An Alphabetical List of Authors Writing on Alexis de Tocqueville
N.B.: At present, I have provided links to digital editions when I find them only on this page. In some cases the digitized version available is limited, due to copyright restrictions. As I have time I will add links to digital editions on other pages of the bibliography.
Independently of the serious interest I take in the opinions others may hold of me, it delights me to see the different features that are given to me according to the political passions of the person who cites me. It is a collection of portraits that I like to assemble. To the present day, I have not yet found one of them that completely looked like me. They absolutely want to make me a party man and I am not that in the least; they assign to me passions and I have only opinions, or rather I have only one passion, the love of liberty and human dignity. All forms of government are in my eyes only more or less perfect ways of satisfying this holy and legitimate passion of man.
Selected Letters on Politics and Society 115 (Roger Boesche ed., James Toupin & Roger Boesche trans., University of California Press 1985).
Abbott, James, Whither Tocqueville in American Sociology? 38(1) American Sociologist 60-77 (March 2007). On the diminishing influence of Tocqueville on sociologists.
Abbruzzese, Salvatore, La Sociologia di Tocqueville: un introduzione (Rubbettino: 2005).
Acemoglu, Daron, Georgy Egorov, and Konstantin Sonin, Social Mobility and Stability of Democracy: Re-evaluating De Tocqueville. March 31, 2016. Available at SSRN.
Achtnich, Susanne, Alexis de Tocqueville in Amerika: die konservativen und liberalen Elemente in seiner politischen Theorie: Moglichkeiten einer Synthese am Beispiel der Demokratie in Amerika (Frankfurt am Main & NY: Peter Lang, 1987)(Europaische Hochschulschriften; Reihe XXXI, Politikwissenschaft, Bd. 113/Publications universitaires europeennes. Serie XXXI, Sciences politiques; vol. 113/European university studies. Series XXXI, Political science; vol. 113). English translation: Alexis de Tocqueville in america: Conservative and Liberal Elements in His Political Theory: The Possibilities of Synthesis.
Achtnich, Susanne, Alexis de Tocqueville in Amerika: die konservativen und liberalen Elemente in seiner politischen Theorie: Moglichkeiten einer Synthese am Beispiel der Demokratie in Amerika (Dissertation, University of Zurich, 1987).
Ackerman, Andrew, Local liberty and respect for individual autonomy : a Toquevillian critique of liberal neutrality (Dissertation, Bowling Green State University, 1999).
Actualité de Tocqueville (1990 : Saint-Lo, France), L’actualité de Tocqueville: actes du Colloque de Saint-Lo, septembre 1990 (Caen: Centre de publications de l’Université de Caen, 1991)(Cahiers de philosophie politique et juridique; 19).
Adams, Charles Hansford, “The Guardian of the Law”: Authority and Identity in James Fenimore Cooper (Dissertation, University of Virginia, 1985).
Adams, Herbert Baxter, Jared Sparks and Alexis de Tocqueville (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1898)(Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science; 16th ser.; 12).
Aden, Hanna, Wesen und Unterschiede in der Darstellung der Französischen Revolution bei Alexis de Tocqueville und Hippolyte Taine (Nürnberg, Druck: Omnia Drucke, 1959).
Aden, Hanna, Wesen und Unterschiede in der Darstellung der Französischen Revolution bei Alexis de Tocqueville und Hippolyte Taine (Dissertation, University of Mainz, 1959).
Adkins, Sarah R., Character and democratic citizenship: Tocqueville’s understanding of American mores (Master’s thesis, Georgia State University, 1996).
Adolph, Robert, Whitman, Tocqueville, and the Language of Democracy, in The Delegated Intellect: Emersonian Essays on Literature, Science, and Art in Honor of Don Gifford 65-88 (Donald E. Morse ed.; NY: Peter Lang, 1995).
Agawa, Naoyuki, Tokuviru to Amerika e (Tokyo: Shinchosha, 1997).
Aguilar, Enrique, Alexis de Tocqueville: Una lectura introductoria (Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamerica, 2008).
Aguilar Camin, Hector, Libertades de fuego, 22(256) Nexos 52-55 (April 1999).
Aguilar Rivera, José, Tocqueville y México, 22(256) Nexos 47-51 (April 1999).
Agulhon, Maurice, “Republicain” à la française, 13(1) Tocqueville Review 107-118 (1992).
Agulla, Juan Carlos, La experiencia sociologica (Buenos Aires: Estudio Sigma, 1994). Four volumes. Volume one includes studies of Saint-Simon, Comte, Tocqueville, von Stein, Marx, and Spencer.
Aiken, Guy, Educating Tocqueville: Jared Sparks, the Boston Whigs, and Democracy in America, 34 The Tocqueville Review 169-192 (2013).
Ajzenstadt, Janet, French Canada and the Liberal Theory of Nationality: Some Now Unpopular 19th Century Ideas, 65(2) Dalhousie Review 182-195 (1985).
Alexis de Tocqueville and the Art of Democratic Statesmanship (L. Joseph Hebert, Jr., and Brian Danoff, eds., Lexington Books, 2010).
Contains Alexis de Tocqueville, Speech Given to the Annual Public Meeting of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences on April 3, 1852; Susan McWilliams, Leading By Leaving; Aristide Tessitore, Aristotle and Tocqueville on Statesmanship; Khalil M. Habib, Machiavelli and Tocqueville on Majority Tyranny; F. Flagg Taylor, IV, Montesquieu, Tocqueville, and the Politics of Mores; Richard Boyd and Conor Williams, Intellectuals and Statesmanship? Tocqueville, Oakeshott, and the Distinction Between Theoretical and Practical Knowledge; William B. Parsons, Jr., Tocqueville’s View of the American Presidency and the Limits of Democratic Statesmanship; Thad Williamson, Changing the People, Not Simply the President: The Limitations of the Obama Presidency, a Tocquevillian Perspective; Albert W. Dzur, Moderating the Penal State Through Citizen Participation: A Neo-Tocquevillian Perspective on Court Professionals and Juries in a Democracy; Derek Barker, From Associations To Organizations: Tocqueville, NGOs, and the Colonization of Civic Leadership; Jon D. Schaff, The Tragedy of American Progress: Alexis de Tocqueville and Willa Cather’s My Antonia; L. Joseph Hebert, Jr., The Catholic Church in the Modern World: A Tocquevillian Analysis of Vatican II; Peter Augustine Lawler, Tocqueville On How To Praise the Puritans Today; Paul Carrese, Tocqueville’s Foreign Policy of Moderation and Democracy Expansion; Thomas L. Pangle, The Twofold Challenge For Democratic Culture In Our Time.
Alexis de Tocqueville and the Future of Democracy: Panel Discussion
Alexis de Tocqueville au bas Canada; Alexis de Tocqueville in Lower Canada
Alexis de Tocqueville: seks samtaler med en klassiker (Staffen Zetterholm ed.; Copenhagen: Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne, 1988).
Alexis de Tocqueville, zur Politik in der Demokratie : Symposion zum 175. Geburtstag von Alexis de Tocqueville (Michael Hereth and Jutta Höffken, eds.; Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1981).
The Alexis de Tocqueville Tour: Exploring Democracy in America
Allard Olmos, Briseida, Tocqueville y los dilemas de la democracia (Panama: s.n., 1989).
Allen, Barbara Ann, Democracy in America Revisited: An Application of Tocqueville’s Political Theory to Feminist Theory and Action (Dissertation, Indiana University, 1981).
Allen, Barbara Ann, Tocqueville, Covenant, and the Democratic Revolution: Harmonizing Earth With Heaven (Rowman and Littlefield: 2005).
Allen, Barbara, Tocqueville’s Analysis of Belief in a Transcendent Order, Enlightened Interest, and Democracy, 8(3) Journal of Theoretical Politics 383-414 (1996).
Alulis, Joseph Edward, The new liberalism of Alexis de Tocqueville Dissertation, University of Chicago, 1987).
Alulis, Joseph Edward, The Price of Freedom: Tocqueville, the Framers and the anti-Federalists, 27 Perspectives on Political Science 85-91 (Spring 1998).
America Through European Eyes: British and French Reflections on the New World From the Eighteenth Century to the Present (Aurelian Craiutu and Jeffrey C. Isaac, eds., Pennsylvanian State University Press, 2009).
Amiel, Anne, Le vocabulaire de Tocqueville (Paris: Ellipses, 2002)(Vocabulaires de).
Amos, Sigrid Karin, Alexis de Tocqueville and the American national identity: the reception of De la democratie en Amerique in the United States in the nineteenth century (Frankfurt am Main and NY: Peter Lang, 1995)(Comparative Studies Series/Komparatistische Bibliothek; 5). Originally the author’s dissertation, Katholisches Universität, Eichstatt, 1994.
Ampère, Jean-Jacques, Melanges d’histoire litteraire et de litterature (Paris: Michel Levy frères, 1867, repr. Johnson Reprint Corporation, New York, 1970). Two volumes. Includes Alexis de Tocqueville in volume two.
Ampère, Jean-Jacques, Melanges d’histoire litteraire et de litterature (Paris: Michel Levy frères, 1867). Two volumes. Includes Alexis de Tocqueville in volume two.
Analyses & réflexions sur–Tocqueville: De la démocratie en Amérique (Paul-Laurent Assoun ed.; Paris: Ellipses: Edition Marketing, 1985)(Analyses & réflexions sur–).
Anceau, Éric, Tocqueville et le pouvoir exécutif sous la Deuxième Rèpublique ou lépruve des faits, 28(1) The Tocqueville Review 133 (2007).
Anderson, R. L., A Frenchman’s Views of American Lawyers, 48 Law Notes 25-26 (October 1944).
Andra, Jean, The Myth of the American Experience: Observations by Two Frenchmen, De Tocqueville and Cocteau, 3 Weber Studies 28-33 (Spring 1986).
Ankersmit, Frank, Metaphor and Paradox in Tocqueville’s Analysis of Democracy, in The Question of Style in Philosophy and the Arts 157-177 (Caroline van Eck, James McAllister, and Renie van de Vall, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995).
Ankersmit, Frank, Tocqueville and the Sublimity of Democracy, 14 The Tocqueville Review 173-201 (1993); 15 The Tocqueville Review 193-218 (1994).
The Anthem Companion To Alexis de Tocqueville (Daniel Gordon, ed., Anthem Press, 2019) (Anthem Companions to Sociology).
Antoine, Agnès, L’impensé de la démocratie: Tocqueville, la citoyenneté et la religion (Paris: Fayard, 2003).
Antoine, Agnès, Politique et religion chez Tocqueville, 18 The Tocqueville Review 37-45 (1997).
Argenio, Antonella, Alexis de Tocqueville e Hannah Arendt: un dialogo a distanza (Naples, Edizione Scientifica, 2005).
Arnhart, Larry, Statesmanship as Magnanimity: Classical, Christian & Modern, 16(2) Polity 263-283 (1983).
Aron, Raymond, Auguste Comte et Alexis de Tocqueville, juges de l’Angleterre (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1965)(The Zaharoff Lecture for 1965).
Aron, Raymond, Hauptstromungen des soziologischen Denkens (Köln: Kiepenheur-Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1971)(Studien-Bibliothek). Volume 1 contains material on Tocqueville. German translation of his Etapes de la pensée sociologique.
Aron, Raymond, Idées politiques et vision historique de Tocqueville, 10(3) Revue française de science politique 509-526 (september 1960).
Aron, Raymond, Il recupero di Tocqueville, 38(186) Comunità 118-134 (1984). English title: The revival of Tocqueville.
Aron, Raymond, La définition libérale de la libérte: Alexis de Tocquevile et Karl Marx, 5 Archives Européennes de Sociologie — (1964).
Aron, Raymond, Les Etapes de la pensée sociologique: Montesquieu, Comte, Marx, Tocqueville, Durkheim, Pareto, Weber (Paris: Gallimard, 1967, repr. 1992)(Collection Tel; 8). Includes sections on Tocqueville, Marx, Comte, Durkheim, Simmel, Weber and Pareto.
Aron, Raymond, Les Etapes de la pensée sociologique: Montesquieu, Comte, Marx, Tocqueville, Durkheim, Pareto, Weber (Paris: Gallimard, 1991)(Collection Tel; 8).
Aron, Raymond, Les grandes doctrines de sociologie historique. Tome I, Montesquieu, Auguste Comte, Karl Marx, Alexis de Tocqueville, les sociologues et la revolution de 1848 (Paris: Centre de documentation universitaire, 1961)(Les cours de Sorbonne. Sociologie). Includes Montesquieu, Comte, Marx, Tocqueville, les sociologues et la revolution de 1848.
Aron, Raymond, Main currents in sociological thought (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1965, repr. 1968)(Nature of Human Society Series). Volume one includes material on Tocqueville.
Aron, Raymond, Main currents in sociological thought (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1998). Translation of Les grandes doctrines de sociologie historique.
Aron, Raymond, Tocqueville and Marx, in History, Truth, Liberty 165-195 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985).
Aron, Raymond, Tocqueville retrouvé, 1(1) The Tocqueville Review 8-23 (Fall 1979).
Arroyo, Alberto, Religion in Tocqueville’s social thought (Dissertation, University of Akron, 1994).
Assayag, Jackie, Tocqueville chez Kipling: De la Democratie en Inde–Tradition et Modernité, 67(1) Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions 99-124 (1989). English title: Tocqueville in Kipling: On Democracy in India–Tradition and Modernity.
Atanassow, Ewa, Patriotism in Democracy: What We Learn from Tocqueville, in Tocquevillian Ideas: Contemporary European Perspectives 39-58 (Zbigniew Rau and Marek Tracz-Tryniecki, eds.; Lanham: University Press of Amercia, 2014).
Atanassow, Ewa, Tocqueville and the Question of the Nation (Dissertation, University of Chicago, 2007).
Audier, Serge, Machiavel, Tocqueville, Marx, dans la pensée politique française depuis l’entre-deux guerres (Dissertation, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, 2000).
Audier, Serge, Tocqueville retrouvé : genèse et enjeux du renouveau tocquevillien français (Paris: Editions de l’Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales : Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 2004)(Contextes).
Audier, Serge, Tocqueville, notre contemporain? 404 Etudes 487-496 (April 2006).
Auletta, Ken, If Tocqueville Could See Us Now, 33(4) American Heritage 8-17 (1982).
Avramenko, Richard, The Grammar of Indifference: Tocqueville and the Language of Democracy, 45(4) Political Theory 495-523 (August 2017).
Avramenko, Richard G., The Phenomenology of Courage (Dissertation, Georgetown University, 2005).
Baczko, Bronislaw, Furet i Tocqueville, 72 Przegląd Polityczny 178-184 (2005). Translation of article title: Furet and Tocqueville.
Baehler, Karen, Social Sustainability: New Zealand Solutions For Tocqueville’s Problem, 31 Social Policy Journal of New Zealand 22-40 (July 2007). On democracy.
Baglioni, Emma, Tocqueville e l’âge nouveau (Torino: G. Giappichelli, 2001) (Inter-esse; 4) (Ricerche e studi;4).
Baglioni, Emma and G. di Salvatore, Tocqueville e l’âge nouveau, 2001, in 79 Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto 160-163 (2002).
Bagnoli, Paolo, Societa e politica. Considerazioni sulla filosofia della democrazia in Tocqueville, 52(3) Politico 505-522 (1987).
Bai Ming-liang, Majority Tyranny and Collective Education: Reflection on Tocqueville’s Major Tyranny Thought in the Perspective of Education, Theory and Practice of Education 2009-34.
Baier, Annette C., How can individualists share responsibility? 21(2) Political Theory 228-248 (May 1993). Comparison of Tocqueville and Kant’s views on individualism and social responsibility.
Bailey, Elizabeth Anne, Tocqueville & Marx; the individual & society (Bachelor’s thesis, Harvard University, 1972).
Bailey, Michael E. and Kristin Lindholm, Tocqueville and the Rhetoric of Presidential Addresses, 32(3) Christian Scholar’s Review 259-279 (Spring 2003).
Bailey, Michael E., and Kristin Lindholm, Tocqueville and the Rhetoric of Civil Religion in the Presidential Inaugural Addresses, 32(3) Christian Scholar’s Review 259-279 (Spring 2003).
Balitzer, Alfred, Politics and the “Arts of Peace”: A Study of Religion in the Political Order Drawn From the Works of Alexis de Tocqueville (Dissertation, Claremont Graduate School, 1972).
Ball, Rex Harrison, America in the French liberal mind, 1815-1871 (Dissertation, Harvard University, 1970). Includes discussion of Tocqueville, Chasles, and Laboulaye.
Baltzell, E. Digby and Howard G. Schneiderman, From Rags to Riches: The Horatio Alger Myth and the Supreme Court, 28(4) Society 45-54 (1991).
Bambrick, Christina, “Neither Precisely National nor Precisely Federal”: Governmental and Adminsitrative Authority in Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, 48 Journal of Federalism 586-606 (Fall 2018).
Banfield, E. C., The Illiberal Tocqueville, in Interpreting Tocqueville’s Democracy in America — (Ken Masugi, ed.; Rowman & Littlefield, 1991).
Barker, Mary Katherine, Alexis de Tocqueville and James Fenimore Cooper on Jacksonian America (Bachelor’s Thesis, Drew University, 1970).
Barksdale, Dudley Channing, Liberal Politics and Nascent Social Science in France: The Academy of Moral and Political Science, 1803-1852 (Dissertation, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1986).
Barloewen, Constantin von, Gleichheit und Freiheit, Alexis de Tocqueville in Amerika: seine Darst. d. Verhaltnisses von zentralstaatl. Lenkung u. lokaler Eigenverantwortung, unters. am histor. Beispiel Pennsylvanias (München: Minerva-Publikation, 1978)((Minerva-Fachserie Geisteswissenschaften). Originally the author’s dissertation, University of Munich.
Baron, Stephen, Morality & Politics in Modern Life: Tocqueville & Solzhenitsyn on the Importance of Religion to Liberty, 14(3) Polity 395-413 (1982).
Barth, Niklas, Die Idee der Freiheit und der Demokratie bei Alexis de Tocqueville (Aarau: Keller, 1953).
Barth, Niklas, Die Idee der Freiheit und der Demokratie bei Alexis de Tocqueville (Dissertation, University of Zurich, 1953).
Barzun, Jacques, Notes on Tocqueville’s Interpreters, 7 Tocqueville Review 149-155 (1985/1986).
Bastid, Niklas Peter, Die Idee der Freiheit und der Demokratie bei Alexis de Tocqueville (Aarau: Eugen Kaller, 1953).
