Election 2020 Haiku

Hedgehogs and Foxes called for submissions of Election 2020 Haiku and received many more submissions than we expected, and we’re thrilled!

In fact, there were so many high-quality submissions that the Hedgehogs & Foxes editorial board couldn’t choose winners, so we are pleased to announce that H&F is publishing all of the Election 2020 Haiku submissions here.

Hedgehogs and Foxes Site IconEach haiku offers a witty and poignant perspective on our current political climate.

Thank you to all who participated! And DON’T FORGET TO VOTE!


Valena Beetty – Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor School of Law

RBG is free
We remain in disbelief
Before November

Scott Boone – Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School

Freedom 65mk-t

Midweek November
Unearths untold write-ins for
Giant Meteor

Ashley Krenelka Chase – Stetson University College of Law


Is there a good choice?
Some say “No. A coin’s two sides
are never enough.”

Ronald Craig – Retired, Professor of Psychology at Cincinnati State College

coronavirus –
how many staffers must drop
before reveille

democracy wins –
“contract with America”
now at default risk

election results
antifa and the proud boys
battle in the streets

packed in like sardines
RNC acceptance speech
seventh inning stretch

posing for pictures
cardboard president cutout –
ultimate fake news

saving Mount Rushmore –
put a stop to chiseling
in America

special occasion
rose garden redesigned for
flowery speeches

Max Huffman – Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law

It is the time
for voters to come to the
aid of their country

Andrew Mamo – Northern Illinois University College of Law

Yard Decorations

Man, woman, person
Ghost – Halloween Levity
Amidst election chaos.

An ADR Professor Watches Debate

“Will you shut up man?”
I teach civil discourse, but
This line resonates.

Janet McCabe – Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law

Our democracy
Is in big trouble right now
Vote vote vote vote vote

Barbi McLain – Oregon University School of Law


From the golden throne
Power’s peaceful transition’s

Steven John Mulroy – University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law


Bush v. Gore Redux?
Litigation-proof vict’ry
Only time will tell. . .

Sheila Simon – Southern Illinois University School of Law

Election Season

Election Season!
Political winds blow hard
Chads are swirling

Neil Sobol – Texas A & M University School of Law

It’s Time to Vote
No Excuses No Delays
Get it done today.

From fellow H&F editor, Shubha Ghosh – Syracuse University School of Law

Herd mentality
Grasping in their Facebook groups
For strange P’s & Q’s

Will the winning stop?
Just empty mindless gloating:
America’s great!

Media rules!
Choose West Wing or Apprentice
Reality hurts!

Six-Three or Five-Four
Does not Matter Much Anymore
Congress not the Court

Deny Racism For Years
Yet Empty Brest-beating
Trump is no surprise!

From our fellow editor, Joshua Jones’s, spouse, Wes Shoemaker:

Ruth Bader Ginsburg
A reason you should vote
Ruth Bader Ginsburg

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