan, Social Citizenship and a Reconstructed Tocqueville, 66(2) American Sociological Review 289-315 (April 2001).

Goldhammer, Arthur S., What Would Alexis de Tocqueville Have Made of the 2016 US Presidential Election? The Nation, September 28, 2016.

Gordon, Sheryl, In the Shade of Tocqueville (Dissertation, City University of New York, 2011).

Goriély, Georges, Le pluralisme dramatique de Georges Sorel (Paris: Marcel Rivière, 1962). Suggests that Tocqueville is a philosophical ancestor of the social thinker.

Gould, John Allen, An Ontology of Tocquevillean Liberty (Dissertation, Yale University, 2001).

Graber, Mark A., Resolving Political Questions into Judicial Questions: Tocqueville’s Thesis Revisited, 21(2) Constitutional Commentary 485-545 (Summer 2004).

Gross, John J., Forward from Tocqueville, 35 ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 14-19 (1964).

Grudzinska-Gross, Irena, Adam Mickiewicz: a European from Nowogrodek, 9 East European Politics and Societies 295-316 (Spring 1995). Comparison of Mickiewicz with Chateaubriand, and Tocqueville.

Grudzińska -Gross, Irena, Alexis de Tocqueville: klasyk na nasze  1/2 Res Publica Nowa 80-92 (1999) Translation of article title: Alexis de Tocqueville: A Classic For Our Time.

Grudzińska–Gross, Irena, Tocqueville i Mickiewicz, 2 Zeszyty Literackie 157-160 (1998). Translation of article title: Tocqueville and Mickiewicz.

Hall, John A, After the fall : An analysis of post-communism 45(4) British Journal of Sociology 525-542 (1994).

Hamburger, Joseph, Mill and Tocqueville on Liberty, in James and John Stuart Mill: Papers on the Centenary Conference 111-125 (John M. Robson and Michael Laine eds., Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1976).

Harmon, Jonathan, De la tyrannie en Amérique: étude des sources de l’interprétation pessimiste de l’oeuvre de Tocqueville dans les sciences sociales américaines d’après-guerre (Master’s thesis, Université de Montréal, 2008).

Harris, John. Beyond Smith: Tocqueville on Multiple Traditions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Hotel InterContinental, New Orleans, LA, Jan 03, 2007.

Harris, Katherine Elizabeth, Why There Are No Great Men in America: A Tocquevillean Perspective (Master’s thesis, Boston College, 1999).

Harrison, Paul M., John Mason Peck: “American Baptist de Tocqueville”, 3(3) American Baptist Quarterly 215-223 (1984).

Hecht, Martin, Modernität und Bürgerlichkeit: Max Webers Freiheitslehre im  Vergleich mit den politischen Ideen von Alexis de Tocqueville und Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Berlin: Duncker and Humblot, 1998).

Hennequin, J., Hommage à Tocqueville, élève du collège royal de Metz pour le 150e anniversaire de la Démocratie en Amériquein  12 Mémoires de l’Académie nationale de Metz (1984).

Islam, S. Aminul, Migration, Social Mobility and Democracy in America: Tocqueville Revisited, in Migration, migrants, and the United States (Niaz Zaman and Kamal Uddin Ahmed eds.; Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh Association for American Studies, 1992).

Isserles, Marc, Mixed culture of the middle: a Tocquevillean anthropology (Washington? National Endowment for the Humanities, 1993). “Published under the auspices of an NEH Young Scholars Award ….”.

Jacobitti, S. D., Individualism and Political Community–Arendt and Tocqueville on the Current Debate in Liberalism, 23(4) Polity 585-604 (1991).

Jenkins, Simon, Centre Point: The centralising instinct of Mr Major and friends rots democracy. Read Tocqueville if you doubt itSpectator, September 24, 1994, at 31.

Johnson, Richard, Tocqueville one man show 

Jones, H. S. “The True Baconian and Newtonian Method”: Tocqueville’s Place in the Formation of Mill’s System of Logic, 25(3) History of European Ideas 153-161 (1999).

Jones, Russell M., Victor Considerant’s American Experience (1852-1869: Part 2, 1(2) French-American Review 124-150 (1977).