Bass, Thomas Alden, Fiction and History: Essays on the Novels of Flaubert, Garcia Marquez, Coover, and Pynchon (Dissertation, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1980). Includes analysis and discussion of Tocqueville’s Recollections, Marx’s Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte and Flaubert’s L’education sentimentale as descriptions of the Revolution of 1848.
Bass, Thomas Alden, Fiction and History: Essays on the Novels of Flaubert, Garcia Marquez, Coover, and Pynchon (Dissertation, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1980). Chapter two contains an analysis of Tocqueville’s Souvenirs.
Baszkiewicz, Jan, Wstęp [Preface], in Alexis de Tocqueville, Wspomnienia [Recollections] 3-42 (Warsaw: 1987) (Wroclaw 1987). link here.
Bathory, Peter Dennis, The Science of Politics and the Art of Ruling: James Madison and Alexis de Tocqueville, in Leadership in America: Consensus, Corruption, and Charisma 11 (Peter Dennis Bathory, ed; NY: Longman, 1978).
Bathory, Peter Dennis, Tocqueville on Citizenship and Faith: A Response to Cushing Strout, 8(1) Political Theory 27-38 (Feb. 1980).
Battista, Anna Maria, Lo spirito liberale e lo spirito religioso: Tocqueville nel dibattito sulla scuola (Milano: Jaca Book, 1976).
Battista, Anna Maria, Studi su Tocqueville (Florence: Centro editoriale toscano, 1989)(Politica e storia. Saggi e testi; 17).
Baunard, Mgr., La foi et ses victoires dans le siècle present (2d ed.; Paris: Poussielgue Frères, 1884)(Le combat de la foi; etudes biographiques et apologetiques; 3 serie). Includes material on Frederic Bastiat, Joseph Droz, Alexis de Tocqueville, Pierre Le Play.
Baysal, Alev, Tocqueville’s Idea of Revolution and D. H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow: A Study of Social Change and the Liberation of Women, 23(1) Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi/Journal of the Faculty of Letters 191-204 (June 2006).
Bearry, Brian Anthony, Democratic Pantheism in the Political Theory of Alexis de Tocqueville (Dissertation, University of North Texas, 2006).
Beasley, Edward James, Empire as the Triumph of Theory: Imperialism, Information, and the Colonial Society of 1868 (London, NY: Routledge, 2005). Includes discussion of Tocqueville’s influence on nineteenth-century English thinkers.
Beasley, Edward James, Mid-Victorian Imperialists: British Gentlemen and the Empire of the Mind (London, NY: Routledge, 2005). Includes discussion of Tocqueville’s influence on nineteenth-century English thinkers.
Beasley, Edward James, The Victorian Reinvention of Race: New Racisms and the Problem of Grouping in the Human Sciences (NY: Routledge, 2010). Includes chapter on Democracy in America and on Tocqueville’s Algerian writings discussing race. Also discusses Tocqueville’s reaction to Gobineau’s theories on race.
Beasley, Edward James, Who Built the Bandwagon? A Study of the Founders of the Colonial Society of 1868 (Dissertation, University of California, San Diego, 1993). Includes discussion of the influence of Tocqueville’s visit to the U.S. on British imperialists of the 1800s.
Becker, Carl Lotus, On democracy: Why De Tocqueville wrote Democracy in America, in Detachment and the Writing of History: Essays and Letters of Carl L. Becker (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1958).
Bedeschi, Giuseppe, Il pensiero politico di Tocqueville (Roma: Laterza, 1996)(I pensatori politici; 14).
Beem, Christopher, The Necessity of Politics: Reclaiming American Public Life (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999). Includes several chapters on Tocqueville and Democracy in America.
Bégin, Christophe, Tocqueville et l’économie politique, 29(1) The Tocqueville Review 187 (2008).
Behnegar, Alice Parker, Feminism and Liberalism: The Problem of Equality (Dissertation, University of Chicago, 1994). Includes chapters on Tocqueville and Hobbes.
Bejar, Helena, El uso de las pasiones en Alexis de Tocqueville, 108 Revista de Occidente 110 (May 1990).
Beloff, Max, Tocqueville & Gobineau: On Race, Revolution and Despair, 67(1) Encounter 29-31 (1986).
Beloff, Max, Tocqueville and the Americans, 170 Fortnightly Review 573-579 (1951).
Bengochea, Armando, Ignacio, Considerations of Democratic Citizenship: A Reading of Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (Dissertation, Princeton University, 1997).
Bénichou, P., Le temps des prophètes (Paris: Gallimard, 1977).
Benoît, Jean-Louis, L’actualité de Tocqueville, 4 Caractères — (October 1990).
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Alexis de Tocqueville intime, 172 Revue de l’AMPOA 6-10 (avril 2006).
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Alexis de Tocqueville sobre las religiones, Cristianismo, hinduismo, e islam (Madrid, Ediciones Encuentro, 2013)(Coleccion Ensayo).
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Comprendre Tocqueville (Paris: Armand Colin, 2004)(Cursus).
Benoît, Jean-Louis, De l’importance du corpus tocquevillien, Res Publica, 40 (January 2005).
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Dictionnaire Tocqueville (Paris: Nuvis Editions, 2017).
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Lorsque Tocqueville écrit son évêque: Considérations tocquevilliennes sur les liens de l’église et de l’état, Revue de la Manche 19-31 (April 2002).
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Pour une lecture tocquevillienne de la crise française. Tocqueville le 1er penseur de la démocratie moderne. Université du Québec á Chicoutimi, 2015. Versions available here.
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Présentation et notes, Alexis de Tocqueville: Notes sur le Coran et autres textes sur les religions (Paris: Bayard Centurion, 2007). Introduction to Tocqueville’s text.
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Réflexions tocquevilliennes sur un paradoxe démocratique, in Tocqueville’s Voyages: The Evolution of His Ideas and Their Journey Beyond Time (Christine Dunn Henderson, ed.; Indianapolis, Indiana: Liberty Fund, 2015).
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Relectures de Tocqueville, 16 Le Banquet – (December 2001).
Benoît, Jean-Louis, “Société et religion: sécularisation, laïcité et politique. – Les élections américaines, la société musulmane et le déclin du catholicisme européen à la lumière du texte tocquevillien -.” (2008)
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Tocqueville (Tempus, 2013).
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Tocqueville: Le théoricien de la démocratie at Le Média de l’histoire.
A series of posts by Professor Benoît.
- Le théoricien de la démocratie
- Aristocrate par l’instinct, démocrate par raison
- Une oeuvre dense
- L’homme politique
- La question algérienne
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Tocqueville aurait pas voté Bush. See also Chartré, Jean-Philippe, Le devoir de philo. Tocqueville, voterait-t-il Bush? April 22, 2006
Benoît, Jean Louis, Tocqueville, carnets de voyage, Bulletin Mémoires vives, 33, décembre, 2011.
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Tocqueville: La démocratie au risque de son armée, 27 (2) The Tocqueville Review 191-207 (2006)(Special Bicentennial Review). [Autorisation accordée par l’auteur de diffuser ce texte dans Les Classiques des sciences sociales, le 23 octobre 2007.]
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Tocqueville: L’homme et la foi, le fait religieux et la société
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Tocqueville aurait-il enfin trouvé ses juges? 27 Res publica – (December 2001).
Benoît, Jean Louis, Tocqueville, carnets de voyage, Bulletin Mémoires vives, 33, décembre, 2011.
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Tocqueville et Beaumont, deux Français au Bas-Canada 21 août 3 septembre 1831, Bulletin Mémoires Vives, No. 32, Juin 2011.
Benoît, Jean Louis, Tocqueville et Beaumont, deux Français au Bas-Canada 21 août 3 septembre 1831; Lettres et journal de voyage de Beaumont, Bulletin Mémoires vives, Bulletin n° 34, août 2012
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Tocqueville et l’Islam, Entrevue avec Abdelawhab Meddeb, Radio France, dimanche le 12 octobre 2008
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Tocqueville et la Normandie
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Tocqueville, moraliste (Dissertation, University of Caen, 2002).
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Tocqueville, moraliste (Paris: Editions Honoré Champion, 2004)(Romantisme et Modernité; 19).
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Tocqueville, ou l’exigence de la liberté, pour une éthique du politique, 6 Une certaine idée—– (1999).
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Tocqueville: Portrait d’un sociologue, 20 La Revue Tocqueville – (1999).
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Tocqueville: Un destin paradoxal (Paris: Bayard, 2005)(Biographies).
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Nicole Fréret, and Christian Lippi, Tocqueville et les siens, Correspondance avec l’abbé Lesueur, son vieux précepteur. Lettre à Madame de Swetchine. Réplique à Boissy d’Anglas. Extraits des carnets de Marie Mottley, comtesse de Tocqueville. Les derniers jours d’Alexis. Le testament d’Hippolyte de Tocqueville. Louise Meyer. Lettres de Marie Mottley, comtesse de Tocqueville. (Chicoutimi: Les Classiques des sciences sociales, 2019).
Benoît, Jean-Louis, Nicole Fréret, and Christian Lippi, Tocqueville et les siens, Correspondance avec l’abbé Lesueur, son vieux précepteur. Lettre à Madame de Swetchine. Réplique à Boissy d’Anglas. Extraits des carnets de Marie Mottley, comtesse de Tocqueville. Les derniers jours d’Alexis. Le testament d’Hippolyte de Tocqueville. Louise Meyer. Lettres de Marie Mottley, comtesse de Tocqueville. (Chicoutimi: Les Classiques des sciences sociales, 2019). Online (digital) edition.
Benton, James Smith, The New Sensibility: Self and Society in the Post-Industrial Age (Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles, 1981).
Bentzel, Anne, Traveling Tocqueville’s America: Retracing the 17-state Tour That Inspired Alexis de Tocqueville’s Political Classic Democracy in America (Baltimore, MD: Published for C-SPAN by the Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998). See also The Alexis de Tocqueville Tour: Exploring Democracy in America
Bentzel, Anne, Traveling Tocqueville’s America (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998).
Berger, Benjamin Fred, The Rules of Engagement: Tocqueville, Arendt, and Democratic Politics (Dissertation, Harvard University, 2001).
Bergeron, Gerard, L’interlude canadien pendant le voyage en Amerique d’Alexis de Tocqueville et de Gustave de Beaumont, 12 Tocqueville Review 127-140 (1990/1991).
Bergeron, Gérard, Quand Tocqueville et Siegfried Nous Observaient (Sillery, Québec: Presses de l’Université de Québec, 1990).
Bergin, Martin J., Jr., Tocqueville as Historian: An Examination of the Influences on His Thought and His Approach to History (Dissertation, Georgetown University, 1985). Two volumes.
Bernal, Angelica Marie, The Concept of Founding (Dissertation, Yale University, 2008).
Bergsträsser, Ludwig, Alexis de Tocqueville, Kritiker und Verteidiger der Demokratie, 2 Der Monat 608-620 (1950).
Berlin, Isaiah, The Thought of de Tocqueville, 50(169) History 199-206 (1965).
Berman, Paul, Style and Passion in Tocqueville, 55(1) Dissent 33-36 (Winter 2008). On the jury.
Bernard, Jean-Alphonse, Tocqueville, a Companion to an Indian Journey, 29(2) European Journal of Sociology 397-408 (1988).
Bernstein, Michael A., Comment: Tocqueville Versus Weber, 28 Law and History Review 235 (2010).
Besnier, Jean-Michel, Tocqueville et la démocratie. Égalité et Liberté (Paris: Hatier, 1995).
Bilakovics, Stephen, Tocqueville on the Sources of Political Cynicism in Democratic Society, APSA Meeting Paper, Toronto, 2009.
Blackell, Mark, Symptoms of Democracy: Ambivalence and Its Limits in Modern Liberal Conceptions of the Liberal Democratic Bond (Dissertation, York University, 2004).
Blackmore, Tim, The Dark Knight of democracy: Tocqueville and Miller cast some light on the subject, 14(1) Journal of American Culture 37-56 (Spring 1991). On the comic character Batman.
Bledsoe, Albert Taylor, Alexis de Tocqueville and the Sovereignty of the People, 1 The Southern Review 302-352 (1867).
Bloom, Martin, Editorial–Primary Prevention and the Critical Eye of the Traveler: An Historical Note on Alexis de Tocqueville and Pauperism, 25(2) The Journal of Primary Prevention 133-135 (October 2004).
Bloostein, Marc J., The role of dogmatic religion in politics: a critical examination of the thought of Alexis de Tocqueville and Karl Marx (Bachelor’s thesis, Brandeis University, 1985).
Boesche, Roger C., The Dark Side of Tocqueville: On War and Empire, 67(4) The Review of Politics 737-752 (Autumn 2005).
Boesche, Roger C., The ideas of freedom and despotism in the political thought of Alexis de Tocqueville (Dissertation, Stanford University, 1976).
Boesche, Roger, The Prison: Tocqueville’s Model For Despotism, 33(4) Western Political Quarterly 550-563 (1980).
Boesche, Roger, The strange liberalism of Alexis de Tocqueville (S.l.: s.n., 1980). “Prepared for delivery at the 1980 annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C., Aug. 28-31, 1980.” Available from University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Boesche, Roger C., The Strange Liberalism of Alexis de Tocqueville, 2(3) History of Political Thought 495-524 (1981).
Boesche, Roger, The Strange Liberalism of Alexis de Tocqueville (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1987).
Boesche, Roger, Theories of Tyranny From Plato To Arendt (Pennsylvania University Press, 1995).
Boesche, Roger, Tocqueville and Le Commerce: A Newspaper Expressing His Unique Liberalism, 44(2) Journal of the History of Ideas 277-292 (1983).
Boesche, Roger, Tocqueville and Marx: Not Opposites, APSA 2009 Meeting Paper. Download at SSRN.
Boesche, Roger, Tocqueville’s Road Map: Methodology, Liberalism, Revolution, and Despotism (Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Littlefield, 2006). Collection of the author’s writings from the past twenty-five years.
Boesche, Roger, Why Could Tocqueville Predict So Well? 11(1) Political Theory 79-103 (1983).
Boesche, Roger, Why Did Tocqueville Fear Abundance? Or, the Tension Between Commerce and Citizenship, 9(1) History of European Ideas 25-45 (1988).
Bogardus, George, Alexis de Tocqueville: Threats to Freedom in Democracy (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1986).
Boh, Felix, Eine Untersuchung uber das Wesen der Demokratie in den Vereinigten Staaten Nordamerika’s mit besonderer Berucksichtigung von Alexis de Tocqueville (Rostock: C. Boldt’s, 1870, repr. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Library Microreproduction Service, 198?). Originally author’s doctoral dissertation, University of Rostock, 1870.
Boisdettre, P. de, Tocqueville et Gobineau, 66 Revue de Paris 138-142 (August 1959).
Bonetto, Gerald M., Alexis de Tocqueville’s Concept of Political Parties, 22(2) American Studies 59-79 (1981).
Bonetto, Gerald M., Tocqueville and American Slavery, 15(2) Canadian Review of American Studies 123-139 (1984).
Boorstin, Daniel J., Tocqueville’s America, in Cleopatra’s nose 107-112 (NY: Random House, 1994).
Borie, Jean, Chateaubriand, Tocqueville et la modernité, in Amicitia Scriptor. Littérature, Histoire des idées, Philosophie. Mélanges offerts à Robert Mauzi (Annie Becq, Charles Porset, and Alain Mothu eds.; Paris: Honoré Champion, 1998)(Champion-varia; 15).
Boryczka, Jocelyn M., The Separate Spheres Paradox: Habitual Inattention and Democratic Citizenship, in Feminist Interpretations of Alexis de Tocqueville 281 (Jill Locke and Eileen Hunt Botting eds.; University Park, PA: Penn State Press, 2008)(Re-reading the Canon).
Botting, Eileen Hunt, A Family Resemblance: Tocqueville and Wollstonecraftian Protofeminism, in Feminist Interpretations of Alexis de Tocqueville 99 (Jill Locke and Eileen Hunt Botting eds.; University Park, PA: Penn State Press, 2008) (Re-reading the Canon).
Botting, Eileen Hunt, Tocqueville’s American Girls: Women, Manners, and the Engendering of Democracy, in the Cambridge Companion to Democracy in America 369-388 (Richard Boyd, ed., Cambridge University Press, 2022).
Botto, Evandro, Libertà politica e libertà morale nel pensiero di Tocqueville, 73(3) Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 497-512 (1981).
Boudon, Raymond, Tocqueville aujourd’hui (Paris; Odile Jacob, 2005)(Science humaine).
Bourbon-Busset, J. de, Sur Tocqueville et Gobineau, in La Table Ronde, January 1948, (no paging available).
Bourricaud, François, Les “convictions” de M. de Tocqueville, 7 Tocqueville Review 105-115 (1985/1986). English title: The “Beliefs” of Mr. de Tocqueville.
Boyd, Richard, Imperial Fathers and Favorite Sons: J. S. Mill, Alexis de Tocqueville, and Nineteenth Century Visions of Empire, in Feminist Interpretations of Alexis de Tocqueville 225 (Jill Locke and Eileen Hunt Botting eds.; University Park, PA: Penn State Press, 2008)(Re-reading the Canon).
Boyd, Richard, and Gianna Englert, Georges Sorel’s Tocqueville, 45(2) History of Political Thought 347-371 (2024).
Braudel, Fernand, Alexis de Tocqueville’s Recollections, 26(3) Society 67-72 (March 1989).
Breslin, Patrick, Democracy in the Rest of the Americas, 15 Grassroots development: Journal of the Inter-American Foundation 3 (1991). Tocqueville’s likely reaction to Latin American revolution.
Breyer, Stephen, La dėmocratie en Amėrique à la lumière d’Alexis de Tocqueville, in Human Rights, Democracy, and the Rule of Law: Liber amicorum Luzius Wildhaber 961-967 (Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2007).
Brint, Michael E., Response to M. Lavroff, 10 Tocqueville Review 245-248 (1989/1990). Reply to Dmitri Georges Lavroff, Les revolutions americaine et française dans l’oeuvre de Tocqueville.
Broderick, R. Andrew, The man of quality : the moral, the aesthetic, and hierarchy in the thought of Alexis de Tocqueville (Bachelor’s thesis, James Madison University, 1980).
Brogan, Hugh, Alexis de Tocqueville and the Coming of the American Civil War, in American Studies: Essays in Honour of Marcus Cunliffe 83-104 (Brian Holden Reid and John White, eds.; NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1991).
Brogan, Hugh, Alexis de Tocqueville: A Life (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007). The Economist selected this book as one of its 100 best for 2006.
Brogan, Hugh, Tocqueville (London: Collins-Fontana, 1973).
