Writings on the United States and Canada (including Democracy in America)
It is both necessary and desirable that the government of a democratic people should be active and powerful; and our object should not be to render it weak or indolent, but solely to prevent it from abusing its aptitude and its strength.
Full Texts
For a comprehensive bibliography, see
Tocqueville, Alexis de, Democracy in America, Part the Second, The Social Influence of Democracy 344 (Henry Reeve ed., J. & H. G. Langley Publishers, 1840).
Tocqueville, Alexis de, Democracy in America. Volume 1. Translated by Henry Reeve. Project Gutenberg digital text.
Tocqueville, Alexis de, Democracy in America. Volume 2. Translated by Henry Reeve. Project Gutenberg digital text.
Tocqueville, Alexis de, Democracy in America. Volume 1. Translated by James T. Schleifer. Online Library of Liberty text.
Tocqueville, Alexis de, Democracy in America. Volume 2. Translated by James T. Schleifer. Online Library of Liberty text.
Analysis and Commentary
Achtnich, Susanne, Alexis de Tocqueville in Amerika: die konservativen und liberalen Elemente in seiner politischen Theorie: Moglichkeiten einer Synthese am Beispiel der Demokratie in Amerika (Frankfurt am Main & NY: Peter Lang, 1987)(Europaische Hochschulschriften; Reihe XXXI, Politikwissenschaft, Bd. 113/Publications universitaires europeennes. Serie XXXI, Sciences politiques; vol. 113/European university studies. Series XXXI, Political science; vol. 113). English translation: Alexis de Tocqueville in america: Conservative and Liberal Elements in His Political Theory: The Possibilities of Synthesis.
Achtnich, Susanne, Alexis de Tocqueville in Amerika: die konservativen und liberalen Elemente in seiner politischen Theorie: Moglichkeiten einer Synthese am Beispiel der Demokratie in Amerika (Dissertation, University of Zurich, 1987).
Adkins, Sarah R., Character and democratic citizenship: Tocqueville’s understanding of American mores (Master’s thesis, Georgia State University, 1996).
Adolph, Robert, Whitman, Tocqueville, and the Language of Democracy, in The Delegated Intellect: Emersonian Essays on Literature, Science, and Art in Honor of Don Gifford 65 (Donald E. Morse ed., NY: Peter Lang, 1995).
Agawa, Naoyuki, Tokuviru to Amerika e (Tokyo: Shinchosha, 1997).
Aiken, Guy, Educating Tocqueville: Jared Sparks, the Boston Whigs, and Democracy in America, 34 The Tocqueville Review 169-192 (2013).
Ankersmit, Frank, Metaphor and Paradox in Tocqueville’s Analysis of Democracy, in The Question of Style in Philosophy and the Arts 157-177 (Caroline van Eck, James McAllister, and Renie van de Vall, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995).
Alexis de Tocqueville au bas Canada; Alexis de Tocqueville in Lower Canada
The Alexis de Tocqueville Tour: Exploring Democracy in America
Allen, Barbara Ann, Tocqueville, Covenant, and the Democratic Revolution: Harmonizing Earth With Heaven (Rowman and Littlefield: 2005).
Alulis, Joseph Edward, The Price of Freedom: Tocqueville, the Framers and the anti-Federalists, 27 Perspectives on Political Science 85-91 (Spring 1998).
Amos, Sigrid Karin, Alexis de Tocqueville and the American national identity: the reception of De la democratie en Amerique in the United States in the nineteenth century (Frankfurt am Main and NY: Peter Lang, 1995)(Comparative Studies Series/Komparatistische Bibliothek; 5). Originally the author’s dissertation, Katholisches Universität, Eichstatt, 1994.
Analyses & réflexions sur–Tocqueville: De la démocratie en Amérique (Paul-Laurent Assoun ed.; Paris: Ellipses: Edition Marketing, 1985)(Analyses & réflexions sur–).
Andra, Jean, The Myth of the American Experience: Observations by Two frenchmen, De Tocqueville and Cocteau, 3 Weber Studies 28-33 (Spring 1986).
Ankersmit, Frank, Tocqueville and the Sublimity of Democracy, 14 The Tocqueville Review 173-201 (1993); 15 The Tocqueville Review 193-218 (1994).
Antoine, Agnès, L’impensé de la démocratie: Tocqueville, la citoyenneté et la religion (Paris: Fayard, 2003).
Atanassow, Ewa, Tocqueville and the Question of the Nation (Dissertation, University of Chicago, 2007).
Audier, Serge, Tocqueville, notre contemporain? 404 Etudes 487-496 (April 2006).
Avramenko, Richard G., The Phenomenology of Courage (Dissertation, Georgetown University, 2005).
Baehler, Karen, Social Sustainability: New Zealand Solutions For Tocqueville’s Problem, 31 Social Policy Journal of New Zealand 22-40 (July 2007). On democracy.
Baglioni, Emma, Tocqueville e l’âge nouveau (Torino: G. Giappichelli, 2001) (Inter-esse; 4) (Ricerche e studi;4).
Bailey, Michael E. and Kristin Lindholm, Tocqueville and the Rhetoric of Presidential Addresses, 32(3) Christian Scholar’s Review 259-279 (Spring 2003).
Ball, Rex Harrison, America in the French liberal mind, 1815-1871 (Dissertation, Harvard University, 1970). Includes discussion of Tocqueville, Chasles, and Laboulaye.
Bambrick, Christina, “Neither Precisely National nor Precisely Federal”: Governmental and Adminsitrative Authority in Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, 48 Journal of Federalism 586-606 (Fall 2018).
Barloewen, Constantin von, Gleichheit und Freiheit, Alexis de Tocqueville in Amerika: seine Darst. d. Verhaltnisses von zentralstaatl. Lenkung u. lokaler Eigenverantwortung, unters. am histor. Beispiel Pennsylvanias. (München: Minerva-Publikation, 1978)((Minerva-Fachserie Geisteswissenschaften). Originally the author’s dissertation, University of Munich.
Bastid, Niklas Peter, Die Idee der Freiheit und der Demokratie bei Alexis de Tocqueville (Aarau: Eugen Kaller, 1953).
