Born On This Day: Lawyer and Poet Wallace Stevens

Born OTD: Wallace Stevens (1879-1955).

Mr. Stevens studied literature at Harvard and also pursued earned a law degree from the New York School of Law in 1904 and practiced law for a while, then moving into the insurance business, and became quite successful, but also pursued his love of poetry. Among his most famous works are Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird and The Emperor of Ice Cream. 

For more on Wallace Stevens, here’s a short bibliography.

Thomas C. Grey, Steel against Intimation: The Motive for Metaphor of Wallace Stevens, Esq., 2 Yale J.L. & Human. 231 (1990)

Thomas C. Grey, The Wallace Stevens Case: The Law and Practice of Poetry (Harvard University Press, 1991).

Daniel L. Kornstein, The Double Life of Wallace Stevens: Is Law Ever the “Necessary Angel” of Creative Art? 41 N. Y. L. Sch. L. Rev. 1187 (1996-1997).

Paul Mariani, The Whole Harmonium (Simon & Schuster, 2016).

Peter Schjeldahl, Insurance Man: The Life and Art of Wallace Stevens

See also

The Wallace Stevens Society