Brogan, Hugh, Tocqueville and the American Presidency, 15(3) Journal of American Studies 357-375 (December 1981).
Brogan Hugh, Alexis de Tocqueville and the Liberal Moment, 14(2) The Historical Journal 289-303 (June 1971).
Brogan, Hugh, XII: Tocqueville revisited, 41 History Today 49-52 (December 1991).
Brown, Irene Coltman, The Historian as Philosopher: Tocqueville, Democracy & Revolution, 31 History Today 27-31 (September 1981).
Brown, Irene Coltman, Tocqueville, Democracy & Revolution, 31(9) History Today 27 (September 1981).
Brunius, Teddy, Alexis de Tocqueville: the sociological aesthetician (Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell, 1960)(Laokoon. Swedish studies in aesthetics; 1).
Brunon-Ernest, Anne, Bentham and Tocqueville on Pauperism, 28(2) The Tocqueville Review 129 (2007).
Bryant, Clell, Tocqueville’s America, 36(4) Smithsonian 104-107 (July 2005).
Bryce, James Bryce, Viscount, The predictions of Hamilton and De Tocqueville (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1887)(Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science; 5th ser.; 9).
Buiks, Peter E. J., Alexis de Tocqueville en de democratische revolutie: een cultuursociologische interpretatie=The democratic revolution: the significance of Alexis de Tocquevillle for a cultural sociology : with a summary in English (Assen: Van Gorcum, 1979). Dissertation. University of Utrecht.
Burns, Allan Douglas, Henry James and Democracy (Dissertation, Pennsylvania State University, 1996).
Buscemi, Mauro Antonio, Rosmini e Tocqueville. Le ragioni cristiane del liberalismo (Naples: Editoriale Scientifica, 2020) (Settore SPS/02 – Storia Delle Dottrine Politiche).
Butterfield, Kevin, The Making of Tocqueville’s America: Law and Association in the Early United States (University of Chicago Press, 2015) (American Beginnings, 1500-1900).
Byrne, D. S. Review Essay: Tocqueville in a Conservative World. Australian Review of Public Affairs Digest, February 13, 2006. Review of The Tocqueville Reader (Oliver Zunz and Alan S. Kahan ed.)(Blackwell Publishing, 2002).
Cabanas Enriquez, Miguel Angel, American Eyes: Negotiation and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Travel Narratives in the Americas (Dissertation, University of Connecticut, 2000).
Caboara, Lorenzo, Democrazia e liberta nel pensiero di Alexis de Tocqueville (Milano: Hoepi, 1946).
Caboara, Lorenzo, Democrazia e liberta nel pensiero di Alexis de Tocqueville (Milano: Hoepi, 1946, repr. 1986).
Cabrera Macia, Mario, La idea politica de Alexis de Tocqueville (Thesis, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1949).
Çağla, Cengiz: Tocqueville: A Thinker of Freedom, in Tocquevillian Ideas: Contemporary European Perspectives 27-38 (Zbigniew Rau and Marek Tracz-Tryniecki eds.; Lanham: University Press of America, 2014).
Çağla, Cengiz, Tocqueville ve Özgürük (Istanbul: Belge, 2007). English translation of title: Tocqueville and Liberty.
Cafagna, Luciano, Tocqueville e la geografia dell’uguaglianza, Problemi del socialismo (5th series), 1990, at 25-46.
Caforio, Giuseppe, Anche la sociologia militare puo avere una galleria degli antenati? Alexis de Tocqueville, 120(1) Rivista Marittima 95-102 (1987). “Can military sociology also have its gallery of ancestral portraits? Alexis de Tocqueville.”
Calhoun, Craig, Classical Social Theory and the French Revolution of 1848, 18 Consortium on Revolutionary Europe 1750-1850: Proceedings 55-87 (1988). Commentary by Edgar Leon Newman.
Callot, Emile François, La pensée libèrale au XIX siecle: à travers trois moments de sa formation, Benjamin Constant, Alexis de Tocqueville, Lucien A. Prevost-Paradol (Lyon: L’Hermes, 1987)(Science politique).
The Cambridge Companion To Tocqueville (Cheryl Welch ed.; Cambridge University Press, 2006).
Cammarella, Bruno, La liberta in Alexis de Tocqueville (Rome: Gismondi, 1955)(Rassegna di cultura e vita scolastica. Bibliotechina, quaderno 4).
Campagna, Norbert, Die Moralisierung der Demokratie : Alexis de Tocqueville und die Bedingungen der Möglichkeit einer liberalen Demokratie (Cuxhaven: Junghans, 2001).
Campagna, Norbert, Virtue in Tocqueville’s America 52(2) Amerikastudien/American Studies 169-186 (2007).
Campbell, Stuart L., The Tocquevillian Liberalism and Political Sociology of Raymond Aron, 53(2) Historian 303-316 (Winter 1991).
Caniglia, Guido, La critica delle “idee astratte” in “La democrazia in America” di Alexis de Tocqueville, 1 Iride 141-154 (April 2010).
Capdevila, Nestor, Tocqueville et les frontières de la démocratie (Paris; Presses Universitaires de France, 2007)(Philosophies).
Capedevila, Nestor, Tocqueville et Marx: Démocratie, capitalisme, révolution (Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2012) (Actuel Marx Confrontation).
Caplow, Theodore, The Current Relevance of Democracy in America, 7 Tocqueville Review 137-147 (1985/1986).
Caplow, Theodore, Constrasting trends in European and American religion, 46(2) Sociological Analysis 101-108 (1985).
Caplow, Theodore, Response to Professor Wallis, 47(1) Sociological Analysis 53 (1986). Reply to Roy Wallis, The Caplow-de Tocqueville Account of Contrasts in European and American Religion: Confounding Considerations.
Carey, Christine, Annotated Bibliography, in Feminist Interpretations of Alexis de Tocqueville 337 (Jill Locke and Eileen Hunt Botting eds.; University Park, PA: Penn State Press, 2008)(Re-reading the Canon).
Carey, Peter, Parrot and Olivier in America (NY: Knopf, 2010). A fictionalized account of a French aristocrat’s visit to the United States in the early 1830s. Olivier is the character based on Tocqueville.
Carius, Manuel, and Charles Coutel, La pensée juridique d’Alexis de Tocqueville (Arras: Artois presses université, 2005).
Carlier, J.-Y., Intégration regionale et démocratie: quelques réflexions à partir de la pensėe d’Alexis de Tocqueville, 39-40 Revue Burkinabė de Droit 9-20 (2001).
Carlson, David Jeffrey, Institutions of Self: Law, Colonialism, and Autobiography in Nineteenth-Century America (Dissertation, Indiana University, 2000).
Carrington, Paul., Tocqueville’s Aristocracy in Minnesota, Duke Law Faculty Scholarship; Paper No. 1354 (2000).
Carrington, Paul D., Tocqueville’s Aristocracy in Minnesota, 26 William Mitchell Law Review 485-523 (2000).
Cassese, S., Tocqueville e il diritto amministrativo, 10 Revue Européenne de Droit Public 11-24 (1998).
Ceaser, James, Alexis de Tocqueville and the Two-Founding Thesis, 73 Review of Politics 219-243 (2011).
Ceaser, James, Alexis de Tocqueville on Political Science, Political Culture, and the Role of the Intellectual, 79(3) American Political Science Review 656-672 (1985).
Ceaser, James, Liberal Democracy and Political Science (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990). Includes three chapters on Democracy in America.
Ceaser, James, Reconstructing America (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997). Includes discussion of the Tocqueville-Gobineau debate.
Celebrating Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, 1835-1985 (Jesse R. Pitts and Olivier Zunz eds.; Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1986).
Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France), Alexis de Tocqueville; livre du centenaire, 1859-1959 (Paris: CNRS, 1960).
Chabot, Sonia, Education civique, instruction publique et liberte d’enseignement dans l’oeuvre d’Alexis de Tocqueville (Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 1993). Microfiche copy of Master’s thesis, Université Laval, 1993).
Chabot, Sonia, Education civique, instruction publique et liberté d’enseignement dans l’oeuvre d’Alexis de Tocqueville (Master’s thesis, Université Laval, 1993).
Chakravarti, Sonali, Mature Enough To Disobey: Jurors, Women, and Radical Enfranchisment in Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, 15 Law, Culture, and the Humanities 190-204 (2016).
Challenges to party government (John Kenneth White and Jerome M. Mileur eds.,; Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press, 1992). Includes Wilson Carey McWilliams, Tocqueville and responsible parties: Individualism, partisanship, and citizenship in America at 190-211.
Chamberlin, William Henry, The Prophet de Tocqueville, 10 Modern Age 52-58 (1966).
Chambrun, Joseph Dominique Aldebert de Pineton, Nos historiens: Guizot, Tocqueville, Thiers (Paris: Calmann-Levy, 1888). 110 pages.
Chambrun, Joseph Dominique Aldebert de Pineton, Nos historiens: Guizot, Tocqueville, Thiers (Paris: Calmann-Levy, 1888). Second edition. 110 pages.
Chartré, Jean-Philippe, Le devoir de philo. Tocqueville, voterait-t-il Bush? April 22, 2006. See also Benoît, Jean-Louis, Tocqueville aurait pas voté Bush.
Chastagnaret, Yves, George Sand et Tocqueville; Hommage a Annarosa Poli, in George Sand et son temps 1025 (Elio Mosele, Geneva: Slatkine, 1994). Three volumes.
Chaumont, Jean-Michel, Individualisme et modernité chez Tocqueville et Arendt, in Hannah Arendt, confrontations (Lille: Association les Cahiers de Philosophie; 1987)(Les Cahiers de philosophie; 4).
Chaussier, R., Les idées politiques de Tocqueville (Thesis, University of Dijon, 1949).
Chevallier, Jean-Jacques, De la distinction des sociétés aristocratiques et des sociétés démocratiques, en tant que fondement de la pensée politique d’Alexis de Tocqueville. Communication à l’Académie des sciences morales et politiques, 1955.
The Chicago Companion To Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (James T. Schleifer, ed., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012). Available in hardcover and ebook formats.
Chichiarelli, Ezio, Alexis de Tocqueville, saggio critico (Bari: G. Laterza & figli, 1941)(Biblioteca di cultura moderna; 358).
Chinard, Gilbert, Alexis de Tocqueville, 9(2) French Review 101-110 (December 1935).
Chinard, Gilbert, Alexis de Tocqueville et le Capitaine Basil Hall, 15 Bulletin de l’Institut Français à Washington 9-18 (December 1942).
Ch’iu, Ch’ang-t’ai, Mei kuo min chu ti kuan ch’a chia: T’o-k’o-wei-erh (1805-1959)(sic): P’ing chien chi’i tui mei kuo tzu yu yü p’ing teng li nien ti kuan chi’a, 25(1) Ssu yü Yen 85-99 (1985, i.e. 1987). “Observer of American democracy Alexis de Tocqueville, 1805-59: an introduction to his thoughts on American freedom and equality.”
Choi, Daniel, Unprophetic Tocqueville: How Democracy in America Got the Modern World Completely Wrong, 12(2) The Independent Review 165-178 (Fall 2007).
Choi, Joung-min, The Critics of Democracy: The Political Visions of Walker Percy and the Tradition of Alexis de Tocqueville and the Vanderbilt Agrarians (Dissertation, Saint Louis University, 1995).
Christol, Hélène, Un Tocqueville italien en Amerique? O America, de Luigi Barzini, in I L’Amerique et l’Europe: Realités et representations 125 (Aix-en-Provence: Université de Provence, 1985).
Cicalese, Maria Luisa, I problemi dell’accentramento e della rappresentanza nel dialogo fra John Stuart Mill e Alexis de Tocqueville (1835-1840), 22(3) Il Pensiero Politico 462-476 (September/December 1989). English title: The question of centralization and representation in the debate between John Stuart Mill and Alexis de Tocqueville, 1835-40.
Cicalese, Maria Luisa, Democrazia in cammino: la formazione del pensiero politico di Stuart Mill nel dialogo con Tocqueville (Milano: F. Angeli, 1988)(Studi e ricerche storiche; 118).
Cioran, Dima, The ethnographer as geologist: Tocqueville, Levi-Strauss, Baudrillard and the American dilemma, 31(2) Social Science Information 267-292 (1992).
Cipolla, Costantino, Tocqueville: il teorico della partecipazione (Bologna: Cappelli, 1978)(La Ricerca sociale. Nuova universale Cappelli; 9).
Clark, Dymphna, David Headon, and John Matthew Williams, The Ideal of Alexis de Tocqueville (Melbourne University Press, 2000).
Clark, Thomas, The American Democrat Reads Democracy in America: Cooper and Tocqueville in the Transatlantic Hall of Mirrors, 52(2) Amerikastudien/American Studies 187-208 (2007). Compares James Fenimore Cooper’s writing in The American Democrat to Tocqueville’s observations in Democracy in America.
Clavero Salvador, Bartolomé, Tutela Administrativa o Diálogos con Tocqueville, 24 Quaderni Fiorentini Per la Storia del Pensiero Giuridico Moderno 419-468 (1995).
Clegg, Stewart R. and David Courpasson, Political Hybrids: Tocquevillean Views on Project Organizations, 41(4) Journal of Management Studies 525-547 (June 2004).
Clinton, W. David, Tocqueville on Democracy, Obligation and the International System, 19(3) Review of International Studies 227 (July 1993).
Cliteur, Paul, A Secular Reading of Alexis de Tocqueville, in Reading Tocqueville: From Oracle to Actor 112-132 (Raf Geenens and Annelien de Dijn eds.; Palgrave MacMillan, New York, 2007).
Clinton, W. David, Tocqueville, Lieber, and Bagehot: Liberalism Confronts the World (NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003)(The Palgrave Macmillan Series on the History of International Thought).
Clinton, W. David, Tocqueville’s Challenge, 11(1) Washington Quarterly 173-189 (1988).
Clive, John Leonard, The education of Alexis de Tocqueville, in Not By Fact Alone 253-256 (NY: Knopf, 1989).
Clive, John Leonard, Looking Over a Four-Leaf Clover: A Quartet of Nineteenth-Century Historians, 27 Critical Review 66-83 (1985).
Clive, John Leonard, Looking over a four-leaf clover: a quartet of nineteenth-century historians, in Not by fact alone 166-188 (NY: Knopf, 1989).
Coenen-Huther, Jacques, Tocqueville (Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1997)(Collection Que sais-je?; 3213).
Cofrancesco, Dino, Alexis de Tocqueville: L’archetipo aristocratico e il “primato della politica”, 22(3) Il Pensiero Politico 433-461 (September/December 1989). English title: Alexis de Tocqueville: the aristocratic model and the “supremacy of politics.” Part 1: the theory of freedom.
Cofrancesco, Dino, Tocqueville e il pensiero conservatore: riflessioni sui quaderni di viaggio e sulle lettere dall’America di Tocqueville. Alle origini della sociologia, 6(4) Controcorrente 11-40 (1974).
Cohen, David, Chasing the Red, White, and Blue: A Journey in Tocqueville’s Footsteps Through Contemporary America (NY: Godalming: Picador USA; Melia, 2002).
Cohen, Eliot A., Tocqueville on war, in Nuclear Rights/Nuclear Wrongs 204-222 (NY: Pergamon Press, 1986).
Cohler, Anne M., Montesquieu’s Comparative Politics and the Spirit of American Constitutionalism (Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1988).
Colangelo, Carmelo, Uguaglianza immaginaria. Tocqueville, la specie, la democrazia (Naples, La città del Sole, 2008).
Coleno, Jean, The Rhetoric of Pluralism (Dissertation, University of Toronto, 2007).
Coldagelli, Umberto, Tocqueville e la crisi europea (Napoli: Istituto suor Orsola Benincasa, 1994)(Lezioni).
Collins, Randall and Michael Makowski, The discovery of society (5th ed.; NY: McGraw-Hill, 1993). Includes The Last Gentleman: Alexis de Tocqueville, at 53-65.
Colwell, James L., “The Calamities Which They Apprehend”: Tocqueville on Race in America, 21 Western Humanities Review 93-100 (1967).
Commager, Henry Steele, Commager on Toqueville (Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1993).
Commager, Henry Steele, Democracy in America today (Rochester, NY: Rochester Public Library, 1979)(Harold Hacker Lecture Series). Sound recording.
Commager, Henry Steele, Henry Steele Commager. Two videocassettes. Part 1: Lecture on Tocqueville. Part 2: Discussion of Tocqueville.
Commager, Henry Steele, Tocqueville: Centralization and Liberty (Palo Alto, Calif. : Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, 1977).
Commager, Henry Steele, Tocqueville: Centralization and Liberty (London: University Press of America, 1987).
Compagna, Luigi, La modernità di Tocqueville, 153(214) Nord e Sud 84-94 (1972).
Compana, Luigi, Dalle parti ai partiti, 14() Il Pensiero Politico 274-283 (1981). English title: From factions to parties.
Connell, Kathleen (Mother M. Stephen, R.S.H.M.), Alexis De Tocqueville: Witness and commentator of Western Revolution (Master’s thesis, St. John’s University, 1963).
Connolly, William E., Tocqueville, Religiosity, and Pluralization, in William E. Connolly, The Ethos of Pluralization 163-198 (University of Minnesota Press, 1995) (Borderlines).
Connolly, William E., Tocqueville, Territory and Violence, 11(1) Theory, Culture & Society 19-41 (February 1994).
Consolini, Paula Maria, Learning by Doing Justice: Jury Service and Political Attitudes (Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1992). Examines Tocqueville’s assumptions about the nature of the jury.
Coolidge, John Stanhope, Alexis de Tocqueville: The egalitarian pattern in democratic culture (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, 1954). Recipient of the Susan Anthony Potter prize, 1954.
Corbo, Claude, Alexis de Tocqueville’s Visit To Lower Canada In 1831, Encyclopedia of French Cultural Heritage in North America. Also in French.
Corbo, Claude, Introduction, Selection, and Bibliography, in Alexis de Tocqueville, Regards sur le Bas-Canada (Montréal: Typo, 2003).
Corcos, Christine Alice, A Man For All Reasons: The Use of Tocqueville’s Writing in U. S. Judicial Opinions, Liber Amicorum 481 (Olivier Moréteau ed.; Baton Rouge, Claitors, 2008). Available at SSRN.
Cordie, Carlo, Tocqueville, 26(104) Cultura e Scuola 96-106 (October/December 1987).
Cosentino, Andrew J., and Françoise Mélonio, A Passion for liberty : Alexis de Tocqueville on democracy and revolution: an exhibition (Washington: The Library of Congress, 1989).