Bathory, Peter Dennis, Tocqueville on Citizenship and Faith: A Response to Cushing Strout, 8(1) Political Theory 27-38 (Feb. 1980).
Becker, Carl Lotus, On democracy: Why De Tocqueville wrote Democracy in America, in Detachment and the Writing of History: Essays and Letters of Carl L. Becker (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1958).
Beem, Christopher, The Necessity of Politics: Reclaiming American Public Life (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999). Includes several chapters on Tocqueville and Democracy in America.
Bégin, Christophe, Tocqueville et l’économie politique, 29(1) The Tocqueville Review 187 (2008).
Benoît, Jean Louis, Tocqueville, carnets de voyage, Bulletin Mémoires vives, 33, décembre, 2011.
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Tocqueville et Beaumont, deux Français au Bas-Canada 21 août 3 septembre 1831, Bulletin Mémoires Vives, No. 32, Juin 2011.
Benoît, Jean Louis, Tocqueville et Beaumont, deux Français au Bas-Canada 21 août 3 septembre 1831; Lettres et journal de voyage de Beaumont, Bulletin Mémoires vives, Bulletin n° 34, août 2012
Bentzel, Anne, Traveling Tocqueville’s America (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998). See also The Alexis de Tocqueville Tour: Exploring Democracy in America
Bengochea, Armando, Ignacio, Considerations of Democratic Citizenship: A Reading of Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (Dissertation, Princeton University, 1997).
Bergeron, Gérard, Quand Tocqueville et Siegfried Nous Observaient (Sillery, Québec: Presses de l’Université de Québec, 1990).
Bergsträsser, Ludwig, Alexis de Tocqueville, Kritiker und Verteidiger der Demokratie, 2 Der Monat 608-620 (1950).
Berman, Paul, Style and Passion in Tocqueville, 55(1) Dissent 33-36 (Winter 2008). On the jury.
Blackell, Mark, Symptoms of Democracy: Ambivalence and Its Limits in Modern Liberal Conceptions of the Liberal Democratic Bond (Dissertation, York University, 2004).
Boh, Felix, Eine Untersuchung uber das Wesen der Demokratie in den Vereinigten Staaten Nordamerika’s mit besonderer Berucksichtigung von Alexis de Tocqueville (Rostock: C. Boldt’s, 1870, repr. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Library Microreproduction Service, 198?). Originally author’s doctoral dissertation, University of Rostock, 1870.
Boorstin, Daniel J., Tocqueville’s America, in Cleopatra’s nose 107-112 (NY: Random House, 1994).
Breyer, Stephen, La dėmocratie en Amėrique à la lumière d’Alexis de Tocqueville, in Human Rights, Democracy, and the Rule of Law: Liber amicorum Luzius Wildhaber 961-967 (Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2007).
Brown, Irene Coltman, Tocqueville, Democracy & Revolution, 31(9) History Today 27 (September 1981).
Buscemi, Mauro Antonio, Rosmini e Tocqueville. Le ragioni cristiane del liberalismo (Naples: Editoriale Scientifica, 2020) (Settore SPS/02 – Storia Delle Dottrine Politiche).
Butterfield, Kevin, The Making of Tocqueville’s America: Law and Association in the Early United States (University of Chicago Press, 2015) (American Beginnings, 1500-1900).
Cabanas Enriquez, Miguel Angel, American Eyes: Negotiation and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Travel Narratives in the Americas (Dissertation, University of Connecticut, 2000).
Campagna, Norbert, Die Moralisierung der Demokratie : Alexis de Tocqueville und die Bedingungen der Möglichkeit einer liberalen Demokratie (Cuxhaven: Junghans, 2001).
Campagna, Norbert, Virtue in Tocqueville’s America, 52(2) Amerikastudien/American Studies 169-186 (2007).
Caniglia, Guido, La critica delle “idee astratte” in “La democrazia in America” di Alexis de Tocqueville, 1 Iride 141-154 (April 2010).
Ceaser, James, Alexis de Tocqueville and the Two-Founding Thesis, 73 Review of Politics 219-243 (2011).
Celebrating Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, 1835-1985 (Jesse R. Pitts and Olivier Zunz eds.; Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1986).
Chakravarti, Sonali, Mature Enough To Disobey: Jurors, Women, and Radical Enfranchisment in Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, 15 Law, Culture, and the Humanities 190-204 (2016).
The Chicago Companion To Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (James T. Schleifer, ed., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012). Available in hardcover and ebook formats.
Choi, Daniel, Unprophetic Tocqueville: How Democracy in America Got the Modern World Completely Wrong, 12(2) The Independent Review 165-178 (Fall 2007).
Clark, Manning, Ideal of Alexis de Tocqueville (Melbourne: Melbourne University Publishing, 2001).
Clark, Thomas, The American Democrat Reads Democracy in America: Cooper and Tocqueville in the Transatlantic Hall of Mirrors, 52(2) Amerikastudien/American Studies 187-208 (2007). Compares James Fenimore Cooper’s writing in The American Democrat to Tocqueville’s observations in Democracy in America.
Cofrancesco, Dino, Tocqueville e il pensiero conservatore: riflessioni sui quaderni di viaggio e sulle lettere dall’America di Tocqueville. Alle origini della sociologia, 6(4) Controcorrente 11-40 (1974).
Colangelo, Carmelo, Uguaglianza immaginaria. Tocqueville, la specie, la democrazia (Naples, La città del Sole, 2008).
Commager, Henry Steele, Democracy in America today (Rochester, NY: Rochester Public Library, 1979)(Harold Hacker Lecture Series). Sound recording.
Consolini, Paula Maria, Learning by Doing Justice: Jury Service and Political Attitudes (Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1992). Examines Tocqueville’s assumptions about the nature of the jury.
Corbo, Claude, Introduction, Selection, and Bibliography, in Alexis de Tocqueville, Regards sur le Bas-Canada (Montréal: Typo, 2003).
Costner, Herbert L., De Tocqueville on Inequality: A Discourse on Intellectual Style, 19(4) The Pacific Sociological Review 411-430 (Oct. 1976). American Society at the Bicentennial: Revising Our Understanding.
