Alexis de Tocqueville and His Circle
See also Alexis de Tocqueville and the Doctrinaires
I would only wish that equality in politics consisted of everyone being equally free and not, as one hears so often in our days, of everyone being subjugated to the same master.
Alexis de Tocqueville to Sophie Swetchine (Sep. 10, 1856), in Selected Letters on Politics and Society 336, 337 (Roger Boesche ed., James Toupin & Roger Boesche trans., University of California Press 1985)
Beasley, Edward James, The Victorian Reinvention of Race: New Racisms and the Problem of Grouping in the Human Sciences (NY: Routledge, 2010). Includes chapter on Democracy in America and on Tocqueville’s Algerian writings discussing race. Also discusses Tocqueville’s reaction to Gobineau’s theories on race.
Boisdettre, P. de, Tocqueville et Gobineau, 66 Revue de Paris 138-142 (August 1959).
Craintu, Aurelien, Tocqueville and the Political Thought of the Doctrinaires
Múgica, Fernando, John Stuart Mill, Lector de Tocqueville (Pamplona: Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Navarra, 1999).
Nef, John, Truth, Belief, and Civilization: Tocqueville and Gobineau, 25 Review of Politics 460-482 (October 1963).
Nef, John, La Verité, la foi et la civilisation: Tocqueville et Gobineau, 180 La Table Ronde 17-39 (1963). Translated by Marie-Thérèse Duparc.
Pierson, George Wilson, Gustave de Beaumont: Liberal, 1 Franco-American Review 307-316 (June 1936).
Tessitore, Aristidel, Tocqueville and Gobineau on the Nature of Modern Politics, 67(4) Review of Politics 631-657 (Fall 2005).
Schemann, Ludwig, Gobineau: Eine Biographie (Ayer Publishing, 1980).
Varouxakis, Georgios, Guizot’s Historical Works and J. S. Mill’s Reception of Tocqueville, 20 History of Political Thought 292-312 (1999).