Costantini, Robert, L’image en France de l’état de New-York entre 1776 et 1861: Thèmes et sources, 4(1) French-American Review 36-41 (1980).
Costner, Herbert L., De Tocqueville on Inequality: A Discourse on Intellectual Style, 19(4) The Pacific Sociological Review 411-430 (Oct. 1976). American Society at the Bicentennial: Revising Our Understanding.
Coulter, Thomas, Some aspects of the life and thought of Alexis de Tocqueville (Master’s thesis, Kent State University, 1956).
Courvoisier, C. , Les fondements communautaires du civisme du civisme démocratique: Rousseau, Tocqueville, in Mélanges offerts à P.-F. Gonidec. L’État moderne: horizon 2000. Aspects internes et externs, 141-154 (Paris, Librairie Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1985) (Gonidec collection).
Coutant, Arnaud, Une Critique républicaine de la démocratie libérale: “De la démocratie en Amérique” d’Alexis de Tocqueville (Paris: Mare et Martin, 2007).
Coutant, Arnaud, Tocqueville et la Constitution démocratique (Paris: Mare et Martin, 2008) (Droit & Science Politique)
Couture, Yves, Philosophie politique et modernité: deux reappropriations critiques de Tocqueville (Paris: The Author, 1990)(Memoire et DEA: Doctrine et philosophie politiques).
Cox, Marvin R., Tocqueville’s Bourgeois Revolution, 19(3) Historical Reflections/Reflexions Historiques 279-307 (Fall 1993).
Coyne, Christopher J. Reconstructing Weak and Failed States: Insights From Tocqueville, 31(2) Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies 143-162 (2006). Download from SSRN.
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Dubois, Michel, Les Fondateurs de la pensée sociologique (Paris: Edition Marketing, 1993)(Ellipses).
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Eichthal, Eugene d’, Alexis de Tocqueville et la democratie liberale: étude suivie de fragments des entretiens de Tocqueville avec Nassau William Senior (1848-1858) (Paris: Calmann Levy, 1897). Some parts previously published in Revue Politique et Parlementaire, 1896.
Eichthal, Eugene d’, Alexis de Tocqueville et la democratie liberale: étude suivie de fragments des entretiens de Tocqueville avec Nassau William Senior (1848-1858) (Paris: Calmann Levy, 1897; Washington DC: Library of Congress, 19–). One microfilm reel. Some parts previously published in Revue Politique et Parlementaire, 1896.
Eide, Stephen D., Locke, Tocqueville, Liberalism, and Restlessness (Dissertation, Boston College, 2010).
Eisenberg, David A. The Disparity Between Man and Man: Nietzsche, Tocqueville and the Democratization of Humanity (Dissertation, the Claremont Graduate School, 2011).
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Epstein, Joseph, Alexis de Tocqueville: Democracy’s Guide (NY: HarperCollins, 2006)(Eminent Lives Series).
Epstein, Joseph, Alexis de Tocqueville: A Nice Place To Visit, 53(1) The Hudson Review 32-52 (Spring 2000).
Epstein, Joseph, Democracy at War, Wall Street Journal, December 19, 2005, at A16.
Erfani, Farhang, Left on the Road to Utopia: Social Imaginary in the Age of Democracy (Dissertation, Villanova University, 2003).
Ernst, Daniel R. Tocqueville’s Nightmare: The Administrative State Emerges in America, 1900-1940 (Oxford University Press, 2014).
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Europe, revue mensuelle; numero consacré au comte de Gobineau … (Paris: F. Rieder, 1923). Originally published as 9 Europe Issue 1, October 1923. Includes R. Rolland, Le conflit de deux generations: Tocqueville et Gobineau.
Exploring the Social and Political Economy of Alexis de Tocqueville (Peter J. Boettke and Adam Martin, eds., Palgrave Macmillan, 2020) (Mercatus Studies in Political and Social Economy).
Ewing, Samuel Edgar IV, Ralph Waldo Emerson and the New Aristocracy: Greatness and the Great Man in Democratic Society (Dissertation, Harvard University, 2003.
Fabian, Bernhard, Alexis de Tocquevilles Amerikabild. Genetische Untersuchungen über Zusammenhange mit der zeitgenossischen, insbesondere der englischen Amerika-Interpretation (Heidelberg: C. Winter Verlag, 1957)(Beihefte zum Jahrbuch fur Amerikastudien, 1. Heft).
Faguet, Emile, Politicians & moralists of the nineteenth century (Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1899)(Library of European Political Thought). Translation of series 3 (Politiques et moralistes du dix-neuvième siècle) by Dorothy Galton. Includes writings on Stendhal, Tocqueville, Proudhon, Sainte-Beuve, Taine, Renan.
Faguet, Emile, Politicians & moralists of the nineteenth century (London: E. Benn Ltd., 1928)(Library of European political thought). Translation of series 3.
Faguet, Emile, Politiques et moralistes du dix-neuvieme siecle (3d ed., Paris: Société française d’imprimerie et de librairie, 1901)(Nouvelle bibliothèque littéraire). Volume 3 includes section on Tocqueville.
Faguet, Emile, Politiques et moralistes du dix-neuvieme siecle (Paris: Boivin, 1890)(Nouvelle bibliothèque littéraire). Three volumes. Volume 3 contains material on Tocqueville.
Fanuzzi, Robert, Taste, Manners, and Miscegenation: French Racial Politics in the US, 19(3) American Literary History 573-602 (Fall 2007). Thought of Tocqueville, de Beaumont, Jacques-Pierre Brissot.
Farmo, Moumouni, Du mouvement de la democratie chez Alexis de Tocqueville, et de son procès en Afrique (Dissertation, University of Ottawa, 1995).
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Featherstone, Mark, Tocqueville’s virus : utopia and dystopia in Western social and political thought (London: Routledge, 2008).
Feher, Ferenc, The evergreen Tocqueville: on the occasion of the Hungarian publication of American democracy (Bundoora, Victoria: School of Politics, La Trobe University, 1995)(La Trobe Politics Working Paper; 7).
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Feminist Interpretations of Alexis de Tocqueville (Jill Locke and Eileen Hunt Botting eds.; University Park, PA: Penn State Press, 2008)(Re-reading the Canon).
Ferkaluk, Emily Katherine, Tocqueville’s Moderate Penal Reform (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018) (Recovering Political Philosophy).
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Field, Andrew, The Sustained Voice of Saul Bellow: De Tocqueville as a Novelist, 31(9)(237) Quadrant 23-27 (September 1987).
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Fields, Henry Michael, Alexis de Tocqueville and the psychology of French liberalism in the eighteen forties (Bachelor’s thesis, Harvard University, 1968).
Finkel, Evgeny, and Scott Gehlbach, The Tocqueville Paradox: When Does Reform Provoke Rebellion? November 4, 2018. Available at SSRN.
Fishman, Ethan, What Makes Rabbit Run? Updike’s Hero as Tocqueville’s American Democrat, 13(1) American Politics Quarterly 79-100 (1985).
Flikke, Geir, Amerika–tre syn pa autentisk folelse: Tocqueville, Hamsun og Baudrillard, 6 Samtiden 80-90 (1991).
Foley, Michael W., and Bob Edwards, eds. Beyond Tocqueville: Civil Society and Social Capital In Comparative Perspective, 42(5) American Behavioral Scientist 5 (September 1988).
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Fontmichel, Hervé de, La Pensee politique d’Alexis de Tocqueville (S.l.: S.n., n.d.).
Forment, Carlos A., Democracy in Latin America, 1760-1900. Volume One: Civic Selfhood and Public Life in Mexico and Peru (Chicago: University of Chicago, 2003).
Forster, Colin, Tocqueville and Australia (Canberra, Australia: Australian National University, 1992)(Working papers in economic history; 172).
France. Haute Cour de justice, Proces des accuses du 13 juin 1849 precede du Proces du citoyen Huber (affaire du 15 mai 1848) devant la Haute cour de justice : precis historique de la question romaine : lettre de Joseph Mazzini a Mm. de Tocqueville et Falloux : comte-rendu des debats (Paris: Chez Ballard, 1849).
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- Episode one. Nul echappe a la democratie.
- Episode two. Faut-il se soumettre a la majorite?
- Episode three. L’opinion publique empeche-t-elle de penser par soi-meme?
- Episode four. L’egalite est-elle dangereuse?
Franck, Jacques, Les Souvenirs d’Alexis de Tocqueville, 11 Revue Générale Belge 123-126 (1964).
Franck, Matthew J., Statesmanship and the Judiciary, 51(4) Review of Politics 510-532 (Fall 1989). Uses Tocqueville’s insights to examine the roles of magistrates and judges; compares Tocqueville’s writings and The Federalist.
Franco, Paul, Tocqueville and Nietzsche on the Problem of Human Greatness in Democracy, 76 The Review of Politics 439-467 (Summer 2014).
Frankenberg, Günther, Tocquevilles (sic) Question: The Role of a Constitution in the Process of Integration, 13(1) Ratio Juris (March 2000).
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Freund, Dorrit, Aktuelle Gedanken zur Demokratie bei Alexis de Tocqueville und Max Weber, 53 Schweizer Monathefte 857-862 (1974).
Freund, Dorrit, Alexis de Tocqueville und die politische Kultur der Demokratie (Stuttgart: Paul Haupt, 1974).
Freund, Dorrit, Alexis de Tocqueville und die politische Kultur der Demokratie (Dissertation, University of Basel, 1973).
Frey, Klaus, Descentralizaçäo e Poder Local em Alexis de Tocqueville, Revista de Sociologia e Política No. 15, Nov. 2000, 83-96.
Fritz, Harry W., Racism and Democracy in Tocqueville’s America, 13(3) The Social Science Journal 65-76 (October 1976).
Frohnen, Bruce P., Constitution-Reading Through Tocqueville’s Eyes, 42 Capital University Law Review 879 (2014).
Frohnen, Bruce P., Philosophy and Virtue: Burke, Tocqueville, and the Contemporary Conservative Dilemma (Dissertation, Cornell University, 1988).
Frohnen, Bruce P., A Restless Tocqueville, 30(2) Intercollegiate Review 43 (1995).
Frohnen, Bruce P., Tocqueville, the Political Constitution, and the Social Constitution, Anamnesis: A Journal for the Study of Tradition, Place, and ‘Things Divine.’
Frohnen, Bruce P., Tocqueville’s Law: Integrative Jurisprudence in the American Context, 39 American Journal of Jurisprudence 241-272 (1994). Available via SSRN.
Frohnen, Bruce P., Virtue and the Promise of Conservatism: The Legacy of Burke and Tocqueville (Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1993). Includes Tocqueville and the Conservation of Liberty in America, at 90-118.
Fugen, Hans N., Dichtung in der burgerlichen Gesellschaft: Sechs literatursoziologische Studien (Bonn: Bouvier, 1972). On Goethe, Emanuel Geibel, Paul Heyse, Stefan George, and Alexis de Tocqueville.
Fugiel, Peter, J., Illinois municipal revenue raising: an operationalized account of Tocqueville’s concept of administrative decentralization (Dissertation, Northern Illinois University, 1979).
Fumaroli, Marc, Culture contre Université, 66(1) The French Review 1-6 (October 1992).
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Grudzinska-Gross, Irena, Pietno rewolucji: Custine, Tocqueville i wyobraznia romantyczna (Warszawa: Wydawn. Naukowe PWN, 1995). Translation of The Scar of Revolution.
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Jollivet, Adolphe, Observations sur le rapport de M. de Tocqueville relatif a l’abolition de l’esclavage dans les colonies et quelques mots sur la loi des sucres (Paris: Imprimerie de Cosse et G.-Laguionie, 1840).
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Karpiński, Wojciech, Tocqueville: filozof wolności, 6 Twórczość 130-132 (1974). English translation: Tocqueville: A Philosopher of Freedom.
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Kasinitz, Philip, Missing Tocqueville? 21(4) Sociological Forum 693-694 (December 2006). Sociology.
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Kerber, Linda K., Separate spheres, female worlds, woman’s place: The rhetoric of women’s history, 75(1) Journal of American History 9-39 (June 1988). Some discussion of Tocqueville’s observation of the female role in early American society.
Keslassy, Eric, De la Démocratie en France, — Libération – (July 23, 2002). Further bibliographic information not currently available.
Keslassy, Eric, Le liberalisme de Tocqueville à l’epreuve du pauperisme (Paris: Harmattan, 2000)(L’ouverture philosophique).
Keslassy, Eric, Le nouveau retour de Tocqueville, -24 La Revue Tocqueville – (2003). Further bibliographic information not currently available.
Keslassy, Eric, Question sociale et démocratie chez Tocqueville, in DEES: Document pour l’énseignement économique et social (Paris: CNDP, 2000). Paging not available.
Keslassy, Eric, Tocqueville l’aristo-libéral, — Alternatives économiques – (January 2001). Further bibliographic information not currently available.
Keslassy, Eric, Tocqueville, précurseur de la troisième voie », — Futuribles – (March 2001). Further bibliographic information not currently available.
Kesler, Charles Reeder, Tocqueville and the new political science (Bachelor’s thesis, Harvard University, 1978).
Kessel, Eberhard, Das Tocqueville-Problem: Eine Auseinandersetzung mit der neuesten Literatur, 1 Jahrbuch für Amerikastudien 168-176 (1956).
Kessler, Sanford, Tocqueville on Civil Religion and Liberal Democracy, 39(1) Journal of Politics 119-146 (1977).
Kessler, Sanford, Tocqueville on Sexual Morality, 16(3) Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy 465-480 (Spring 1989).
Kessler, Sanford, Tocqueville’s civil religion: American Christianity and the prospects for freedom (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994)(SUNY Series in Religion, Culture, and Society).
Kessler, Sanford, Tocqueville’s Puritans: Christianity and the American Founding, 54(3) Journal of Politics 776-792 (1992).
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Kilar, Jeremy W., Tocqueville’s Companion Gustave de Beaumont and the Journey into the Michigan Wilderness in 1831, 68(1) Michigan History 34-39 (1984).
Kim, Steven Chong, Cultural Analysis of [the] Concept of Democracy in Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1993).
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Kimball, Roger, Tocqueville Today, The New Criterion Online.
King, Richard H., Arendt, Tocqueville, and Cold War America, in Arendt and America 89 (University of Chicago Press, 2015).
Kissam, Philip C., Alexis de Tocqueville and American Constitutional Law: On Democracy, the Majority Will, Individual Rights, Federalism, Religion, Civic Associations, and Originalist Constitutional Theory, 59 Maine Law Review 35-74 (2007).
Kitch, Sarah Beth V., The Immovable Foundations of the Infinite and Immortal: Tocqueville’s Philosophical Anthropology, 60 American Journal of Political Science 947-957 (October 2016).
Klein, Hans K., Tocqueville In Cyberspace: Using the Internet for Citizen Associations, 15(4) The Information Society 213-230 (1999).
Klein, Daniel B., Think Spiral: The Divided Brain and Classic Liberalism, 57 Society 614-626 (2020).
Knee, Philip, Religion et souverainété du peuple: de Rousseau à Tocqueville, 23 Canadian Journal of Political Science 211 (June 1990). “Religion and the supremacy of the people: from Rousseau to Tocqueville.”
Kohl, Lawrence Frederick, The Politics of Individualism: Social Character and Political Parties in the Age of Jackson (Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1980).
Kohn, Margaret, Empire’s Law: Alexis de Tocqueville on Colonialism and the State of Exception, 41 Canadian Journal of Political Science 255 (2008).
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Koritansky, John C., Alexis de Tocqueville and the new science of politics : an interpretation of Democracy in America (Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 1986).
Koritansky, John C., Civil Religion in Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, 17(3) Interpretation 389 (Spring 1990).
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Koritansky, John C., Two Forms of the Love of Equality in Tocqueville’s Practical Teaching for Democracy, 6(4) Polity 488-499 (1973).
Kovecses, Zoltan, Tocqueville’s Passionate “Beast”: A Linguistic Analysis of the Concept of American Democracy, 9(2) Metaphor and Symbolic Activity 113 (1994).
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Kramer, Lloyd, Lafayette, Tocqueville and American National Identity, in Lafayette in Two Worlds 185 (1996).
Kramer, Michael P., Condillac to Michaelis to Tooke: How Noah Webster Invented a National Language Or, Was Tocqueville Wrong About American English? 14 European Contributions to American Studies 212-227 (1988).
Kraynak, Robert P., Alexis de Tocqueville on divine providence and historical progress, in Political philosophy and the human soul: essays in memory of Allan Bloom (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1995).
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Kurczewska, Joanna, Alexis de Tocqueville i wartości, 23 Archiwum Historii Filozofii i Myśli Społecznej 43-58 (1977). Translation of article title: Alexis de Tocqueville and values.
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Lacordaire, Henri-Dominique, Discours de reception a l’Academie Francaise Paris: Poussielgue-Rusand, 1861). Bound with Michel Chevalier, La liberté aux États-Unis. Essay on Tocqueville.
Lacroix, André, Alexis de Tocqueville. Includes links to electronic full texts of Tocqueville’s writings.
LaFeber, Walter, Johnson, Vietnam, and Tocqueville, in Lyndon Johnson confronts the world: American foreign policy, 1963-1968 (Warren I. Cohen and Nancy Bernkopf Tucker eds.; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1994).
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Lerner, Max, Culture and Personality in Tocqueville’s America, 1 Southern Review 590-605 (1965).
Lerner, Max, Magisterial imagination: six masters of the human sciences (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1994). Includes discussion of Aristotle, Macchiavelli, Tocqueville, Mill, Veblen, Holmes.
Lerner, Max, Tocqueville and American civilization (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1969, repr. 1993).
Lerner, Max, Tocqueville and American civilization (NY: Harper & Row, 1969)(Harper Colophon Books; CN 157).
Lerner, Max, Tocqueville and American civilization (NY: Harper & Row, 1969). Originally published as an introduction to Democracy in America, 1966.
Lerner, Max, Tocqueville’s Democracy in America: Politics, Law, and the Elites, 25(4) The Antioch Review 543-563 (Winter 1965/1966). This essay is part of an introduction to the George Lawrence translation of Democracy in America, published in 1966.
Lerner, Ralph, The Thinking Revolutionary: Principle and Practice in the New Republic (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1987).
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Lichterman, Paul, Social Capital or Group Style? Rescuing Tocqueville’s Insights on Civil Engagement, 35(5/6) Theory & Society 529-563 (October 2006).
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Locke, Jill, and Eileen Hunt Botting, Introduction: To Tocqueville and Beyond, in Feminist Interpretations of Alexis de Tocqueville 1 (Jill Locke and Eileen Hunt Botting eds.; University Park, PA: Penn State Press, 2008)(Re-reading the Canon).