Craiutu, Aurelian, Tocqueville’s Paradoxical Moderation, 67(4) Review of Politics 599-629 (Fall 2005).
Coutant, Arnaud, Tocqueville et la constitution démocratique (Paris? Mare & Martin, 2008)(Droit et Science Politique).
Craiutu, Aurelain, and Jeremy Jennings, The Third “Democracy”: Tocqueville’s Views of America after 1840, 98(3) The American Political Science 391-404 (August 2004).
Damrosch, Leo, Tocqueville’s Discovery of America (NY: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2010).
Dannhauser, Werner J., Some thoughts on liberty, equality, and Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, in 2 Social Philosophy and Policy 141-160 (1984).
Dannhauser, Werner J., Some thoughts on liberty, equality, and Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, in Liberty and Equality 141-160 (London and NY: Blackwell, 1985).
Danoff, Brian F., Alexis de Tocqueville and Authority in America (Dissertation, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, 2003).
Danoff, Brian F., Educating Democracy: Alexis de Tocqueville and Leadership in America (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2010).
De Caprariis, Vittorio, Tocqueville in America. Contributo alla genesi de La democrazia in America (Napoli: L’Arte Tipografica, 1959).
De Sanctis, Francesco M., Tempo di democrazia: Alexis de Tocqueville (Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 1986)(Collana di saggi e testi dell’Istituto di filosofia del diritto dell’Universita di Napoli. Sezione “Saggi”; 1).
De Sanctis, Francesco M., Tocqueville: possibili eguaglianze : una introduzione a La democrazia in America (Roma: Bulzoni, 1995).
Dietrich, William Stephen, Tocqueville and the Primacy of the Democratic Transformation (Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 1984).
Diani, Marco, Democracy and Its Discontent: Tocqueville and Baudrillard on the Nature of “America”, in From Virgin Land to Disney World: Nature and Its Discontents in the USA of Yesterday and Today 53-68 (Bernd Herzogenrath ed.; Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2001).
Dion, Stéphane, La Pensée de Tocqueville–l’epreuve du Canada français, 41(4) Revue d’Histoire de l’Amerique Française 537-552 (Spring 1988).
Dion, Stéphane, Tocqueville, le Canada français et la question nationale, 40(4) Revue Française de Science Politique 501-520 (1990).
Donovan, Virginia Rae, D’Iberville, Chaussegros, de Lery, the Laterrières, and Tocquevilles: Quèbec through the prism of absolutism, the Enlightenment, and Romanticism (Dissertation, The Ohio State University, 2007). From the abstract: “This dissertation evaluates the perspectives of these writers through a careful analysis of selected major writings about Quebec. Included are historical documents that were not originally intended to be literature according to the classic definition of the term. Yet these documents bear the mark of the conceptual framework in which they were written, even as does the literature of a given era. This demonstrates that these historical documents provide us with different views of Quebec which mirror not only these individuals’ life experiences, but which also reflect their participation in the dominant literary, philosophical or historical movements in existence at the time that they lived: Absolutism, the Enlightenment, and Romanticism.”
Drescher, Seymour Irving, More Than America: Comparison and Synthesis in Democracy in America, in Reconsidering Tocqueville’s Democracy in America 77-93 (Abraham S. Eisenstadt, ed., New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1988).
Drescher, Seymour, Tocqueville’s New Democracy, 21 French Politics, Culture, and Society– (2003).
Drescher, Seymour Irving, Who Needs “Ancienneté?” Tocqueville on Aristocracy and Modernity, 24 History of Political Thought 624-646 (Winter 2003).
Drescher, Seymour, Worlds together, worlds apart: Tocqueville and the Franco-American exchange, in The French-American connection: 200 years of cultural and intellectual interaction (Washington: Institute français de Washington, 1994).
Drescher, Seymour, and Lynn Marshall, American Historians and Tocqueville’s Democracy, 55 Journal of American History 512-532 (Winter 1968).
Drolet, Michael, Tocqueville, Democracy, and Social Reform (London: Palgrave, Macmillan, 2004).
Dutton, Denise Elizabeth, Holding Out Hope: Cynicism in Democracy (Dissertation, Princeton University, 2003).
Dworkin, Ronald William, The Rise of the Imperial Self: American Culture Wars in Augustian Perspective (Rowman and Littlefield, 1996). Includes “Christianity, Public Opinion, and Republican Principle in the Imagination of Tocqueville’s American” at 29-38 and “Tocqueville’s American as an Aristocrat in the City of God” at 121-138.
Dzur, Albert W., Democracy’s “Free School”: Tocqueville and Lieber on the Value of the Jury, 38 Political Theory 603 (2010).
Eberts, P. R., and R. A. Witton, Recall From Anecdote: Alexis de Tocqueille and the Morphogenesis of America, 35 American Sociological Review 1081-1097 (1970).
Edelberg, Jacqueline Eve, Body to a shadow: Alexis de Tocqueville’s understanding of the American judiciary (Dissertation, University of Chicago, 1996).
Edelberg. Jacqueline Eve, Justice Here? Alexis de Tocqueville and the Role of the Jury in the American Judicial Process and Republican Democracy, 17 The Tocqueville Review 67-97 (1996).
Elazar, Daniel J., Tocqueville and the Cultural Basis of American Democracy (June 1999).
Elster, Jon, Patterns of Casual Analysis in Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, 3(3) Rationality and Society 277-291 (July 1991).
Epstein, Joseph, Alexis de Tocqueville: A Nice Place To Visit, 53(1) The Hudson Review 32-52 (Spring 2000).
Erfani, Farhang, Left on the Road to Utopia: Social Imaginary in the Age of Democracy (Dissertation, Villanova University, 2003).
Ernst, Daniel R. Tocqueville’s Nightmare: The Administrative State Emerges in America, 1900-1940 (Oxford University Press, 2014).
Fabian, Bernhard, Alexis de Tocquevilles Amerikabild. Genetische Untersuchungen über Zusammenhange mit der zeitgenossischen, insbesondere der englischen Amerika-Interpretation (Heidelberg: C. Winter Verlag, 1957)(Beihefte zum Jahrbuch fur Amerikastudien, 1. Heft).
