Call For Papers: Argumentation 2021 @MasarykUni

From Terezie Smejkalova, Assistant Professor, Department of Legal Theory, Masaryk University, an announcement of a call for papers for the Argumentation 2021 Conference:

The conference will be held October 22, 2021, and will be online. The theme is Conceptualization in Law. Jaap Hage, Maastricht University School of Law, is the keynote speaker. The conference organizers welcome papers related to but not limited to the following topics:



  • Issues of legal and juridical meaning
  • Conceptual analysis in law
  • Conceptualism in contemporary legal theory
  • Types of legal concepts
  • The nature of legal concepts and their role in legal reasoning
  • Novel and interdisciplinary methodologies in analysis of legal concepts
  • Formal and computational models of legal concepts
  • Empirical research on legal concepts, including concept formation and acquisition
  • Vague and open-textured legal concepts
  • Visualization of legal concepts

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