Lom, Petr, Alexis de Tocqueville: The Psychologist of Equality
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Mansfield, Harvey Claflin, Tocqueville: A Very Short Introduction (NY and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010).
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Mazzini, Giuseppe, Lettera di Giuseppe Mazzini ai signori Tocqueville e Falloux, ministri di Francia (Torino: F. G. Crivellari, 1849, repr. Harvard University Library Microreproduction Service, 1992)(Project 2s; 20974). One microfilm reel.
English: Mazzini, Giuseppe, The letter of Mazzini, the Roman triumvir, to Falloux and de Tocqueville, ministers of the French republic (Liverpool: T. Baines, 18??; repr. Harvard University Library Microreproduction Service, Cambridge, MA, 1993)(Project 2a; 22718). One microfilm reel.
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Mill, John Stuart, Dissertations and discussions, political, philosophical, and historical. Reprinted chiefly from the Edinburgh and Westminster reviews (2d ed.; London: Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer, 1867). Includes M. de Tocqueville on democracy in America in volume 2.
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Negro, Dalmacio, Tocqueville y Stuart Mill, 19 Revista de Occidente 103-114 (1967).
Nelson, Eric, Coda: Tocqueville and the Greeks, in The Greek Tradition in Republican Thought 234-251 (Cambridge University Press, 2004).
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Nesbitt, Nick, On the Political Efficacy of Idealism: Tocqueville, Schoelcher, and the Abolition of Slavery, in America Through European Eyes: British and French Reflections on the New World From the EIghteenth Century to the Present (Aurelian Craiutu and Jeffrey C. Isaac, eds., Pennsylvania State University Press, 2009) at 91.
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Nisbet, Robert, Twilight of Authority (Liberty Fund, 2000). Reprint. Various editions available.
No, Chae-bong, The foundations of Alex de Tocqueville’s political thought (Dissertation, New York University, 1967; repr. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms, 1968).
Noboloff, Nicholas R., The Family in Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America”: Understanding Difference in the Age of Equality (Dissertation, University of New Hampshire, 2007).
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Nugent, Walter, Tocqueville, Marx, and American Class Structure, 12(4) Social Science History 327-348 (1988).
O’Donnell, Guillermo, The Judiciary and the Rule of Law, 11 Journal of Democracy 25 (2000).
Odegard, Peter, Tocqueville in retrospect: a review of Alexis de Tocqueville’s book Democracy in America (North Hollywood, CA: Center for Cassette Studies,, 1973)(The democratic experiment). One sound cassette. Odegard reconsiders Democracy in America.
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Owen, J. Judd, Making Religion Safe For Democracy: Transformation From Hobbes To Tocqueville (Cambridge University Press, 2016).
Palmer, Robert Roswell, The two Tocquevilles and two kinds of history, 131(4) Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 341-347 (1987).
Palmer, Robert Roswell, The two Tocquevilles on France and America, 12(34) Revue Française d’Études Américaines 565-576 (1987).
Palombino, Francesco, La teoria politica di Alexis de Tocqueville: tra rivoluzione e restaurazione (Napoli, Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 1996)(Filosofia e città. Monografie; 6).
Pan Xiao-jun, From Tocqueville To Habermas: Seeking the Social Base of Rule By Law, Legal Forum 2005-03.
Pappé, H. O., Mill and Tocqueville, 25 Journal of the History of Ideas 217-234 (1964).
The Paradoxes of Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (Falls Church, VA: Landmark Video, 19??). One videocassette. Speaker: David M. Kennedy. Part of a series of twenty lectures.
Paret, Peter, Continuity and Discontinuity in Some Interpretations by Tocqueville and Clausewitz, 49(1) Journal of the History of Ideas 161-173 (January/March 1988).
Paret, Peter, Understanding war : essays on Clausewitz and the history of military power (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992). Includes Continuity and Discontinuity in Some Interpretations by Tocqueville and Clausewitz at 143-154.
Parise, Eugenia, Passions and Order in Modern Plots Between Tocqueville and Stendhal, 35(2) Studi Francesi 382- (May/August 1991).
Parise, Eugenia, Passioni e ordine nella trama del moderno tra Tocqueville e Stendhal (Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 1989)(Pubblicazioni dell’Universita degli studi di Salerno. Sezione di studi storici; 5).
A Passion for liberty: A Library of Congress exhibition, September 8 to October 28, 1989 (Washington: Library of Congress, 1989). Exhibition catalog.
Patapan, Haig, Melancholy and Amnesia: Tocqueville’s Influence on Australian Democratic Theory, 49(1) Australian Journal of Politics and History 1-16 (2003).
Pearce, Colin D., Aristocratic Writers and New Continents: Lawrence and Tocqueville on Democracy, 5(2) Rananim: The Journal of the D.H. Lawrence Society of Australia– (1997).
Pease, Donald E., After the Tocqueville Revival; Or, the Return of the Political, 26(3) Boundary 2: An International Journal of Literature and Culture 87-114 (Fall 1999).
Pease, Donald E., Jose Marti, Alexis de Tocqueville, and the Politics of Displacement, in Jose Marti’s “Our America”: From National to Hemispheric Cultural Studies 27-57 (Jeffrey Belnap and Raul Fernandez eds.; Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1998).
Pecora, Gaetano, Democrazia e religione nel pensiero di Tocqueville, Mondoperaio, June/July 1991, at 89-101.
Pekarek, Ramona, Grafting the Head of Liberty onto the Body of a Slave: Tocqueville’s Analysis of Recurring Revolution in France
Pelletier, Willy, and Le Strat, Claire, La canonisation libérale d’Alexis de Tocqueville (Paris? Syllepse, 2005)
Pels, Dick, Elster’s Tocqueville: Some Critical Remarks, 3(3) Rationality and Society 298-307 (1991).
La pensée juridique d’Alexis de Tocqueville: Actes du colloque organisé le 13 novembre 2003 par le centre éthique et procédures de la faculté de droit de Douai, Université d’Artois (Arras: Artois Presses Université, 2005)(Droit et sciences économiques).
Perrin, Andrew J., American Democracy: From Tocqueville to Town Halls To Twitter (Polity, 2014).
Perry, Lewis, Boats against the current : American culture between revolution and modernity, 1820-1860 (NY: Oxford University Press, 1993). Includes Tocqueville: Wilderness and Civilization, at 89-104.
Peters, John Durham, Reconstructing Mass Communication Theory (Dissertation, Stanford University, 1986).
Petrequin, Paul, Friedrich Nietzsche and Alexis De Tocqueville on the possibility of history (Dissertation, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1997).
Pichetto, Maria Teresa, Il modello americano prima e dopo Tocqueville: L’esperienza di alcuni scrittori inglesi, 22(3) Il Pensiero Politico 477-492 (September/December 1989).
Pierson, George Wilson, Alexis de Tocqueville in New Orleans, January 1-3, 1832, 1 Franco-American Review 25-52 (June 1936).
Pierson, George Wilson, Gustave de Beaumont: Liberal, 1 Franco-American Review 307-316 (June 1936).
Pierson, George Wilson, Tocqueville and Beaumont in America (NY: Oxford University Press, 1938).
Pierson, George Wilson, Tocqueville in America (Gloucester, MA: Peter Smith, 1969, repr. 1959).
Pierson, George Wilson, Tocqueville and Beaumont in America (Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1977).
Pierson, George Wilson, Tocqueville in America (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1938, reprinted 1996). Original title: Tocqueville and Beaumont in America.
Pierson, George Wilson, Tocqueville’s visions of democracy, 51(1) Yale University Library Gazette 4-17 (July 1976). Lecture written for “the opening of the Bicentennial exhibition “Images of America After the Revolution: Alexis de Tocqueville and Gustave de Beaumont visit the early republic” on Wednesday, 7 April 1976. Preceded by an introduction by Kingman Brewster, Jr.”
Pippidi, A., Tocqueville as Minister for Foreign affairs and the Moldo-Wallachians, 32(1/2) Revue Roumaine d’Histoire 147-153 (January/June 1993).
Pisa, Karl, Alexis de Tocqueville: Prophet der Massenzeitalters: ein Biographie (Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1984).
Pitney, John J., Jr., The Tocqueville fraud, 1(9) Weekly Standard 44-45 (November 13, 1995).
Pitts, Jennifer Gaston, Empire and Democracy: Tocqueville and the Algeria Question, 8(3) Journal of Political Philosophy 295-318 (September 2000).
Pitts, Jennifer Gaston, Nation, Rights, and Progress: The Emergence of Liberal Imperialism, 1780—1850 (Dissertation, Harvard University, 2000).
Pitts, Jennifer Gaston, Republicanism, Liberalism, and Empire in Post-Revolutionary France, Paper delivered May 22, 2009, Stanford University.
Pitts, Jennifer Gaston, A Turn To Empire: The Rise of Imperial Liberalism in Britain and France (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005).
Pleasance, Antony Charles Edward., Variants in Tocqueville’s De la democratie en Amerique (Dissertation, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1971).
Pochon, Jacques, Quinet lecteur et utilisateur de Tocqueville, in Edgar Quinet, ce Juif errant 133 (Simone Bernard Griffiths and Paul Viallaneix eds., Clermont-Ferrand: Association des Publications de la Faculté des Lettres & Sciences Humaines, 1978).
Poggi, Gianfranco, Images of society; essays on the sociological theories of Tocqueville, Marx, and Durkheim (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1972).
Polin, Claude, “De la Démocratie en Amérique”, Tocqueville, analyse critique (Paris: Hatier, 1973)(Profil d’une oeuvre; 208. Sciences humaines).
Pollitzer, Maria, Democracia y estancamiento: Aportes tempranos de Alexis de Tocqueville y John Stuart Mill (Miño y Dávila editores, 2017) (Filosofía y Teoría Políticas). Available in print and digital editions.
Pombeni, Paolo, Starting in reason, ending in passion. Bryce, Lowell, Ostrogorski and the problem of democracy, 37(2) Historical Journal 319-341 (June 1994).
Pommereau, Laurence, L’Individualisme chez Benjamin Constant et Alexis de Tocqueville (Paris: S.n., 1995)(Memoire de DEA: Science Politique/Paris II; Session de 1995).
Pontmartin, Armand, comte de, Alexis de Tocqueville, in Causeries du samedi: deuxieme serie des causeries litteraires — (Paris: M. Levy Frères, 1857)(Bibliotheque contemporaine; 2 ser.)
Pope, Whitney and Lucetta Pope, Alexis de Tocqueville: His Social and Political Theory (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1986)(Masters of social theory; 4).
Pope, Whitney, The Search For Freedom (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1999).
Poulos, James, The Art of Being Free: How Alexis de Tocqueville Can Save Us From Ourselves (St. Martin’s Press, 2017).
Pozzi, Regina, Élites e processi di modernizzazione: Guizot e Tocqueville dinanzi alla storia inglese, in Il pensiero gerarchico in Europa. XVIII-XIX secolo, 251-267 (2002).
Pozzi, Regina, Guizot et Tocqueville face à l’histoire anglaise, 22(2) The Tocqueville Review 155-172 (2001).
Pozzi, Regina, Tocqueville e la storia (non scritta) della Rivoluzione francese, 41 Storia della Storiografia, 20-44 (2002).
Pozzi, Regina, Tocqueville e la storia (non scritta) della rivoluzione francese, 7 Cromohs, 1-19 (2002).
Pranger, Robert J., Tocqueville and Political Ambivalence, 2 Studies in Romanticism 129 (1963).
Prelot, Marcel, Le fait democratique: Alexis de Tocqueville, in Histoire des idees politiques 459-465 (Paris: Dalloz, 1961).
Price, Eileen McDonagh, Causal Models of American Political Development: Alexis de Tocqueville and Frederick Jackson Turner (Dissertation, Harvard University, 1972).
Probst, George E., Democracy in America: leader’s discussion & reading guide (Chicago, Bloomington: American Foundation for Continuing Education, Indiana University Audio-Visual Center, 1962). “Accompanies Democracy in America : fourteen dramatizations of American democratic life based on the classic work by Alexis de Tocqueville.”
Przychodzen, Janusz, Tocqueville mis en scène par Vadeboncoeur, ou…de l’Amerique (non) democratique, 29(2) Études Littéraires 49 (Autumn 1996).
Qualter, T. H., John Stuart Mill, Disciple of Tocqueville, 3 Western Political Quarterly 1880-1889 (1960).
Quoniam, Théodore, Alexis de Tocqueville en Amérique, 8 Nouvelle Revue des Deux Mondes 497-500 (1976).
Raico, Ralph, Alexis de Tocqueville, Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2019. 94 pages. Appears to be an introduction to a planned edition of Tocqueville’s Democracy in America.
Raico, Ralph, The Place of Religion in the Liberal Philosophy of Constant, Tocqueville, and Lord Acton (Dissertation, University of Chicago, 1971).
Raico, Ralph, The Place of Religion in the Liberal Philosophy of Constant, Tocqueville, and Lord Acton (Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2010).
Raico, Ralph, The Place of Religion in the Liberal Philosophy of Constant, Tocqueville, and Lord Acton (Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2011). Ebook edition.
Rahe, Paul A., Soft Depotism, Democracy’s Drift: Montesquieu, Rousseau, Tocqueville, & the Modern Prospect (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009).
Ramel, Stig, Utan revolution ingen Tocqueville, in William Odelberg, Stig Ramel pa prant: bibliografi 1958-1991 (Stockholm: Nobelstiftelsen, 1992).
Randall, James G., and R. N. Current, The farseeing visitor: Alexis de Tocqueville, 6(4) American Heritage — (June 1955).
Rao, Neomi, A Backdoor to Policy Making: The Use of Philosophers by the Supreme Court, 65 University of Chicago Law Review 1371(1998). Discusses use of Tocqueville by Supreme Court in one judicial decision.
Rau, Hans Arnold, Tocquevilles Theorie des politischen Handelns. Demokratie zwischen Verwaltungsdespotismus und Republik (Würzberg: Neumann, 1981).
Rau, Zbigniew, Alexis de Tocqueville in Doktryny polityczne XIX i XX wieku 32-40 (Krystyna Chojnicka and Wieslawa Kozuba Ciembroniewicz ed., Kraków 2000)
Reading Tocqueville: From Oracle to Actor (Raf Geenens and Annelien De Djin eds.; Palgrave MacMillan. 2007). Published in the US as Tocqueville Today?
Includes Tocqueville Today? Contexts, Interpretations and Usages; R.Geenens & A.De Dijn
Liberalism, Democracy, and Empire: Tocqueville on Algeria; J.Pitts
Creating Concitoyens: Tocqueville on the Legacy of Slavery;
C. Welch
Reading Tocqueville: Diachrony, Synchrony, Ideology and New Perspectives;
The Return of Tocqueville in Contemporary Political Thought: Individualism, Associationism, Republicanism; S.Audier
Democratic Threats and Threats to Democracy ; R. Ossewaarde
A Secular Reading of Alexis de Tocqueville; P.Cliteur
Democracy and Religion: Some Tocquevillian Perspectives; A.Antoine
Tocqueville, European Integration and Free Mœurs; L.Siedentop
Tocqueville and European Federalism. A Reply to Larry Siedentop; W.Swenden
Reconsidering Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (Abraham S. Eisenstadt ed.; New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1988).
Reddinger, William Troy, Why Family Matters Most: Montesquieu and Tocqueville on the Political Significance of the Family (Master’s thesis, Northern Illinois University, 2005).
Redier, Antoine, Comme disait Monsieur de Tocqueville … (Paris: Perrin, 1925).
Reeves, Richard, American Journey: Traveling with Tocqueville in Search of Democracy in America (NY: Simon & Schuster, 1983).
Reeves, Richard, Democracy in America, reconsidered, 14(5/6) Washington Monthly 44-52 (1982).
Regan, Mary Jane, The Republic of Leisure in American Intellectual and Popular Thought, 1876-1910 (Dissertation, Georgetown University, 1996).
Reinhardt, Mark, The Art of Being Free: Taking Liberties with Tocqueville, Marx, and Arendt (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1997)(Contestations).
Reis, Helena Esser dos, Pensar a democracia em companhia de Rousseau e Tocqueville, 16 doispontos 14-23 (August 2019).
Rémusat, Charles de, De l’Esprit de Réaction: Royer-Collard et Tocqueville, 35 Revue des Deux Mondes — (1861).
Rémusat, Charles de, De l’Esprit de Réaction: Royer-Collard et Tocqueville, 35 Revue des Deux Mondes — (1861) (reprinted by CreateSpace 2017).
Res Publica, Relire Tocqueville, No. 40 (January 2005).
Resh, Richard, Alexis de Tocqueville and the Negro: Democracy in America Reconsidered, 48 Journal of Negro History 251-259 (October 1963).
Reuben, Paul P., PAL: Early Nineteenth Century: Alexis de Tocqueville.
Reuben, Paul P., PAL: Perspectives in American Literature: Alexis de Tocqueville
Revedin, Anton Marino, Tocqueville e Rousseau: malinconia e utopia (Trieste: Proxima Scientific Press, 1992).
Richardson, William D., The Possibility of Harmony Between the Races: An Inquiry Into the Thought of Jefferson, Tocqueville, Lincoln and Melville (Dissertation, State University of New York, Buffalo, 1979).
Richter, Melvin, Comparative Political Analysis in Montesquieu and Tocqueville, 1(2) Comparative Politics 129-160 (1969).
Richter, Melvin, Debate on Race: Tocqueville-Gobineau Correspondence, 25 Commentary 151-160 (February 1958).
Richter, Melvin, Tocqueville and Guizot on Democracy: From a Type of Society To a Political Regime, 30 History of European Ideas 61-82 (2004).
Richter, Melvin, Tocqueville on Algeria, 25(3) Review of Politics 362 (July 1963).
Richter, Melvin, Tocqueville on Algeria (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1963). Reprint of Tocqueville on Algeria, 25(3) Review of Politics 362 (July 1963).
Richter, Melvin, Tocqueville On Threats To Liberty In Democracies, in The Cambridge Companion To Tocqueville (Cheryl B. Welch, ed.; Cambridge University Press, 2006).
Richter, Melvin, Tocqueville’s Contributions to the Theory of Revolution, in Revolution: Yearbook — (Carl J. Friedrich ed.; NY: Atherton Press, 1966)(Nomos; 8).
Richter, Melvin, The Uses of Theory: Tocqueville’s Adaptation of Montesquieu, in Essays in Theory and History 74-102 (Melvin Richter ed., Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1970).