Kaelble, Hartmut, Social Mobility in America and Europe: A Comparison of Nineteenth-Century Cities, 1981 Urban History Yearbook 24-38.

Kagalkar, Pratibha, Tocqueville and Robert Dahl: Comparative Study of Democracy, in A Mosaic of Encounters 143-154 (Desai A. A. Mutalik, V.K. Malhotra, T. S. Anand, and Prashant K. Sinha eds.; 1999).

Keslassy, Eric, Tocqueville, précurseur de la troisième voie », — Futuribles – (March 2001).   Further bibliographic information not currently available.

Kimball, Roger, Tocqueville Today, 19(3) New Criterion 4-11 (November 2000).

Kohl, Lawrence Frederick, The Politics of Individualism: Social Character and Political Parties in the Age of Jackson (Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1980).

Kasinitz, Philip, Missing Tocqueville? 21(4) Sociological Forum 693-694 (December 2006). Sociology.

Kuz, Michal Maciej, Alexis de Tocqueville’s Political Science of Revolutions; Theory and Application (Dissertation, Louisiana State University, 2013). 

Lackey, Dan, The aura of things: the story of a shoe as a found object of interest (Boston? Boston University for the University Professors, 1993)(Edmonds Papers). Alternate title: The Good Citizen. On Tocqueville and Rousseau.

LaFeber, Walter, Johnson, Vietnam, and Tocqueville, in Lyndon Johnson confronts the world: American foreign policy, 1963-1968 (Warren I. Cohen and Nancy Bernkopf Tucker eds.; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1994).

Laforest, Guy, Pierre Trudeau, le nationalisme et la crise Canado-Québécoise 14(2) Tocqueville Review 125-138 (1993).

Lancaster, Phil, Sirens of Community (Master’s thesis, University of Ottawa, 1992). Uses Tocqueville’s notions on the interaction of the individual and society to examine the premises of Allan Bloom and Alasdair MacIntyre.

LaPierre, Patrick, The Disenchantment of American Liberalism: European Social Theory and the Travails of Mass Democracy, 1945-1962 (Dissertation, University of Rochester, 2008).

Laurent, Paul and Gilles Paquet, Intercultural Relations: A Myrdal-Tocqueville-Girard Interpretative Scheme, 12(3) International Political Science Review 171-183 (1991).

Lawler, Peter Augustine, Democracy and Its Friendly Critics: Tocqueville and Political Life Today (Rowman and Littlefield, 2004).

Lee, Robert M., Jr., Henry Adams and the Construction of Intellectual Unity (Dissertation, Saint Louis University, 2002).

Ledeen, Michael Arthur, Tocqueville on American Character:: Why Tocqueville’s Brilliant Exploration of the American Spirit is as Vital and Important Today as It Was nearly Two Hundred Years Ago (NY: St. Martin’s Press, 2000).

Legros, Robert, Aron lecteur de Tocqueville, 8 Le messager european 49 (1994).

Lerner, Ralph, The Thinking Revolutionary: Principle and Practice in the New Republic (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1987).

Levy, Anne Shullenberger, America Discovered a Second Time: French Perceptions of American Notions of Time from Tocqueville to Laboulaye (Dissertation, Yale University, 1995).

Levy, Bernard-Henri, American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville (NY: Random House, 2007). Translated by Charlotte Mandell.

Lloyd, Margie, In Tocqueville’s shadow: Hannah Arendt’s liberal republicanism, 57 Review of Politics 31-58 (Winter 1995).

Lustosa, Isabel, As trapacas da sorte: pequeno relato das circunstancias que resultaram na prisao do Prefeito Pedro Ernesto, a luz das experiencias de Maquiavel e de Tocqueville (Rio de Janeiro: Ministerio da Cultura, Fundaçao Casa de Rui Barbosa, 1994)(Textos de trabalho; 2).

Macfarlane, Alan, Alexis de Tocqueville and the Making of the Modern World.

Mahoney, Daniel J., III, The Liberal Political Science of Raymond Aron: “Statesmanlike Prudence” At the “Dawn of Universal History” (Dissertation, the Catholic University of America, 1989).

Mancini, Matthew J., Alexis de Tocqueville and American Intellectuals: From His Times To Ours (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2006).