Feher, Ferenc, The evergreen Tocqueville: on the occasion of the Hungarian publication of American democracy (Bundoora, Victoria: School of Politics, La Trobe University, 1995)(La Trobe Politics Working Paper; 7).
Fields, Emmett B., Another Look at the American Character, 65(1) Soundings 41-56 (1982).
France Culture. Alexis de Tocqueville, De la democratie en Amerique. Podcast.
- Episode one. Nul echappe a la democratie.
- Episode two. Faut-il se soumettre a la majorite?
- Episode three. L’opinion publique empeche-t-elle de penser par soi-meme?
- Episode four. L’egalite est-elle dangereuse?
Franck, Matthew J., Statesmanship and the Judiciary, 51(4) Review of Politics 510-532 (Fall 1989). Uses Tocqueville’s insights to examine the roles of magistrates and judges; compares Tocqueville’s writings and The Federalist.
Frohnen, Bruce P., Constitution-Reading Through Tocqueville’s Eyes, 42 Capital University Law Review 879 (2014).
Fumaroli, Marc, Culture Contre Université, 66(1) French Review 1-6 (October 1992).
Furet, François, The Young Tocqueville’s Idea of the American Voyage (1825-1831), 11 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Western Society for French History 207-221 (1984).
Galdieri, Christopher J. Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America and the American Enterprise, 42(1) Extrapolation 65-74 (2001). Compares Democracy in America and Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Gargan, Edward T., The Purpose of Tocqueville’s Democracy, 7 Tocqueville Review 67-75 (1985/1986).
Gasparetti, Davide, La tirannide della maggioranza in Tocqueville (Il dodo Pensiero, 2019). E-text.
Gellen, Jozef, Alexander Boloni Farkas and Alexis de Tocqueville on America, a Comparison of Two Attitudes, 10 Hungarian Studies in English 27-41 (1976).
Gerhard, D., Alexis de Tocqueville und di Vereinigten Staaten von heute, in Historische Forschungen und Probleme: Peter Rassow zum 70. Geburtstage dargebracht von Kollegen, Freunden und Schülern (Karl Erich Born ed.; Wiesbaden: Steiner, 1961).
Gibert, Pierre, Tocqueville moraliste, 401 (5) Etudes 552-554 (November 2004). Discussion of Benoît, Jean, Tocqueville moraliste (Paris; Champion, 2004).
Göring, Helmut, Tocqueville und die Demokratie (München: Oldenbourg, 1928).
Gourirand, Pierre, Tocqueville: une certaine vision de la démocratie (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2006).
Gray, Paul, Another Look at Democracy in America, 127(24) Time 99-100 (June 16, 1986).
Green, S. J. D., Tocqueville on Greatness & the Potential For Decline, The New Criterion, January 2012.
Guellec, Laurence, Les langages du libéralisme après la Révolution française: L’Ecriture de l’instable dans la Démocratie en Amérique de Tocqueville, in Le travail des Lumières 697-715 (Caroline Jacot Grapa et al., Paris: Champion, 2002).
Guellec, Laurence, Tocqueville écrivain de la Démocratie en Amérique (Dissertation, Université de Paris VII (Denis Diderot), 1998).
Hashemi, Nader, Islam, Democracy and Alexis de Tocqueville, 110(1) Queen’s Quarterly 21-29 (Spring 2003).
Hale, Richard Walden, A comparison between Bryce’s and De Tocqueville’s estimate of American institutions (Cambridge, MA: S.n., 1891, repr. Woodbridge, CA: Research Publications, 1990)(19th-century legal treatises; 51506).
Hancock, Ralph C., The Modern Revolution and the Collapse of Moral Analogy: Tocqueville and Guizot, 30(4) Perspectives on Political Science 213 (Fall 2001).
Hancock, Ralph C., Tocqueville on the Good of American Federalism, 20(2) Publius 89- (Spring 1990).
Hancock, Ralph C., Tocqueville on the Theory and Practice of American Federalism, 10 Tocqueville Review 207-227 (1989/1990).
Hansen, Klaus J., The Changing Fortunes of Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, 89(1) Queen’s Quarterly 233-237 (Spring 1982).
Hebert, Louie Joseph, Jr., The Liberal Education of Democracy: A Study of Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America” (Dissertation, University of Toronto, 2004).
Hein, Michael, Die Entstehung der Demokratie in der Revolution: zur historischen Analyse der modernen Gesellschaften bei Alexis de Tocqueville (Nyack, NY: Lutzhorn; Circumstantial Productions Publishing, 2000). Discusses Tocqueville’s ideas of aristocracy.
Hennis, Wilhelm, La “scienza politica nuova” di Tocqueville, 38(186) Comunita 87 (December 1984).
Hennis, Wilhelm, Tocqueville’s Perspective: Democracy in America: In Search of the “New Science of Politics’, 16(1) Interpretation 61-86 (Fall 1988).
Hereth, Michael, Can Democracy Be Exported? Alexis de Tocqueville and “les moeurs.”
Hess, Andreas, Tocqueville and Beaumont: Aristocratic Liberalism in Democratic Times (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018).
Hochberg, Leonard J., Reconciling History With Sociology? Strategies of Inquiry in Tocqueville’s Democracy in America and The Old Regime and the French Revolution, 7 Journal of Classical Sociology 23-54 (2007).
Hunter, Mark, The force of the engine: conflicts of American democracy in the works of Walt Whitman and Alexis de Tocqueville (Bachelor’s thesis, Harvard University, 1975).
Igarashi, Takeshi, Tokubiru no fukei: Amerika no demokurashi to Amerika ron no tenkai, 733 Shiso (Iwanami Shoten 134-160 (1985). The Imagery of Tocqueville: Democracy in America and the development of themes on the United States.
In Search of Tocqueville’s Democracy in America website (lists documents)
Interpreting Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (Ken Masugi ed.; Savage, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1991).
Jacques, Daniel, La problematique de l’uniformite dans La democratie en Amerique d’Alexis de Tocqueville (Dissertation, University of Montreal, 1993).
Janara, Laura Alecto, After the Mother: Authority, Autonomy and Passion in Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (Dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1998).