Richter, Melvin, and Peter Baehr, Dictatorship in History and Theory: Bonapartism, Caesarism, and Totalitarism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004)(Publications of the German Institute).
Rickett, Tracy, The relationship between church and state: applying the ideas of Alexis de Tocqueville to modern day Supreme Court decisions (Master’s thesis, University of Virginia, 1984).
Rieger, Helmut, The problem of democracy in the political thought of Alexis De Tocqueville (Master’s thesis, University of Notre Dame, 1965).
Riemer, Neal, Alexis de Tocqueville and the American Character: The Problem of Reconciling Excellence and Consent, 31(1) Publius 27-35 (Winter 2001).
Riesman, David, Tocqueville as Ethnographer, 30 American Scholar 174-187 (1961).
Riviale, Philippe, Tocqueville et l’intranquillité (Paris: L’Harmattan, 1997)(Collection L’ouverture philosophique).
Rizzi, Lino, Tocqueville: il liberalismo e le ambiguità della democrazia, 578(2201) Nuova Antologia 108-131 (1997).
Roazen, Paul, Tocqueville Studies, 67(2) Virginia Quarterly Review 354-360 (1991).
Robien, Gilles de, Alexis de Tocqueville (Paris: Flammarion, 2000) (Grandes biographies).
Rocher, Guy, Le droit et les jurists dans une société libre et democratique, selon Alexis de Tocqueville, 28 La Revue Juridique Thémis 1011-1034 (1994).
Rockford College Freshman Seminar Page: Alexis de Tocqueville: Democracy in America
Roebuck, John Arthur, [Commentary], in Democracy in America (London: Charles Ely, 1835).
Roebuck, John Arthur, Democracy in America (London: Charles Ely, 1835). Commentary on Democracy in America and a review published in the London Review.
Roedsch, Jerrold, With Alexis de Tocqueville In Green Bay (Voyageur: Historical Review of Brown County and Northeast Wisconsin, Summer 1986).
Rohmer, Frank J., Liberty and the Family in the Political Philosophy of Montesquieu, Rousseau, and Tocqueville (Dissertation, University of Chicago, 1986).
Rohr, John Anthony, Constitutional reflections from abroad, or, putting de Tocqueville in reverse (Salt Lake City, Utah: Center for Public Policy and Administration and Dept. of Political Science, University of Utah, 1997)(Dalmas H. Nelson Lecture in Public Law and Ethics).
Roland-Marcel, Pierre René, Essai politique sur Alexis de Tocqueville: avec un grand nombre de documents inedits (Paris: F. Alcan, 1910)(Bibliotheque d’histoire contemporaine).
Roldán, Darío, Lecturas de Tocqueville (Madrid: Siglo Veintiuno, 2007).
Rollet, Jacques, Tocqueville (Paris: Montchréstien, 1998)(Clefs).
Roper, Donald M., Martin Van Buren as Tocqueville’s Lawyer: The Jurisprudence of Politics, 2(2) Journal of the Early Republic 169-189 (Summer 1982).
Ros, Juan Manuel, El concepto de democracia en Tocqueville (Una lectura filosófico-politica de la Democracia en América)(Dissertation, Universidad Jaume I de Castellón, España, 2000).
Ros, Juan Manuel, Los dilemas de la democracia liberal: Sociedad civil y democracia en Tocqueville. (Barcelona: Edicion Crítica, 2001).
Ros, Juan Manuel, Los dilemas de la democracia liberal (Planeta Publishing Corp., 2003).
Ros, Juan Manuel, Tocqueville y la cuestión del pauperismo: Estudio introductorio, traducción al español y notas de la Memoria sobre el pauperismo de A. de Tocqueville (Madrid: Tecnos, 2003).
Rosen, Jeffrey, I-Commerce: Tocqueville, the Internet, and the Legalized Self, 70(1) Fordham Law Review 1-15 (October 2001).
Rota Ghibaudi, Silvia. I percorsi della politica: teoria e realta : epistemologia, storia e scienza politica in Tocqueville, Ferrari e Mosca (Milano: FrancoAngeli, 1996)(Collana “Gioele Solari” / Dipartimento di studi politici dell’Universita di Torino; 21).
Rousseliere, Genevieve, Freedom and the State in the Age of Market Economy: French Republicanism From Montesquieu to Tocqueville (Dissertation, Princeton University, 2011).
Rovit, Earl, The American Literary Ego: An Essay in Psychohistory, 14 Southern Review 409-427 (1978).
Roz, Firmin, Cent ans après: A. de Tocqueville et La démocratie en Amérique, 28 Revue des Deux Mondes 152 (1935).
Roz, Firmin, Tocqueville en Amerique et son actualité, 60 Revue des Deux Mondes 720-725 (1940).
Rudmin, F. W., Materialism & Militarism: De Tocqueville on America’s Hopeless Hurry to Happiness, in Meaning, Measure and Morality in Materialism 110 (1992).
Ruiz de la Pena, Francisco, Breves consideraciones sobre la influencia de A. de Tocqueville en el derecho mexicano; tesis que para obtener el grado de licenciado en derecho (Mexico D.F.: Imp. Hermanos Franco L., 1944). Thesis presented to the School of Law, Universidad nacional autonoma de Mexico.
Ruland, Richard, Tocqueville’s De la democratie en Amerique and The Education of Henry Adams, 2 Comparative Literature Studies 195-207 (1965).
Ryan, Alan, On Tocqueville: Democracy and America (NY: Liveright Publishing, 2014). Portions previously published in Alan Ryan, On Politics (NY: Norton, 2012).
Ryan, Alan, Tocqueville and Democracy, in On Politics: A History of Political Thought, from Herodotus to the Present (NY: Norton, 2012), at 729-769.
Sabetti, Filippo, The Challenge of Reform in France, Italy and Spain
Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin, Thomas Jefferson et Tocqueville (Princeton: Princeton University Press for the Institut français de Washington, 1943)(Petite bibliotheque americaine. Institut français de Washington).
Salomon, Albert, Tocqueville, Moralist and Sociologist, 2 Social Research 405-427 (1953).
Salomon, Tocqueville’s Philosophy of Freedom: A Trend Toward Concrete Sociology, 1 Review of Politics 400-431 (October 1939).
Samuels, Robert Martin, Democracy and Liberty in the Thought of Alexis de Tocqueville (Dissertation, Harvard University, 1978).
Sanders, Luk, The Strange Belief of Alexis de Tocqueville: Christianity as Philosophy, 74(11) International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 33-53 (2013).
Sanders, Luk, Tocquevilles vivisectie van de democratie, 74(3) Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 533-560 (2012).
Satz, Debra, Tocqueville, Commerce, and Democracy, in The Idea of Democracy 64-70 (D. Copp, J. Hampton and J. E. Roemer, eds.; Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 1993).
Sauca Cano, Jose Maria, La ciencia de la asociacion de Tocqueville: presupuestos metodologicos para una teoria liberal de la vertebracion social (Madrid: Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, 1996)(Derecho y la Justicia; 44).
Sauquillo, Julian, Tocqueville: Una radiografia del conformismo actual, 119 Claves de Razón Práctica 48-53 (January/February 2002).
Sauquillo, Julián, Una radiografía del conformismo actual, 119 Claves de Razón Prática 48-53 (January-February 2002). Discussion of Juan Manuel Ros, Los dilemmas de la democracia liberal (2001); comparison with philosophy of Tocqueville.
Schaefer, David Lewis, Montaigne, Tocqueville, and the Politics of Skepticism, 31 Perspectives on Political Science 204 (2002).
Scalia, Laura, The problems of democracy, 12 Tocqueville Review 205-220 (1990/1991).
Schapiro, J. S., Alexis de Tocqueville, Pioneer of Democratic Liberalism in France, 57 Political Science Quarterly 545-563 (December 1942).
Schaub, Diana, On Slavery: Beaumont’s Marie and Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, 22(4) Legal Studies Forum 607-627 (1998).
Schemann, Ludwig, Alexis de Tocqueville: Vortrag gehalten in der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Freiburg i.B. am 9. Marz 1911 (Stuttgart: Fr. Frommanns Verlag, 1911). One microfilm reel, New York Public Library.
Schemann, Ludwig, Gobineau: Eine Biographie (Ayer Publishing, 1980).
Schleifer, James T., How Democracy Influences Preaching: A Previously Unpublished Fragment from Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, 52 Yale University Library Gazette 75-79 (1977).
Schleifer, James T., Images of America after the Revolution: Alexis de Tocqueville and Gustave de Beaumont visit the early republic, 51(3) Yale University Library Gazette 125-144 (January 1977).
Schleifer, James T., The Making of Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1980).
Schleifer, James T., The Making of Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1999).
Schleifer, James T., Tocqueville, Religion, and Democracy in America: Some Essential Questions, 3(2) American Political Thought 254-272 (Fall 2014).
Schleifer, James T., Tocqueville and American Literature: A Newly Acquired Letter, 54 Yale University Library Gazette 129 (1980).
Schleifer, James T., Tocqueville and Centralization: Four Previously Unpublished Manuscripts,, 58 (1/2) Yale University Library Gazette 29-39 (1983).
Schleifer, James T., Tocqueville and Religion: Some New Perspectives, The Tocqueville Review 303-321 (Fall/Winter 1982).
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., Individualism and Apathy in Tocqueville’s Democracy, in Reconsidering Tocqueville’s Democracy in America 94-109 (Abraham S. Eisenstadt, ed.; New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, 1988).
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., Tocqueville and American Democracy, 25(3) Michigan Quarterly Review 493-505 (Summer 1986).
Schluter, Gisela, Demokratische Literatur: Studien zur Geschichte des Begriffs von der Franzosischen Revolution bis Tocqueville (Frankfurt am Main and NY: Peter Lang, 1986)(Bonner romanistische Arbeiten; 21).
Schluter, Gisela, Demokratische Literatur: Studien zur Geschichte des Begriffs von der Franzosischen Revolution bis Tocqueville (Dissertation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, WS 1985/1986).
Schneck, Stephen Frederick, Habits of the head : Tocqueville’s America and jazz, 17(4) Political Theory 638-662 (November 1989).
Schneck, Stephen Frederick, New Readings of Tocqueville’s America: Lessons for Democracy, 25(2) Polity 283-313 (1992). Additional comments by W. Carey McWilliams and Delba Winthrop.
Schneiderman, David, Against Constitutional Excess: Tocquevillian Reflections on International Investment Law, 85 University of Chicago Law Review 585 (2018).
Schorr, Robert Jacob, A Comparison of Alexis de Tocqueville’s View of America with Franz Augst Maria von Haxthausen’s View of Russia (Master’s thesis, Duquesne University, 1993).
Schut, Melvin Leonard, Tocqueville on Liberty (Dissertation, University of Chicago, 2007).
Schwartz, Joel, The Penitentiary and Perfectability in Tocqueville, 38(1) Western Political Quarterly 7-26 (1985).
Scott, Carl Eric, The Inconstant Democratic Character: A Comparison of Plato’s “Republic” and Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America” (Dissertation, Fordham University, 2009).
Secretan, Philibert, Alexis de Tocqueville: Pronostic et prophètie, 34(2) Espri5 246-258 (1966).
Segal, Howard P., Future imperfect: the mixed blessings of technology in America (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1994). Includes Alexis de Tocqueville and the Dilemmas of Modernization, at 36-48.
Sennett, Richard, What Tocqueville Feared, 46 Partisan Review 406 (1979).
Sennett, Richard, What Tocqueville Feared, in On the Making of Americans: Essays in Honor of David Riesman 105-125 (Herbert J. Gans, Nathan Glazer, Joseph R. Gusfield, and Christopher Jencks, eds.; Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1979).
Serows, Ann G., Democracy in America: Starting at the Source, 77(5) Social Studies 189-191 (September/October 1986).
Servoise, René, Tocqueville et Karl Marx Visionnaires, 10 Tocqueville Review 229-237 (1989/1990).
Sheehan, James, Tocqueville’s Europe (Falls Church, VA: Landmark Video, n.d.)(Europe and America in the Modern Age, 1776 to the present; pt. 3).
Shelley, Trevor, Liberalism and Globalization: An Essay on Montesquieu, Tocqueville, and Manent (Dissertation, Louisiana State University, 2014).
Shelley, Trevor, Globalization and Liberalism: Montesquieu, Tocqueville, and Manent (University of Notre Dame Press, 2020).
Shiner, Larry E., The Secret Mirror: Literary Form and History in Tocqueville’s Recollections (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988).
Shiner, Larry E., Writing and political carnival in Tocqueville’s Recollections, 25(1) History and Theory 17-33 (1986).
Shinn, Terry, Science, Tocqueville, and the state : The organization of knowledge in modern France, 59(3) Social Research 533-566 (Fall 1992).
Sidgwick, Henry, Miscellaneous essays and addresses (London and NY: Macmillan, 1904). Includes Supplement: Alexis de Tocqueville, an essay first published in Macmillan Magazine, November 1861.
Siedentop, Larry, Tocqueville (Oxford, NY: Oxford University Press, 1994)(Past masters).
Skocpol, Theda, The Tocqueville Problem: Civic Engagement in American Democracy, 21(4) Social Science History 455-479 (Winter 1997).
Skrzypalik, Paweł, Rozdwojenie jaźni. Apostoł Tocqueville i marginesy imperium, 1 Res Politica et Historica – (January 2009). English translation of the title: Split personality. The apostle Tocqueville and the margins of the empire. Available at:
Skweres, Arthur, Searching For Truth and Freedom: Philip K. Dick’s Work in Light of Alexis de Tocqueville’s Thought (LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012).
Smelser, N. J., Alexis de Tocqueville as Comparative Analyst, in Comparative Methods in the Social Sciences (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1976).
Smith, Brian A., Smith and Tocqueville on the Commercial Ethos, 13(1) Journal of Markets & Morality, 29-44 (2010).
Smith, Bruce James, Politics & remembrance: republican themes in Machiavelli, Burke, and Tocqueville (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985)(Series: Studies in moral, political, and legal philosophy).
Smith, Bruce James, Politics and the Chain of Remembrance: A Study in Political Action (Dissertation, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, 1983).
Smith, Clifford Brantley, Tocqueville’s Civil Republicanism: The Balance Between Equality and Liberty in American Democracy (Master’s thesis, Portland State University, 1998).
Smith, D. A., A conversation with Tocqueville, 1854, 10 Tocqueville Review 239-243 (1989/1990).
Smith, Dennis, Capitalist democracy on trial : the transatlantic debate from Tocqueville to the present (London and NY: Routledge, 1990).
Smith, Louis, Alexis de Tocqueville and Public Administration, 2(3) Public Administration Review 221-239 (Summer 1942).
Smith, Rogers M., Beyond Tocqueville, Myrdal and Hartz: The Multiple Traditions in America, 87(3) American Political Science Review 549 (September 1993).
Sobolewska, Barbara, Tocqueville pośród moralistów politycznych Francji pierwszej połowy XIX wieku, 23(1) Czasopismo Prawno Historyczne 57-110 (1970). Translation of article title: Tocqueville among political moralists in France in the first half of the nineteenth century.
Somkin, Fred, Tocqueville as a Source for Robinson’s Man against the Sky, 6 Colby Library Quarterly 245-247 (1963).
Sorgi, Giuseppe, Per uno studio della partecipazione politica: Hobbes, Locke, Tocqueville (Lecce: Milella, 1981).
Sosa, Antonio, Tocqueville’s Defense of Aristocratic Literature, in Regime and Education: A Study in the History of Political Philosophy 185-214 (Ian Dagg, ed., Springer, 2023) (Recovering Political Philosophy).
Sparling, Don, Tocqueville, Beaumont, Democracy in America, and (Lower) Canada, 12/13 The Central European journal of Canadian studies 39-49 (2018).
Spitz, David, On Tocqueville and the “Tyranny” of Public Sentiment, 9 Political Science 3 (1957).
Splaine, John, Tocqueville’s Journey on C-SPAN, 32(2) PS:Political Science and Politics 197-202 (June 1999).
Skrzypalik, Paweł, Rozdwojenie jaźni. Apostoł Tocqueville i marginesy imperium, 1 Res Politica et Historica – (January 2009). English translation of the title: Split personality. The apostle Tocqueville and the margins of the empire.
Spears, Monroe Kirklyndorf, Tocqueville in 1989, 42(3) Hudson Review 369-381 (Autumn 1989).
Spears, Monroe Kirklyndorf, Countries of the mind: literary explorations (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1992). Includes Tocqueville in 1989, at 39-51.
Spiropoulos, Andrew C. Tocqueville and the American Amalgam, 11 Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy 103 (2013).
Stackelberg, Jürgen von, Bemerkungen zur Sekündärliteratur über Alexis de Tocqueville, 6 Romantisches Jahrbuch 1953/1954.
Staib, Grahm, Jefferson and Tocqueville on Christian Nationalism, 7 Compass 1 (2023).
Stanley, John L., Majority Tyranny in Tocqueville’s America: The Failure of Negro Suffrage in 1846, 84(3) Political Science Quarterly 412-435 (September 1969).
Staudinger, Alison, Constituting American Women: Tocqueville, Montesquieu, and the Making of Commercial Mores, Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the WPSA Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, March 19, 2009.
Steinert, Heinz, and Hubert Treiber, Die Revolution und ihre Theorien: Frankreich 1848: Marx, v. Stein, Tocqueville im aktuellen Vergleich (Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1975)(Studienbucher zur Sozialwissenschaft; 28).
Stephens, John James, Religion and the church in the political philosophy of Alexis de Tocqueville (Master’s thesis, Washington University, 1951).
Stevens, Jacqueline and Rogers Smith, Beyond Tocqueville, Please! 89(4) The American Political Science Review 987-995 (December 1995).
Stevenson, William R. Jr., The American Melting Pot as Reductionist Kettle: Religious Liberty’s Worrisome Condition, in Tocquevillian Ideas. Contemporary European Perspectives 135-152 (Zbigniew Rau and Marek Tracz-Tryniecki eds.; Lanham: University Press of America, 2014).
Stilborn, John Alexander, Tocqueville and the Idea of Revolution (Dissertation, University of Western Ontario, 1979).
Stokes, Curtis, Tocqueville and the Problem of Racial Inequality, 75(1/2) Journal of Negro History 1-15 (1990).
Story, Joseph, Comentario sobre la Constitucion federal de los Estados Unidos precedida de una revista sobre la historia de las colonias y de los estados antes de la adopcion de la Constitucion: traducida del comentario abreviado de J. Story … y aumentado con las observaciones de M. M. Jefferson, Rawle, de Tocqueville, etc., y de notas sobre la jurisprudencia de la organizacion judicial por Paul Odent … publicado en 1851 (Nicolas Antonio Calvo, ed.; 4th ed.; Buenos Aires: La Universidad de J. N. Klingelfuss, 1888). Includes the Argentinian constitution.