Mancini, Matthew, Alexis de Tocqueville’s Post-Civil War Reputation, 43 (1) Society 75-81 (November/December 2005).

Mancini, Matthew J. Too Many Tocquevilles: The Fable of Tocqueville’s American Reception, 69(2) Journal of the History of Ideas 245-268 (Apr. 2008)

Mansfield, Harvey C., Democratic Greatness in the American Founding,  40(2) Intercollegiate Review 12-17 (Fall/Winter 2005). Uses Tocqueville’s Democracy in America and his philosophy to analyze threats to democracy and freedom today.

Marczewski, Paweł, Ancient Threats to Modern Liberties. Tocqueville and the Contemporary Debate between Republicans and Liberals, 17(3) Ethical Perspectives 449-474 (2010).

Mayer, Jacob Peter, Tocqueville’s Influence, 3 History 87-103 (1960).

McCarthy, Eugene J., America revisited : 150 years after Tocqueville (Garden City: NY: Doubleday, 1978).

McGinnis, John O., Reviving Tocqueville’s America: The Rehnquist Court’s Jurisprudence of Social Discovery, 90(2) California Law Review 485 (March 2002).

MacDougall, Hugh C., Cooper and Tocqueville, 8(3) James Fenimore Cooper Society Newsletter 4-6 (November 1997).

McLean, Scott Ladd, The religious right and the neoconservatives : a Tocquevillean analysis (Bachelor’s thesis, Whitman College, 1986).

McNamara, Carol L., Tocqueville’s Individualism and the Problem of Women and Men in Tom Wolfe’s America, APSA 2009 Toronto Meeting Paper.

Meller, Stefan, Co wynika z Tocqueville’a , 251 Rzeczpospolita 13-15 (1996). Translation of article title: What Results From Tocqueville.

Melnyczuk, Askold, De Tocqueville in Newark, 47(4) Antioch Review 454 (Fall 1989). Poem.

Mendilow, Jonathan, Waiting for the axe to fall : Carlyle’s place in the study of crises of authority, 46(3) Political Research Quarterly 601-618 (September 1993).

Meyers, Marvin, The Basic Democrat: A Version of Tocqueville, 72(1) Political Science Quarterly 50-70 (1957).

Mitchell, Joshua, Tocqueville in Arabia: Dilemmas in a Democratic Age (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013).

Monga, Celestin, Uncivil Societies: A Theory of Sociopolitical Change (2009)(World Bank Policy Research Working Paper; 4942).

Mueller, Iris Wessel, John Stuart Mill and French Thought (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1956).

Múgica, Fernando, John Stuart Mill, Lector de Tocqueville (Pamplona: Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Navarra, 1999).

Nakatani, Takeshi, The Study of Alexis de Tocqueville in Japan, Ritsumeikan Law Review, No. 17 (March 2000).  

Newmeyer, R. K., Daniel Webster as Tocqueville’s Lawyer: The Dartmouth College Case Again, 11 American Journal of Legal History 127 (April 1967).

Patapan, Haig, Melancholy and Amnesia: Tocqueville’s Influence on Australian Democratic Theory, 49(1) Australian Journal of Politics and History 1-16 (2003).

Pease, Donald E., After the Tocqueville Revival; Or, the Return of the Political, 26(3) Boundary 2: A Journal of Postmodern Literature and Culture 87-114 (Fall 1999).

Pease, Donald E., Jose Marti, Alexis de Tocqueville, and the Politics of Displacement, in Jose Marti’s “Our America”: From National to Hemispheric Cultural Studies 27-57 (Jeffrey Belnap and Raul Fernandez eds.; Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1998).

Perrin, Andrew J., American Democracy: From Tocqueville to Town Halls To Twitter (Polity, 2014).

Peters, John Durham, Reconstructing Mass Communication Theory (Dissertation, Stanford University, 1986).

Pochon, Jacques, Quinet lecteur et utilisateur de Tocqueville, in Edgar Quinet, ce Juif errant 133 (Simone Bernard Griffiths and Paul Viallaneix eds., Clermont-Ferrand: Association des Publications de la Faculté des Lettres & Sciences Humaines, 1978).