Janara, Laura Alecto, Brothers and Others: Tocqueville and Beaumont, U.S. Genealogy, Democracy, and Racism, 32(6) Political Theory 773-800 (December 2004).
Janara, Laura Alecto, Democracy Growing Up: Authority, Autonomy and Passion in Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (Buffalo: State University of New York Press, 2002)(SUNY Series in Political Theory).
Janara, Laura Alecto, Democracy’s Family Values: Alexis de Tocqueville on Anxiety, Fear and Desire, 34(3) Canadian Journal of Political Science 551-578 (2001).
Jardin, André, Tocqueville et la décentralisation, in La décentralisation: Sixth colloquium on history organized by the faculty of letters and human sciences of Aix-en-Provence, December 1-2, 1961 89-117 (Aix-en-Provence: The Faculty of Letters of the University, 1961?)
Johannson, Anders, Alexis de Tocqueville: Om demokratin i Amerika, Atlantis, 1997.
Jones, H. S. “The True Baconian and Newtonian Method”: Tocqueville’s Place in the Formation of Mill’s System of Logic, 25(3) History of European Ideas 153-161 (1999).
Kaledin, Arthur, Tocqueville and His America: A Darker Horizon (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2011).
Kammen, Michael G., Alexis de Tocqueville and Democracy in America (Washington: Library of Congress, 1998)(A Bradley Lecture Series publication).
Kennedy, David M., The paradoxes of Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (Falls Church, VA: Landmark Video, n.d.)(Europe and America in the modern age, 1776 to the present; pt. 4).
Keslassy, Eric, De la Démocratie en France, — Libération – (July 23, 2002). Further bibliographic information not currently available.
Keslassy, Eric, Question sociale et démocratie chez Tocqueville, in DEES: Document pour l’énseignement économique et social (Paris: CNDP, 2000). Paging not available.
Keslassy, Eric, Le nouveau retour de Tocqueville, -24 La Revue Tocqueville – (2003). Further bibliographic information not currently available.
Kessler, Sanford, Tocqueville on Civil Religion and Liberal Democracy, 39(1) Journal of Politics 119-146 (1977).
Ketcham, R., Observing North Atlantic Polities, 1672-1840: Sir William Temple, Voltaire, and Alexis de Tocqueville, in Connecting Cultures: The Netherlands in Five Centuries of Transatlantic Exchange 209 (1994).
Kiesinger, Kurt-Georg, Über die Prognosen des Grafen Alexis de Tocqueville (Tübingen: C. F. Müller, 1964).
Kiewe, Amos, Alexis de Toqueville: Observing American Public Address, 12(3) Journal of American Culture 39 (Fall 1989).
Kim, Steven Chong, Cultural Analysis of [the] Concept of Democracy in Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1993).
Kimball, Roger, Tocqueville Today, The New Criterion Online.
Kimball, Roger, Tocqueville Today, 19(3) New Criterion 4-11 (November 2000).
Koritansky, John C., Democracy and Nobility: A Comment on Tocqueville’s Democracy in America 12 Intercollegiate Review 13-27 (1976).
Koritansky, John C., Two Forms of the Love of Equality in Tocqueville’s Practical Teaching for Democracy, 6(4) Polity 488-499 (1973).
Kovecses, Zoltan, Tocqueville’s Passionate “Beast”: A Linguistic Analysis of the Concept of American Democracy, 9(2) Metaphor and Symbolic Activity 113 (1994).
Kowalska, Malgorzata, Demokracja przeciw arystokracji, 72 Przegląd Polityczny 92-101 (2005). English translation: Democracy against Aristocracy.
Kramer, Lloyd, Lafayette, Tocqueville and American National Identity, in Lafayette in Two Worlds 185 (1996).
Kramer, Michael P., Condillac to Michaelis to Tooke: How Noah Webster Invented a National Language Or, Was Tocqueville Wrong About American English? 14 European Contributions to American Studies 212-227 (1988).
Landy, Remy, Tocqueville moraliste: Une Lecture de La Democratie en Amerique, 20 L’Information Littéraire 114-118 (1968).
Langlois, Simon, Alexis de Tocqueville, un sociologue au Bas-Canada , 27 La Revue Tocqueville/The Tocqueville Review 553-574 (2006).
Lawler, Peter Augustine, Percy and Tocqueville on American Aristocracy and Democracy, in Seers and Judges: American Literature as Political Philosophy 101-120 (Christine Dunn Henderson, ed.; Lanham: Lexington, 2002).
Lawler, Peter Augustine, Tocqueville at 200, 35(2) Perspectives on Political Science 68-72 (Spring 2006).
Lawler, Peter Augustine, Democracy and Its Friendly Critics: Tocqueville and Political Life Today (Rowman and Littlefield, 2005).
Ledeen, Michael Arthur, Tocqueville on American Character (NY: St. Martin’s Press, 2000).
Leclercq, Jean-Michel, Alexis de Tocqueville au Canada (du 24 août au 2 septembre 1831), 22(3) Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française, 343-364 (1968). Extracted from the author’s diplôme d’études supérieures en sciences politiques entitled Les études canadiennes d’Alexis de Tocqueville.
Leclercq, Jean Michel, Les études canadiennes d’Alexis de Tocqueville: Mémoire pour le diplôme d’études supérieures de sciences politiques, Faculté de droit et de sciences économiques de Lille, 1965. Online edition prepared 2007.
Lerner, Max, Culture and Personality in Tocqueville’s America, 1 Southern Review 590-605 (1965).
Lerner, Max, Tocqueville and American civilization (NY: Harper & Row, 1969)(Harper Colophon Books; CN 157).
Lerner, Max, Tocqueville and American civilization (NY: Harper & Row, 1969). Originally published as an introduction to Democracy in America, 1966.
Lerner, Max, Tocqueville and American civilization (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1969, repr. 1993).
Lerner, Renee Lettow, The Surprising Views of Montesquieu and Tocqueville about Juries: Juries Empower Judges, 81 Louisiana Law Review 1 (2020).
Levin, Yuval, Democracy and Human Nature: Lawler and Tocqueville on the Modern Individual, 37(3) Perspectives on Political Science 142-146 (Summer 2008).