Story, Joseph, Commentaire sur la constitution federale des etats-unis, precédé d’un apercu sur l’histoire des colonies et des etats avant l’adoption de la constitution, traduit du commentaire abrege de J. Story… et augmente des observations de MM. Jefferson, Rawle, de Tocqueville, etc., et de notes sur la jurisprudence et l’organisation judiciaire (Paris: Joubert, Libraire de la cour de cassation, 1843).
Strausz-Hupe, Robert, Democracy and American foreign policy : reflections on the legacy of Alexis de Tocqueville (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1995).
Street, Ella, Tocqueville’s Savages, 40 The Tocqueville Review/La Revue Tocqueville 131-161 (2019).
Strong, Robert A., Alexis de Tocqueville and the Abolition of Slavery, 8(2) Slavery & Abolition 204-215 (1987).
Strong, Tracy, Seeing Differently and Seeing Further: Rousseau and Tocqueville, in Friends and Citizens: Essays in Honor of Wilson Carey McWilliams 97-122 (Peter Dennis Bathory and Nancy Lynn Schwartz eds., Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2001).
Strout, Cushing, The Aristocratic Democrat, 111(2) Sewanee Review 328 (Spring 2003).
Strout, Cushing, From Trilling to Anderson: The Strange History of Tocqueville’s Idea of a Democratic Poetry, 23(4) American Quarterly 601-606 (October 1971).
Strout, Cushing, A Note on Degler, Riesman and Tocqueville, 16 American Quarterly 100-102 (Spring 1964).
Strout, Cushing, Tocqueville and the idea of an American literature, 1941-1971, in Studies in Historical Change 292-305.
Strout, Cushing, Tocqueville and the Idea of an American Literature (1914-1971), 18(1) New Literary History 115-127 (Autumn 1986).
Strout, Cushing, Tocqueville’s Duality: Describing America and Thinking of Europe, 21 American Quarterly 87-99 (Spring 1969).
Saucier Guay, Mathieu, Marcel Gauchet critique d’Alexis de Tocqueville (M. A. Thesis, University of Ottawa, 2010).
Suhr, Heiko, Alexis de Tocqueville: Über das Verhältnis der Freiheit und Gleicheit: Studienarbeit (GRIN Verlag, 2008).
Sullivan, Kathleen S., Toward a Generative Theory of Equality, in Feminist Interpretations of Alexis de Tocqueville 199 (Jill Locke and Eileen Hunt Botting eds.; University Park, PA: Penn State Press, 2008)(Re-reading the Canon).
Suter, Jean François, Tocqueville et le problème de dèmocratie, 13 Revue internationale de philosophie 330-340 (1959).
Suvin, Darko, The Cognitive Commodity: Fictional Discourse as Novelty and Circulation, 19(2) Mosaic 85-99 (Spring 1986).
Swedborg, Richard, Theoretical Versus Practical Explanation in Political Economy and Economic Sociology, 6(3) Socio-Economic 427-447 (2008). Downloadable at SSRN.
Swedborg, Richard, Tocqueville as a Pioneer in Organization Theory, in The Oxford Handbook of Sociology and Organization Studies 39 (Paul S. Adler, ed., Oxford University Press, 2009)(Classical Foundations).
Swedberg, Richard, Tocqueville’s Political Economy (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009).
A symposium on Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (William J. Schlaerth and Ross John Swartz Hoffman eds.,; NY: Fordham University Press, 1945)(Fordham University Studies)(Burke Society Series; 1).
Takeda, Junko, Dilemmas of Liberalism: Alexis de Tocqueville on Race and Civilization (1998).
Taslitz, Andrew, How Important Should History Be To Resolving Fourth Amendment Questions, and How Good a Job Does the Supreme Court Do In Construing History?: The Happy Fourth Amendment: History and the People’s Quest For Constitutional Meaning, 43 Texas Tech Law Rev. 137 (Fall 2010).
Taupier, Michel, La Decentralisation dans l’oeuvre d’Alexis de Tocqueville (Rennes: Imprimirie Reunies, 1967). Previously published in 28 Travaux juridiques et economiques de l’Université de Rennes 1967.
Taylor, Alan John Percival, Die Masse als Schreckgespenst. Zur Neuauflage von Tocquevilles Démocratie en Amérique, 6 Der Mat 60-68 (January 1954).
Taylor, Joan, Alexis de Tocqueville, in The Historian at Work (John Cannon, London: Boston, Allen & Unwin, 1980).
Teale, Tamara M., The Liberty-Genocide Paradox: American Indians in European and American Travel Literature, 1795 to 1991 (Dissertation, StateUniversity of New York, Stony Brook, 1996).
Teale, Tamara M., Tocqueville and American Indian Legal Studies: The Paradox of Liberty and Destruction, 17 The Tocqueville Review 57-66 (1996).
Il Teatro della politica: Tocqueville tra democrazia e rivoluzione (Federico Mioni and Jean-M-chel Besnier, eds.; Reggio Emilia, Italia: Diabasis, 1990)(I Muri bianchi; 1).
Terekhov, V. I., Kontseptsiia iskliuchitel’nosti partiino-politicheskoi sistemy soedinennykj shtatov v rabotakh A. Tokvilia, Dsh. Braisa i M. Ostrogorskogo, 1981(5) Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriia 8: Istoriia 30-44. A. Tocqueville, J. Bryce, and M. Ostrogorski].
Tesini, Mario, Tocqueville tra destra e sinistra (Roma: Lavoro, 1997)(Origami; 4).
Tessitore, Aristide, Alexis de Tocqueville on the Natural State of Religion in the Age of Democracy, 64 The Journal of Politics 1137-1162 (November 2002).
Tessitore, Aristide, Tocqueville and Gobineau on the Nature of Modern Politics, 67(4) Review of Politics 631-657 (Fall 2005).
Textes économiques. Anthologie critique (Jean-Louis Benoît et Éric Keslassy, Université du Québec á Chicoutimi, 2009) (Les Classiques des sciences sociales). Tocqueville’s text with analytical notes by the editors.
Thielemans, Vierle, Jacqueline Bonnemains, and François Brunet, Milbert, LeSueur, Tocqueville: Le Voyage en Amerique, 1815-1845 (Terra Foundation for the Arts, 2001).
Thiem, Jon, The American Woman in The Coming Race (1871): Bulwer-Lytton’s Fictional Rebuttal to Tocqueville, in Portrayal of America in Various Literatures 19-28 (Wolodymyr T. Zyla, Carl Hammer and Frances Collmar Hernandez Jr., eds., 1978)(Interdepartmental Committee on Comparative Literatures. Monograph Series; 1). get pub. info.
Thiem, Jon, The American Woman in The Coming Race (1871): Bulwer-Lytton’s Fictional Rebuttal to Tocqueville, in Portrayal of America in Various Literatures (Wolodymyr T., Zyla, Carl Hammer, and Frances Collmer Hernandez Jr., Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press, 1978).
Thiers, Adolphe, Rapporto del signor Thiers all’Assemblea nazionale di Francia e discorso del sig. di Tocqueville intorno agli affari d’Italia (Roma: Pallotta, 1850?, repr. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Library Microreproduction Service, 1994).
Thody, Philip Malcolm Waller, The conservative imagination (NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1993). Includes Edmund Burke and Alexis De Tocqueville, at 41-62.
Thompson, Douglas I., Tocqueville and the Bureaucratic Foundations of Democracy in America, 52 Political Theory 404-430 (2023).
Thomson, William E., Liberalism and the Limits of Justice: Tocqueville’s Reflections on Nobility and Spiritual Decline (Dissertation, University of Chicago, 1996). Two volumes.
Thurston, G. J., Alexis de Tocqueville in Russia, 37 Journal of the History of Ideas 289-306 (1976).
Tishman, Primrose Pratt, The Role of Religion in Alexis de Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America” (Dissertation, University of Maryland, College Park, 2004).
Tillery, Alvin B., Jr., Reading Tocqueville Behind the Veil: African American Receptions of Democracy in America, 1835-1900, 7 American Political Thought 1-25 (Winter 2018).
Tillery, Alvin B., Jr., Tocqueville as Critical Race Theorist: Whiteness as Property, Interest Convergence, and the Limits of Jacksonian Democracy, 62(4) Political Research Quarterly 639-652 (December 2009).
Tillery, Alvin B., Jr., Tocqueville, Black Writers, and American Ethnology: Rethinking the Foundations of Whiteness Studies, in Feminist Interpretations of Alexis de Tocqueville 253 (Jill Locke and Eileen Hunt Botting eds.; University Park, PA: Penn State Press, 2008)(Re-reading the Canon).
Tocqueville, Hervé de, Les Mémoires d’Hervé de Tocqueville: edition établie par M. Jean-Louis Benoît, Nicole Fréretet, Christian Lippi (Saint-Lô: Archives départementales, Maison de l’histoire de la Manche, 2019).
Tocqueville and 1848 (Milton Keynes: Open University, 1976). With Marx in 1848. Sound cassette.
Tocqueville and Beyond: Essays on the Old Regime in Honor of David D. Bien (Robert A. Schneider and Robert D. Schwartz, eds.; Dover: University of Delaware Press, 2003).
Tocqueville and the Frontiers of Democracy (Richard Boyd and Ewa Attanassow, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2014). Contents: Ewa Attanassow and Richard Boyd, Introduction: Tocqueville and the Frontiers of Democracy; Nestor Capdevila, Democracy and Revolution in Tocqueville: The Frontiers of Democracy; Ran Halévi, The Frontier Between Aristocracy and Democracy; Ralph Lerner, Tocqueville’s Burke, or Democracy as History; Alan Kaham, Tocqueville and Religion: Beyond the Frontier of Christendom; Cheryl B. Welch, Deliberating Democratization With Tocqueville: The Case of East Asia; Joshua Mitchell, Tocquevillean Thoughts on Higher Education in the Middle East; Susan McWilliams, Tocqueville and the Unsettled Global Village; Ewa Attassanow, Nationahood–Democracy’s Final Frontier?; Céline Spector, Commerce, Glory, and Empire: Montesquieu’s Legacy; David Clinton, The Surprising M. Tocqueville: Necessity, Foreign Policy, and Civic Virtue; Jennifer Pitts, Democracy and Domination: Empire, Slavery, and Democratic Corruption in Tocqueville’s Thought; Richard Boyd, Tocqueville and the Napoleonic Legend; Robert Pippin, Tocqueville, the Problem of Equality, and John Ford’s “Stagecoach,”; Paul Berman, The Poetry of Democracy; Robert T. Gannett, Jr., Tocqueville and the Local Frontiers of Democracy; Robert Boyd, Epilogue: New Frontiers, Old Dilemmas.
Tocqueville and Town Hall Democracy, Talk of the Nation (NPR), August 19, 2009.
Los Angeles Times columnist Gregory Rodriguez re-read Alexis De Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America.” It changed the way he views the angry protesters at the health care town hall meetings. He now calls their fury “as American as apple pie.”
Tocqueville e la crisi delle post-democrazie (Emma Baglioni ed.; Teramo Dip. di Storia e Critica della Politica, Universita degli Studi di Terma, 2007), at 239-498 (Trimestre; 39,3/4).
Tocqueville et le devenir de la démocratie (Paris: L’Harmattan, ?)(Philosophie en commun).
Tocqueville no seizi siso: seiji ni okeru chisei (Koichi Ogawa ed.; Tokyo, Buktakusha, 1975).
Tocqueville, profeet van der moderne democratie (Andreas Kinneging, Paul De Hert, and Stefan Somers, eds.; Rotterdam: Lemniscaat, 2013).
Contains Andreas Kinneging, Paul De Hert, and Stefan Somers, Tocqueville, profeet van de moderne democratie; Albert Jan Kruiter, De actualiteit van het milde despotism; Patrick Stouthuysen, Een relatieve buitenstaander in de sociologie; Paul De Hert and Stefan Somers, De alledaagse democratisering; Dave De Ruysscher, De historien philosophique; Andreas Kinneging, De classicist; Ringo Ossewaarde, Homo Europaeus als zoön politikon; Luk Sanders, Democratie en religie; Frank Ankersmit, Democratie en stijl; Willem WItteveen, Drie reisgenoten: Pascal, Montesquieu, Rousseau; Melvin Schut, Vrijheid en menselijke waardigheid; Jean-Marc Piret, Religie, zelfbestuur en tirannie van de meerderheid; Jozef Waanders, Tocqueville en Burke; Coen Brummer, Over pauperisme en armenzorg.
The Tocqueville Reader: A Life in Letters and Politics (Oliver Zunz and Alan S. Kahan, Blackwell Publishing, 2002).
The Tocqueville Review/La Revue Tocqueville (1979–). Semi-annual. in addition to general articles, publishes articles devoted to Tocqueville’s thought and life.
Tocqueville Today? (Raf Geenens and Annelien De Djin eds.; Palgrave MacMillan. 2007). Published in Europe as Reading Tocqueville: From Oracle To Actor. (see contents under this title in this bibliography).
Tocqueville und das Zeitalter der Revolution (München: Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung, 1972)(Nymphenburger Texte zur Wissenschaft. Modelluniversität; 4).
Tocqueville, Alexis de, Über die Democratie en Amerika: Lernmaterialien (Reclam, 1985). Includes analytical material.
Tocqueville’s America (Toronto: Indiana University Audio-Visual Center for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 1972). One videocassette. Compares Tocqueville’s predictions of the development of American society with today.
Tocqueville’s America 1982 (John William Ward et al.; Dallas, TX: LTV Corporate Affairs Department, 1982)(LTV Washington Seminar; 1982). get individual chapter titles.
Tocqueville’s defense of human liberty: current essays (NY: Garland Publishing, 1993)(Garland Reference Library of the Humanities; 1492).
Includes Michael P. Zuckert, On social state; Dennis Bathory, Moral ties and political freedom in Tocqueville’s new science of politics; Joseph Alulis, The promise of democracy and the problem of liberty; Peter Augustine Lawler, The restless mind; Eduardo Nolla, Democracy or the closed book; James F. Pontuso, Tocqueville on courage; Ralph C. Hancock, Tocqueville as critic of bloom; Bruce Frohnen, Materialism and self-deification: Bellah’s misuse of Tocqueville; Roger Boesche, Tocqueville and Arendt on the novelty of modern tyranny; Daniel J. Mahoney, Tocqueville and socialism; Delba Winthrop, Rights, interest, and honor; Catherine Zuckert, The role of religion in preserving American liberty– Tocqueville’s analysis 150 years later; Harold L. Levy, Lawyers’ spirit and democratic liberty: Tocqueville on lawyers, jurors, and the whole people; Sanford Kessler, The secularization debate: a Tocquevillian perspective; John Koritansky, Alexis de Tocqueville’s hopes for the education of democratic women; David Broyles, Tocqueville on the nature of federalism; Ken Masugi, Citizens and races: natural rights versus history; Darcy Wudel, Tocqueville on associations and association.
Tocqueville’s Europe (Falls Church, VA: Landmark Video, 19??). One videocassette. Speaker: James Sheehan. Part of a series of twenty lectures.
Tocqueville’s Influence On “Deus Caritas Est“.
Tocqueville’s Political Science: Classic Essays (Peter Augustine Lawler ed.; NY: Garland Publishing Co., 1993)(Garland Reference Library of the Humanities; 1491).
Tocqueville’s Voyages: The Evolution of His Ideas and Their Journey Beyond His Time (Christine Dunn Henderson, ed.; Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund, 2015).
Tocquevillian Ideas: Contemporary European Perspectives (Zbigniew Rau and Marek Tracz-Tryniecki eds.; Lanham: University Press of America, 2014). Includes Tracz-Tryniecki, Marek and Zbigniew Rau: Tocqueville and Europe: What Can We Learn from Him about the Past, the Present and the Future of the Old Continent?, Çağla, Cengiz: Tocqueville: A Thinker of Freedom, Atanassow, Ewa: Patriotism in Democracy: What We Learn from Tocqueville, Ossewaarde, Marinus R.R.: Tocqueville on Citizen Participation, Molnár, Attila K.: Tocqueville and the Democratic Churning, Hidalgo, Oliver: Religion, Virtue and the Ennobling of Democracy: Tocqueville’s Vision of Civic Society, Tracz-Tryniecki, Marek: Human Dignity versus Greatness: Tocqueville’s Dilemma, Stevenson, William R. Jr.: The American Melting Pot as Reductionist Kettle: Religious Liberty’s Worrisome Condition.
Todorov, Tzvetan, Tocqueville, in On Human Diversity: Nationalism, racism and Exoticism in French Thought 191 (Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1993)(Convergences: Inventories of the Present).
Todorov, Tzvetan, Tocqueville’s Nationalism, 4 History and Anthropology 357 (April 1990).
Tokuviru to demokurashi (Takeshi Nakatani ed.; Tokyo: Ochanomizu Shobo, 1974)(Shimin shakai sosho; 5).
Tollebeek, J., A Burke Marked by Tocqueville. Taine’s Periodization of French History, 34 Storia della Storiografia 21-38 (1998).
Tolleson, Thomas Daniel, On the art of the Legislator in Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (Dissertation, University of Dallas, 1996).
Tomadakis, Alexandre, Tocqueville Beaumarchais (Montreuil, France: Breal,, 1985)(Concours d’Entrée des grandes ecoles scientifiques).
Topey, John, Alexis de Tocqueville, Forgotten Founder, 21(4) Sociological Forum 695-707 (December 2006).
Towle, George Makepeace, Alexis de Tocqueville, in Glimpses of History (Boston: W. V. Spencer, 1866).
Tracz-Tryniecki, Marek, Alexisa de Tocqueville’a uwagi o prawie, 7 Studia Iuridica Lublinensia 221-234 (2006). English translation: Alexis de Tocqueville’s Remarks on Law.
Tracz-Tryniecki, Marek, Demokratyczna arystokracja: Alexis de Tocqueville o miejscu prawników w demokracji, 8 Studia Iuridica Lublinensia 149-165 (2006). English translation: Democratic aristocracy: Alexis de Tocqueville on the lawyer’s place in democracy.
Tracz-Tryniecki, Marek, Human Dignity versus Greatness: Tocqueville’s Dilemma, in Tocquevillian Ideas: Contemporary European Perspectives 111-134 (Zbigniew Rau and Marek Tracz-Tryniecki eds.; Lanham: University Press of America, 2014).
Tracz-Tryniecki, Marek, Myśl polityczna i prawna Alexisa de Tocqueville (Krakow: Księgarnia Akademicka (2009). English translation: Political and Legal Thought of Alexis de Tocqueville.
