The Most Reasonable Album: Setting the Constitution Act, 1982, To Music, by Howard Kislowicz
Earlier this year, the podcast More Perfect released a stunning project: 27 – The Most Perfect Album. You can hear a collection of songs inspired by the 27 Amendments to the US Constitution. You can read short descriptions of each amendment. If you listen to the podcast, you can hear audio “liner notes,” stories that give life to the text of the Amendments. I recommend doing all these things.
As a Constitutional Law professor in Canada and music-lover/maker, I found that the project pushed all the right buttons for me. It also made me wonder: what would an album of songs inspired by Canada’s constitution sound like. So, I am embarking on a project that I hope will be collaborative, tentatively titled “The Most Reasonable Album,” that sets out to provide a Canadian response to the wonderful work of the folks at More Perfect. For now, the plan is to stick with the Constitution Act, 1982. If you’re interested, please find me on Twitter (@HowieKislowicz).