Liebersohn, Harry, Discovering Indigenous Nobility: Tocqueville, Chamisso, and Romantic Travel Writing, — American Historical Review 746-766 (1994).
Loughlin, Martin, Judicial Independence and Judicial Review in Constitutional Democracies: A Note on Hamilton and Tocqueville, in Effective Judicial Review: A Cornerstone of Good Governance 9 (Christopher Forsyth, Mark Elliott, Swati Jhaveri, Michael Ramsden, and Anne Scully eds.; Oxford University Press, 2010).
Maletz, Donald J., The Spirit of Tocqueville’s Democracies, 30(3) Polity 513-530 (Spring 1998).
Maletz, Donald J., Tocqueville on the Society of Liberties, 63(3) The Review of Politics 461-483 (Summer 2001).
Maletz, Donald J., The Union as Idea: Tocqueville on the American Constitution, 19 History of Political Thought 599 (1998).
Mancini, Matthew J., Alexis de Tocqueville and American Intellectuals: From His Times To Ours (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2006).
Mansfield, Harvey C., Democratic Greatness in the American Founding, 40(2) Intercollegiate Review 12-17 (Fall/Winter 2005). Uses Tocqueville’s Democracy in America and his philosophy to analyze threats to democracy and freedom today.
Marshall, Lynn L., and Seymour Drescher, American Historians and Tocqueville’s Democracy, 55(3) The Journal of American History 512-532 (Dec. 1968).
Matsumoto, Reiji, Furansu shisoshi ni okeru Amerika mondai, 681 Shiso (Iwanami Shoten 21-41 (1981); 683 Shiso (Iwanami Shoten) 117-140 (1981). [The enigma of America in French intellectual history].
Matsumoto, Reiji, Is Democracy Peaceful? Tocqueville and Constant on War and the Army, 28(1) The Tocqueville Review 153 (2007).
Matthews, Richard K., Editor’s epilogue: paradise lost or paradise found? Virtue, corruption, and self-interest in Tocqueville’s frontier, in Virtue, corruption and self-interest 297-314 (Lehigh, PA: Lehigh University Press/Associated University Presses, 1994).
McDonagh, Eileen L., De Tocqueville’s Democracy in America: A Sociology of Knowledge Perspective, 12(1/2) Journal of Political Science 39-52 (1985).
McInnis, Edgar, A Letter From Alexis de Tocqueville on the Canadian Rebellion of 1837, 19 The Canadian Historical Review 394-397 (December 1938).
McWilliams, Wilson Carey, Comments on Stephen Schneck’s Reading of Tocqueville, 25(2) Polity 299-306 (Winter 1992).
Mills, Annice Lee, Alexis de Tocqueville on Democracy (Master’s thesis, University of Chicago, 1954).
Mioni, Federico, Tocqueville e la cultura democratica americana del ‘700, 55(2) Politico 251-274 (1990).
Mitchell, Harvey, America After Tocqueville: Democracy Against Difference (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002).
Mitchell, Joshua, The Fragility of Freedom: Tocqueville on Religion, Democracy and the American Future (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995).
Molnar, Thomas Steven, El modelo desfigurado: los Estados Unidos desde Tocqueville a nuestros dias (Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1980)(Coleccion Popular; 196). Translation of: Le modele defiguré.
Molnar, Thomas Steven, Le modele defigure: l’Amerique de Tocqueville a Carter (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1978).
Monroe, H. Keith, Tocqueville, Whitman and the Poetry of Democracy, 26 Walt Whitman Review 52-58 (1980).
Morrow, Elizabeth, Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (Routledge, 2017) (The MACAT Library).
Murphy, William, Tocqueville in New York: The Formulation of the Egalitarian Thesis, 61(1/2) 69-79 (1977).
Naegele, Kaspar D., From De Tocqueville to Myrdal: a research memorandum on selected studies of American values (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, 1949)(Harvard University. Laboratory of Social Relations. Comparative Study of Values. Working papers, 1).
Neem, Johann N., Review: Taking Modernity’s Wager: Tocqueville, Social Capital, and the American Civil War, 41 The Journal of Interdisciplinary History 591-618 (Spring 2011).
Newman, Edgar Leon, The French background of Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, 7 Tocqueville Review 39-45 (1985/1986).
Nicholas, H.G., Tocqueville and the Dissolution of the Union, 13(30) Revue Internationale de Philosophie 320-329 (1959).
Noboloff, Nicholas R., The Family in Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America”: Understanding Difference in the Age of Equality (Dissertation, University of New Hampshire, 2007).
Nolan, James L., What They Saw in America: Alexis de Tocqueville, Max Weber, G. K. Chesterton, and Sayyid Qutb (Cambridge University Press, 2016) (reprint edition).
Nord, David Paul, Tocqueville, Garrison and the Perfection of Journalism, 13(2) Journalism History 56-63 (1986).
Nugent, Walter, Tocqueville, Marx, and American Class Structure, 12(4) Social Science History 327-348 (1988).
Odegard, Peter, Tocqueville in retrospect: a review of Alexis de Tocqueville’s book Democracy in America (North Hollywood, CA: Center for Cassette Studies,, 1973)(The democratic experiment). One sound cassette. Odegard reconsiders Democracy in America.
Offe, Claus, Reflections on America: Tocqueville, Weber and Adorno in the United States (Cambridge: Polity, 2005). Translation of Selbstbetrachtung aus der Ferne.
Ogutuga, Bankole, La Theorie de la decentralisation administrative d’apres Tocqueville dans “De la democratie en Amerique” (Paris: Université de Paris II, 1980)(Multigraphie. Memoire DEA: Études politiques; sess. oct. Bibliographies).
Odorisio, Ginevra Conti, Harriet Martineau e Tocqueville: due diverse letture della democrazia americana (Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2003) (La Politica; 58).
Odorisio, Ginevra Conti, Harriet Martineau et Tocqueville, observateurs des dangers et des inconséquences de la démocratie américaine, 28 The Tocqueville Review 167 (2007).
Oskian, Giulia, Tocqueville and the Legal Culture of Jacksonian America, 39 Journal of the Early Republic 135-144 (Spring 2019).
The Paradoxes of Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (Falls Church, VA: Landmark Video, 19??). One videocassette. Speaker: David M. Kennedy. Part of a series of twenty lectures.