Pombeni, Paolo, Starting in reason, ending in passion. Bryce, Lowell, Ostrogorski and the problem of democracy, 37(2) Historical Journal 319-341 (June 1994).

Poulos, James, The Art of Being Free: How Alexis de Tocqueville Can Save Us From Ourselves (St. Martin’s Press, 2017).

Qualter, T. H., John Stuart Mill, Disciple of Tocqueville, 3 Western Political Quarterly 1880-1889 (1960).

Reinhardt, Mark, The Art of Being Free; Taking Liberties With Tocqueville, Marx and Arendt (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1997).

Rohr, John Anthony, Constitutional reflections from abroad, or, putting de Tocqueville in reverse (Salt Lake City, Utah: Center for Public Policy and Administration and Dept. of Political Science, University of Utah, 1997)(Dalmas H. Nelson Lecture in Public Law and Ethics).

Roper, Donald M., Martin Van Buren as Tocqueville’s Lawyer: The Jurisprudence of Politics, 2(2) Journal of the Early Republic 169-189 (Summer 1982).

Rosen, Jeffrey, I-Commerce: Tocqueville, the Internet, and the Legalized Self, 70(1) Fordham Law Review 1-15 (October 2001).

Ruiz de la Pena, Francisco, Breves consideraciones sobre la influencia de A. de Tocqueville en el derecho mexicano; tesis que para obtener el grado de licenciado en derecho (Mexico D.F.: Imp. Hermanos Franco L., 1944). Thesis presented to the School of Law, Universidad nacional autonoma de Mexico.

Saucier Guay, Mathieu, Marcel Gauchet critique d’Alexis de Tocqueville (M. A. Thesis, University of Ottawa, 2010).

Scalia, Laura, The problems of democracy, 12 Tocqueville Review 205-220 (1990/1991).

Schneiderman, David, Against Constitutional Excess: Tocquevillian Reflections on International Investment Law, 85 University of Chicago Law Review 585 (2018).

Segal, Howard P., Future imperfect: the mixed blessings of technology in America (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1994). Includes Alexis de Tocqueville and the Dilemmas of Modernization, at 36-48.

Skweres, Arthur, Searching For Truth and Freedom: Philip K. Dick’s Work in Light of Alexis de Tocqueville’s Thought (LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012).

Smith, Rogers M., Beyond Tocqueville, Myrdal and Hartz: The Multiple Traditions in America, 87(3) American Political Science Review 549 (September 1993).

Somkin, Fred, Tocqueville as a Source for Robinson’s Man against the Sky, 6 Colby Library Quarterly 245-247 (1963).

Spears, Monroe K., Tocqueville in 1989,  42(3) Hudson Review 369-381 (Autumn 1989).

Stackelberg, Jürgen von, Bemerkungen zur Sekündärliteratur über Alexis de Tocqueville, 6 Romantisches Jahrbuch 1953/1954.

Stevens, Jacqueline and Rogers Smith, Beyond Tocqueville, Please! 89(4) The American Political Science Review 987-995 (December 1995).

Story, Joseph, Comentario sobre la Constitucion federal de los Estados Unidos precedida de una revista sobre la historia de las colonias y de los estados antes de la adopcion de la Constitucion: traducida del comentario abreviado de J. Story … y aumentado con las observaciones de M. M. Jefferson, Rawle, de Tocqueville, etc., y de notas sobre la jurisprudencia de la organizacion judicial por Paul Odent … publicado en 1851 (Nicolas Antonio Calvo, ed.; 4th ed.; Buenos Aires: La Universidad de J. N. Klingelfuss, 1888). Includes the Argentinian constitution.

Story, Joseph, Commentaire sur la constitution federale des etats-unis, precédé d’un apercu sur l’histoire des colonies et des etats avant l’adoption de la constitution, traduit du commentaire abrege de J. Story… et augmente des observations de MM. Jefferson, Rawle, de Tocqueville, etc., et de notes sur la jurisprudence et l’organisation judiciaire (Paris: Joubert, Libraire de la cour de cassation, 1843).

Strausz-Hupe, Robert, Democracy and American foreign policy : reflections on the legacy of Alexis de Tocqueville (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1995).

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