Tracz-Tryniecki, Marek, Natural Law in Tocqueville’s Thought, 11 Journal of Markets & Morality 27-40 (2008). Summary only; complete access requires subscription.
Tracz-Tryniecki, Marek and Zbigniew Rau, Tocqueville and Europe: What Can We Learn from Him about the Past, the Present and the Future of the Old Continent? in Tocquevillian Ideas: Contemporary European Perspectives 1-26 (Zbigniew Rau and Marek Tracz-Tryniecki eds.; Lanham: University Press of America, 2014).
Tracz-Tryniecki, Marek, Tocqueville i kwestia algierska, 103/104 Przegląd Polityczny 195-203 (2010). English translation of the title: Tocqueville and the Algerian question.
Tracz-Tryniecki, Marek, Tocqueville on Crisis, 15 (1) Journal of Markets & Morality 65-88 (2012).
Tracz-Tryniecki, Marek, Tocqueville. Wartości moralne w swiecie wolnego wyboru, 82 Przegląd Polityczny 105-109 (2007). English title: Moral values in the world of free choice.
Traveling Tocqueville’s America (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press for C-SPAN, 1998).
Trépanier, Anne, Le voyage identitaire (et imaginaire) de Tocqueville au Bas-Canada : vieille France ou Nouvelle-France ? 5 Mens 119-149 (Autumn 2004).
Trinidad Mas, Luis M., Los movimientos revolucionarios segun Alexis de Tocqueville. El rol del estado moderno en el proceso de cambio social: Hegel. Tipologias weberianas y la teoria de modernizacion. Liderato, masas y el cambio social (Unpublished manuscript, 1971). Presented in the “Seminario sobre Teorias de Cambio Social y la Administracion Publica (A. P. 570), Prof. Sr. Jose Gustavo Alcala.”
The Two Tocquevilles, Father and Son. Herve and Alexis de Tocqueville on the Coming of the French Revolution (Robert Roswell Palmer ed. and trans.; Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987).
Tung, Chang Chen, [Tocqueville in American Sociology], 16(3) American Studies,Mei-kuo yen-chiu 85-142 (September 1986).
Turner, Jack, American Individualism and Structural Injustice: Tocqueville, Gender, and Race, 40(2) Polity 197-215 (April 2008).
Tyler, Samuel, De Tocqueville and Lieber as writers on political science, 30 Princeton Review 621-645 (October 1858).
Uhde, Ute, Politik und Religion: zum Verhaltnis von Demokratie und Christentum bei Alexis de Tocqueville (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1978)(Beiträge zur politischen Wissenschaft; 29).
Usategui Basozabal, Elisa, La cuestión social en Alexis de Tocqueville, 200 Revista de Estudios Políticos 99-127 (April-June 2023).
Usategui Basozabal, Elisa, Educación y ciudadanía en Alexis de Tocqueville, 18 Historia y Memoria de la Educación 311-346 (2023).
Vallee, Jacques, Tocqueville au Bas-Canada, 12 Tocqueville Review 141-182 (1990/1991).
Van De Putte, André, Tocqueville and the Liberal Res Publica, 17(3) Ethical Perspectives 475-495 (2010).
Van Heyningen, Kristin Diane, A Call To Disobey: Tocqueville, Religion, and Civil Disobedience (Dissertation, The University of Chicago, 2008).
Van Heyningen, Kristen Diane, Religion: Tocqueville’s Prescription For What Ails Democracy. (Paper submitted to a conference at the Marty Center, the University of Chicago, September 2003).
VanZandt, Diane, Alexis de Tocqueville on the nature of equality (Bachelor’s thesis, University of Southern Mississippi, 1974).
Varouxakis, Georgios, Guizot’s Historical Works and J. S. Mill’s Reception of Tocqueville, 20 History of Political Thought 292-312 (1999).
Vatamaniuc, D., Eminescu si Tocqueville, 24(3) Luceafarul 2 (January 17, 1981). Comparison of Mihai Eminescu and Alexis de Tocqueville.
Venor, Scott, Natural Religion and Human Perfectibility, 33(1) Perspectives on Political Science 10-17 (Winter 2004).
Verge, Francine, La Critique de l’egalité chez Tocqueville (Paris: 1981)(Memoire DEA: Philosophie du droit: Paris 2, 1981: Sess. Mars).
Verge, Francine, Le Thème de la famille et de la femme chez Tocqueville (Paris: Université de Paris, 1979)(Memoire DEA: Études politiques: Paris II; 1979: sess. de fev.).
Vetter, Lisa Pace, Sympathy, Equality, and Consent: Tocqueville and Harriet Martineau on Women and Democracy in America, in Feminist Interpretations of Alexis de Tocqueville 151 (Jill Locke and Eileen Hunt Botting eds.; University Park, PA: Penn State Press, 2008)(Re-reading the Canon).
Veugelers, John W. P., Tocqueville on the Conquest and Colonization of Algeria, 10 Jourmal of Classical Sociology 339-355 (2010).
Vibert, Anne, Tocqueville spectateur de l’histoire dans les Souvenirs, in Le Moi, l’histoire 1789-1848 148-168 (Damien Zanone and Chantal Massol eds.; Grenoble: ELLUG, 2005).
Villa, Dana, Hegel, Tocqueville, and “Individualism,” 67(4) Review of Politics 659-686 (Autumn 2005).
Villa, Dana, Teachers of the People: Political Education in Rousseau, Hegel, Tocqueville and Mill (University of Chicago Press, 2017). Includes Chapter 4: The Aristocrat as Democratic Pedagogue.
Villa, Dana, Tocqueville and Civil Society, in The Cambridge Companion to Tocqueville (Cheryl B. Welch, ed.; Cambridge University Press, 2006).
Villa, Dana, Tocqueville and the Feminization of the Bourgeoisie, in Feminist Interpretations of Alexis de Tocqueville 71 (Jill Locke and Eileen Hunt Botting eds.; University Park, PA: Penn State Press, 2008)(Re-reading the Canon).
Viotti, Paul R., Jr., Who Cares About Inequality? Liberalism and Distributive Justice in America (University of California, Santa Cruz, 2008).
Volkmann-Schluck, K. H., Bemerkungen zu Tocquevilles L’Ancien Regime et la Revolution: (Der Ubergang vom Feudalismus zur Demokratie), in Wort und Text: Festschrift für Fritz Schalk 422-433 (Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 1963).
Volkmann-Schluck, Karl Heinz, Politische Philosophie: Thukydides, Kant, Tocqueville (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1974).
Von Heyking, John F., Friendship in Democracy and in Tocqueville’s Democracy. Available for download via SSRN.
Vossler, Otto, Alexis de Tocqueville: Freiheit und Gleichheit (Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Klostermann, 1973).
Vossler, Otto, Tocqueville (Wiesbaden: F. Steiner, 1966).
Wach, Joachim, Types of religious experience, Christian and non-Christian (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1951). Includes The role of religion in the social philosophy of Alexis de Tocqueville.
Wade, L. L., Tocqueville and Public Choice, 47(3) Public Choice 491-508 (1985).
Wahlbäck, Krister, Tocqueville, Geijer och Supermakterna, 72(1) Historisk Tidskrift för Finland 90-100 (1987). English translation: Tocqueville, Geijer and the superpowers.
Waisman, Carlos, Autonomy, Self-Regulation, and Democracy: Tocquevillian-Gellnerian Perspectives on Civil Society and the Bifurcated State In Latin America, in Civil Society and Democracy In Latin America 35 (Richard Feinberg, Carlos H. Waisman, and Leon Zamosc, eds.; Palgrave Macmillan, 2006).
Wallis, Roy, The Caplow-de Tocqueville Account of Contrasts in European and American Religion: Confounding Considerations, 47(1) Sociological Analysis 50-52 (1986).
Wallop, Malcolm, Tyranny in America: Would Alexis de Tocqueville Recognize This Place? 20 Journal of Legislation 37-56 (1994).
Walters, Ronald G., Reforming Tocqueville, 9 Tocqueville Review 283-295 (1987/1988).
Wandowicz, Konrad, Wspólnota a jednostka. Idea solidarności w myśli politycznej Alexisa de Tocqueville’a, in Ideologia, doktryny i ruch polityczny współczesnego liberalizmu 89-108 (Edward Olszewski and Zenon Tymoszuk ed., Lublin: 2004). Translation of essay title: Community and Individual: The Idea of Solidarity in the Political Thought of Alexis de Tocqueville.
Wang Xiao-zhang, Tocqueville on Democracy, Freedom, and Religion, Journal of Zhejiang University, 2002-2004.
Wang, Daijan, Tocqueville’s conception of American democracy : a thematic analysis (Master’s thesis, Bowling Green State University; 5151).
Ward, David, The Early Victorian City in England and America: On the Parallel Development of an Urban Image, in European Settlement and Development in North America: Essays on Geographical Change in Honour and Memory of Andrew Hill Clark 170-189 (James R. Gibson, ed.; Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1978). Includes discussion of Tocqueville’s views.
Wasser, Hartmut, Vom phänomen der mediokrität in der amerikanischen politik, 36(5) Frankfürter Hefte 23-30 (1981).
Watkins, Sharon B., Alexis de Tocqueville and the Second Republic, 1848-1852: A Study in Political Practice and Principles (University Press of America, 2003).
Watsky, Benjamin, New World Order: Tocqueville on European and American Democracy 1 Yale Historical Review 30 (Spring 2011).
Watson, George, Tocqueville and the Burden of Liberty, 28(3) The Hudson Review 365 (Autumn 1985).
Watson, P. J. and R. J. Morris, Individualist and Collectivist Values: Hypotheses Suggested by Alexis de Tocqueville, 136 (3) Journal of Psychology 263-271 (May 2002).
Webb, L. C., A note on Alexis de Tocqueville, in Liberty and learning: essays in honour of Sir James Hight (R. S. Allen ed.; Chistchurch, New Zealand: Whitcombe and Tombs, 1950).
John Grant Webster, Hobbes and Tocqueville on Individualism, Equality, and Centralized Administration (Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2014).
Weiner, Susan, Terre à Terre: Tocqueville, Aron, Baudrillard, and the American Way of Life, 100 Yale French Studies 13-24 (2001).
Weingroff, Richard F., Alexis de Tocqueville on Transportation in America. United States Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Highway History.
Weintraub, Jeff, Democracy and the Market: A Marriage of Inconvenience, in From Leninism to Freedom: The Challenges of Democratization 56-63 (Margaret Latus Nugent ed.; Boulder: Westview Press, 1992).
Weintraub, Jeff Alan, Virtue, Community, and the Sociology of Liberty: The Notion of Republican Virtue and its Impact on Modern Western Social Thought (Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1979).
Welch, Cheryl B, Beyond the Bon Ménage: Tocqueville and the Paradox of Liberal Citoyennes, in Feminist Interpretations of Alexis de Tocqueville 19 (Jill Locke and Eileen Hunt Botting eds.; University Park, PA: Penn State Press, 2008)(Re-reading the Canon).
Welch, Cheryl B., Colonial Violence and the Rhetoric of Evasion: Tocqueville on Algeria, 31(2) Political Theory 235-264 (April 2003). Includes discussion of his thought on imperialism.
Welch, Cheryl B., De Tocqueville (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001).
Wells, C. Richard, Alexis de Tocqueville and Oprah, Or, the Matter of Opinion
Wells, Ronald A., Alistair Cooke : A Tocqueville for our time? 17(2) Journal of American Culture 57-63 (Summer 1994).
Westfall, W., Tocqueville, Emerson and the Abolitionists, 19(1) Journal of Thought 56-63 (1984).
Whedbee, Karen, Authority, Freedom and Liberal Judgment: The Presumptions and Presumptuousness of Whately, Mill and Tocqueville, 84(2) Quarterly Journal of Speech 171-189 (May 1998).
White, Paul Lambert, American Manners in 1830: de Tocqueville’s Letters and Diary, 12 Yale Review 118-131 (October 1922).
Whiteside, Kerry H., Urbanisation and the Genealogy of Freedom in Marx and Tocqueville, 15(4-6) History of European Ideas 473-479 (August 1992).
Whitfield, Stephen J., A century and a half of French views of the United States, 56(3) Historian 531-542 (Spring 1994).
Whittington, Keith, Revisiting Tocqueville’s America: Society, Politics, and Association in the Nineteenth Century, in Beyond Tocqueville: Civil Society and Social Capital in Comparative Perspective 21 (Hanover: University Press of New Hampshire for Tufts University, 1998)(Civil Society: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives).Revised from an article of the same name in the American Behavioral Scientist (same date).
Wiener, Jon, Professors, politics, and pop (London and NY: Verso, 1991)(The Haymarket series). Includes Tocqueville, Marx, Weber, Nixon: Watergate in Theory.
Wilhelmy, Manfred, La politica exterior de los Estados Unidos: Dinamica interna y nuevos problemas, 11(42) Estudios Internacionales 111-134 (1978).
Williamson, Chilton, After Tocqueville: The Promise and Failure of Democracy (Intercollegiate Studies Institute, 2014).
Wilson, Francis, Tocqueville’s Conception of the Elite, 4 Review of Politics 271-288 (1942).
Wills, Garry, Did Tocqueville “Get” America? The New York Review of Books, April 29, 2004.
Winthrop, Delba, Comments on Schneck’s Reading of Tocqueville’s Democracy, 25(2) Polity 307-313 (Winter 1991).
Winthrop, Delba, Tocqueville and Federalism, 6(3) Publius 93-116 (1976).
Winthrop, Delba, Tocqueville’s American Woman and The True Conception of Democratic Progress,” in Feminist Interpretations of Alexis de Tocqueville 177 (Jill Locke and Eileen Hunt Botting eds.; University Park, PA: Penn State Press, 2008)(Re-reading the Canon).
Winthrop, Delba, Tocqueville’s American Woman and “the True Conception of Democratic Progress”, 14(2) Political Theory 239-261 (1986).
Winthrop, Delba, Tocqueville’s “Old Regime:” Political History, 43(1) The Review of Politics 88-111 (Jan. 1981).
Woito, Robert Severin, Types of historical inevitability: a study of the contextual judgements of Thucydides, Tocqueville, Engels, and Acton (Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1975).
Woldring, Henk E. S., State and Civil Society in the Political Philosophy of Alexis de Tocqueville, 9 Voluntas 363-373 (December 1998).
Wolfe, Zachariah, Passions, interests, and habits: freedom and political participation in Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (Bachelor’s thesis, Harvard University, 1994).
Wolfson, Dorothea Israel, The superiority of the American woman: Tocqueville’s teaching on women, marriage and the family (Dissertation, Cornell University, 1995).
Wolin, Sheldon S., Archaism, modernity, and Democracy in America, in The presence of the past 66-81 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989).
Wolin, Sheldon S., Can We Still Hear Tocqueville? 260(2) Atlantic 80-83 (August 1987).
Wolin, Sheldon S., Tocqueville Between Two Worlds: The Making of a Political and Theoretical Life (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2003).
Wood, W. Kirk, Alexis de Tocqueville and the Myth of Democracy in America, 5(3/4) Southern Studies (New Series) 1-18 (Fall/Winter 1994).
Wouters, Hippolyte, Tocqueville humoriste (Michel de Maule, 2011) (Litt. Franc. Essais).
Wooster, Martin Morse, The Forgotten Tocqueville: What He Saw in 19th Century England (Tocqueville’s Memoir on Pauperism). A Review of the translation by Seymour Drescher.
Wudel, Darcy Edwin, Tocqueville’s Statecraft of Decentralization (Dissertation, University of Toronto, 1996).
Yellott, Jack, Tocqueville, Judge Hand, and the American Legal Mind, 38 South Dakota Law Review 100-129 (1993).
Zachman, John R., Autonomy, Authority, and Liberty: The Politics of John Stuart Mill (Dissertation, Duke University, 2006). Includes discussion of Mill’s writings on Tocqueville.
Załęski, Paweł, Tocqueville on Civilian Society: A Romantic Vision of the Dichotomic Structure of Social Reality, 50 Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 260-266 (2008).
Zanfarino, Antonio, Alexis de Tocqueville politico e moralista, 5(1) Studi Politici 33-44 (1957?)
Zapata-Whelan, Carol Marie, “With Faces Turn’d Sideways”: Walt Whitman and Ruben Dario (Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles, 1993). Includes discussion of influence of Tocquevillean theory on philosophy of Whitman and Dario.
Zeitlin, Irving M., Liberty, equality, and revolution in Alexis de Tocqueville (Boston: Little, Brown, 1971).
Zemach, Ada, Tocqueville on England, 13(3) Review of Politics 329-343 (1951).
Zetterbaum, Marvin, Tocqueville: Neutrality and the Use of History, 58(3) The American Political Science Review 611-621 (Sept. 1964).
Zetterbaum, Marvin, Tocqueville and the problem of democracy (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1967).
Zetterbaum, Marvin, Tocqueville and the problem of democracy (Ann Arbor, UMI Out-of-Print Books on Demand, 1989). Reprint of the 1967 Stanford University Press edition.
Zhang, Xi-he, Overpass Democracy: A Study of the Democracy Theory of Alexis de Tocqueville, Journal of Henan Normal University, 2000-05.
Zhu Ha–zhong, Tocqueville’s Research of Social Problems, Journal of Nantong University (2006-06).
Żmuda, M., Wolność a demokracja: rozważania polityczne Alexisa de Tocqueville, a, 7 Casus 23-28 (1998) Translation of article title: Freedom and democracy: political deliberations of Alexis de Tocqueville.
Zub, Alexandru (Al), Reflections on the Impact of the French Revolution: 1789, de Tocqueville, and Romanian Culture (Portland: Center for Romanian Studies, 2000).
Zuckerman, Michael, Tocqueville, Turner, and Turds: Four Stories of Manners in Early America, 85 The Journal of American History 13 (June 1998).
Zuckert, Catherine H., Not by Preaching: Tocqueville on the Role of Religion in American Democracy, 43(2) Review of Politics 259-280 (1981).
Zunz, Olivier, Tocqueville:L’homme qui compris la démocratie (Fayard, 2022).
Zunz, Oliver, Tocqueville and the Writing of American History in the Twentieth Century: A Comment, 7 Tocqueville Review 131-135 (1985/1986).
Zunz, Olivier and Alan S. Kahan, Introduction, in The Tocqueville Reader: A Life in Letters and Politics (London: Blackwell Publishing, 2002) at 1-32.
Many thanks to Cynthia Virgillio, who did the initial alphabetization of this index. Dr. Alan S. Kahan suggested this alphabetical index.