Pels, Dick, Elster’s Tocqueville: Some Critical Remarks, 3(3) Rationality and Society 298-307 (1991).
Perrin, Andrew J., American Democracy: From Tocqueville to Town Halls To Twitter (Polity, 2014).
Perry, Lewis, Boats against the current : American culture between revolution and modernity, 1820-1860 (NY: Oxford University Press, 1993). Includes Tocqueville: Wilderness and Civilization, at 89-104.
Pichetto, Maria Teresa, Il modello americano prima e dopo Tocqueville: L’esperienza di alcuni scrittori inglesi, 22(3) Il Pensiero Politico 477-492 (September/December 1989).
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Pierson, George Wilson, Tocqueville and Beaumont in America (NY: Oxford University Press, 1938).
Pierson, George Wilson, Tocqueville in America (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1938, reprinted 1996). Original title: Tocqueville and Beaumont in America.
Pierson, George Wilson, Tocqueville in America (Gloucester, MA: Peter Smith, 1969, repr. 1959).
Pierson, George Wilson, Tocqueville’s visions of democracy, 51(1) Yale University Library Gazette 4-17 (July 1976). Lecture written for “the opening of the Bicentennial exhibition “Images of America After the Revolution: Alexis de Tocqueville and Gustave de Beaumont visit the early republic” on Wednesday, 7 April 1976. Preceded by an introduction by Kingman Brewster, Jr.”
Pleasance, Antony Charles Edward, Variants in Tocqueville’s De la democratie en Amerique (Dissertation, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1971).
Polin, Claude, “De la Démocratie en Amérique”, Tocqueville, analyse critique (Paris: Hatier, 1973)(Profil d’une oeuvre; 208. Sciences humaines).
Pollitzer, Maria, Democracia y estancamiento: Aportes tempranos de Alexis de Tocqueville y John Stuart Mill (Miño y Dávila editores, 2017) (Filosofía y Teoría Políticas). Available in print and digital editions.
Pozzi, Regina, Il cesarismo nella riflessione di Tocqueville, in Bonapartismo, cesarismo e crisi della società: Luigi Napoleone e il colpo di Stato del 1851 23-32 (Manuela Ceretta, ed,: Firenze: L. S. Olschki, 2003).
Pozzi, Regina, Tocqueville e i dilemmi della democrazia (Pisa: PLUS-Pisa University Press, 2006).
Pozzi, Regina, Tocqueville, ieri i oggi.
Pozzi, Regina, Tocqueville, la triade rivoluzionaria e i problemi della modernità politica, in Patologie della politica. Crisi e critica della democrazia, 17-30 (2003).
Price, Eileen McDonagh, Causal models of American political development: Alexis de Tocqueville Frederick Jackson Turner (Dissertation, Harvard University, 1972).
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Raico, Ralph, Alexis de Tocqueville, Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2019. 94 pages. Appears to be an introduction to a planned edition of Tocqueville’s Democracy in America.
Reconsidering Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (Abraham S. Eisenstadt ed.; New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1988).
Reeves, Richard, Democracy in America, reconsidered, 14(5/6) Washington Monthly 44-52 (1982).
Riemer, Neal, Alexis de Tocqueville and the American Character: The Problem of Reconciling Excellence and Consent, 31(1) Publius 27-35 (Winter 2001).
Roedsch, Jerrold, With Alexis de Tocqueville In Green Bay (Voyageur: Historical Review of Brown County and Northeast Wisconsin, Summer 1986).
Ros, Juan Manuel, Los dilemas de la democracia liberal (Planeta Publishing Corp., 2003).
Roz, Firmin, Cent ans après: A. de Tocqueville et La démocratie en Amérique,” 28 Revue des Deux Mondes 152 (1935).
Roz, Firmin, Tocqueville en Amerique et son actualité, 60 Revue des Deux Mondes 720-725 (1940).
Ruland, Richard, Tocqueville’s De la democratie en Amerique and The Education of Henry Adams, 2 Comparative Literature Studies 195-207 (1965).
Ryan, Alan, On Tocqueville: Democracy and America (NY: Liveright Publishing, 2014). Portions previously published in Alan Ryan, On Politics (NY: Norton, 2012).
Ryan, Alan, Tocqueville and Democracy, in On Politics: A History of Political Thought, from Herodotus to the Present (NY: Norton, 2012), at 729-769.
Samuels, Robert Martin, Democracy and Liberty in the Thought of Alexis de Tocqueville (Dissertation, Harvard University, 1978).
Sanders, Luk, Tocquevilles vivisectie van de democratie, 74(3) Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 533-560 (2012).
Sauquillo, Julian, Tocqueville: Una radiografia del conformismo actual, 119 Claves de Razón Práctica 48-53 (January/February 2002).
Schorr, Robert Jacob, A Comparison of Alexis de Tocqueville’s View of America with Franz Augst Maria von Haxthausen’s View of Russia (Master’s thesis, Duquesne University, 1993).
Schleifer, James T., The Making of Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1980).
Schleifer, James T., The Making of Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1999).
Schleifer, James T., Tocqueville, Religion, and Democracy in America: Some Essential Questions, 3(2) American Political Thought 254-272 (Fall 2014).
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., Individualism and Apathy in Tocqueville’s Democracy, in Reconsidering Tocqueville’s Democracy in America 94-109 (Abraham S. Eisenstadt, ed.; New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, 1988).
Schlesinger, Arthur Jr., Tocqueville and American Democracy, 25(3) Michigan Quarterly Review 493-505 (Summer 1986).
Schneck, Stephen Frederick, New Readings of Tocqueville’s America: Lessons for Democracy, 25(2) Polity 283-313 (1992). Additional comments by W. Carey McWilliams and Delba Winthrop.
Schorr, Robert Jacob, A Comparison of Alexis de Tocqueville’s View of America With Franz August Maris von Haxthausen’s View of Russia (Master’s thesis, Duquesne University, 1993).
Schut, Melvin Leonard, Tocqueville on Liberty (Dissertation, University of Chicago, 2007).
Scott, Carl Eric, The Inconstant Democratic Character: A Comparison of Plato’s “Republic” and Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America” (Dissertation, Fordham University, 2009).
Serows, Ann G., Democracy in America: Starting at the Source, 77(5) Social Studies 189-191 (September/October 1986).
Skocpol, Theda, The Tocqueville Problem: Civic Engagement in American Democracy, 21(4) Social Science History 455-479 (Winter 1997).
Smith, Clifford Brantley, Tocqueville’s Civil Republicanism: The Balance Between Equality and Liberty in American Democracy (Master’s thesis, Portland State University, 1998).
Smith, Louis, Alexis de Tocqueville and Public Administration, 2(3) Public Administration Review 221-239 (Summer 1942).
Sparling, Don, Tocqueville, Beaumont, Democracy in America, and (Lower) Canada, 12/13 The Central European journal of Canadian studies 39-49 (2018).
Strout, Cushing, The Aristocratic Democrat, 111(2) Sewanee Review 328 (Spring 2003).
Strout, Cushing, Tocqueville’s Duality: Describing America and Thinking of Europe, 21 American Quarterly 87-99 (Spring 1969).
Suter, Jean François, Tocqueville et le problème de dèmocratie, 13 Revue internationale de philosophie 330-340 (1959).
A symposium on Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (William J. Schlaerth and Ross John Swartz Hoffman eds.,; NY: Fordham University Press, 1945)(Fordham University Studies)(Burke Society Series; 1).
Taylor, Alan John Percival, Die Masse als Schreckgespenst. Zur Neuauflage von Tocquevilles Démocratie en Amérique, 6 Der Mat 60-68 (January 1954).
Teale, Tamara M., Tocqueville and American Indian Legal Studies: The Paradox of Liberty and Destruction, 17 The Tocqueville Review 57-66 (1996).
Thielemans, Vierle, Jacqueline Bonnemains, and François Brunet, Milbert, LeSueur, Tocqueville: Le Voyage en Amerique, 1815-1845 (Terra Foundation for the Arts, 2001).
Thompson, Douglas I., Tocqueville and the Bureaucratic Foundations of Democracy in America, 52 Political Theory 404-430 (2023).
Tishman, Primrose Pratt, The Role of Religion in Alexis de Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America” (Dissertation, University of Maryland, College Park, 2004).
Tocqueville, Alexis de, Über die Democratie en Amerika: Lernmaterialien (Reclam, 1985). Includes analytical material.
Tocqueville and the Frontiers of Democracy (Richard Boyd and Ewa Attanassow, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2014). Contents: Ewa Attanassow and Richard Boyd, Introduction: Tocqueville and the Frontiers of Democracy; Nestor Capdevila, Democracy and Revolution in Tocqueville: The Frontiers of Democracy; Ran Halévi, The Frontier Between Aristocracy and Democracy; Ralph Lerner, Tocqueville’s Burke, or Democracy as History; Alan Kaham, Tocqueville and Religion: Beyond the Frontier of Christendom; Cheryl B. Welch, Deliberating Democratization With Tocqueville: The Case of East Asia; Joshua Mitchell, Tocquevillean Thoughts on Higher Education in the Middle East; Susan McWilliams, Tocqueville and the Unsettled Global Village; Ewa Attassanow, Nationhood–Democracy’s Final Frontier?; Céline Spector, Commerce, Glory, and Empire: Montesquieu’s Legacy; David Clinton, The Surprising M. Tocqueville: Necessity, Foreign Policy, and Civic Virtue; Jennifer Pitts, Democracy and Domination: Empire, Slavery, and Democratic Corruption in Tocqueville’s Thought; Richard Boyd, Tocqueville and the Napoleonic Legend; Robert Pippin, Tocqueville, the Problem of Equality, and John Ford’s “Stagecoach,”; Paul Berman, The Poetry of Democracy; Robert T. Gannett, Jr., Tocqueville and the Local Frontiers of Democracy; Robert Boyd, Epilogue: New Frontiers, Old Dilemmas.
Tocqueville’s America (Toronto: Indiana University Audio-Visual Center for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 1972). One videocassette. Compares Tocqueville’s predictions of the development of American society with today.
Tocqueville et le devenir de la démocratie (Paris: L’Harmattan, ?)(Philosophie en commun).
Tolleson, Thomas Daniel, On the art of the Legislator in Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (Dissertation, University of Dallas, 1996).
Topey, John, Alexis de Tocqueville, Forgotten Founder, 21(4) Sociological Forum 695-707 (December 2006).
Tracz-Tryniecki, Marek, Demokratyczna arystokracja: Alexis de Tocqueville o miejscu prawników w demokracji, 8 Studia Iuridica Lublinensia 149-165 (2006). English translation: Democratic aristocracy: Alexis de Tocqueville on the lawyer’s place in democracy.
Traveling Tocqueville’s America (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press for C-SPAN, 1998).
Trépanier, Anne, Le voyage identitaire (et imaginaire) de Tocqueville au Bas-Canada : vieille France ou Nouvelle-France ? 5 Mens 119-149 (Autumn 2004).
Venor, Scott, Natural Religion and Human Perfectibility, 33(1) Perspectives on Political Science 10-17 (Winter 2004).
Vibert, Anne, Tocqueville spectateur de l’histoire dans les Souvenirs, in Le Moi, l’histoire 1789-1848 148-168 (Damien Zanone and Chantal Massol eds.; Grenoble: ELLUG, 2005).
Villa, Dana, Tocqueville and Civil Society, in The Cambridge Companion to Tocqueville (Cheryl B. Welch, ed.; Cambridge University Press, 2006).
Von Heyking, John F., Friendship in Democracy and in Tocqueville’s Democracy. Available for download via SSRN.
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Webster, John Grant, Hobbes and Tocqueville on Individualism, Equality, and Centralized Administration (Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2014).
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[Editor’s notes], in Democracy in America: notes from the editors (Birmingham, AL: Legal Classics Library, 1988). “Editor’s notes on the Legal Classics Library edition of Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville.”
The great privilege of the Americans does not simply consist in their being more enlightened than other nations,
but in their being able to repair the faults they may commit.
Alexis de Tocqueville, American Institutions and Their Influence 232 (A.S. Barnes & Co. 1854)