Ramshaw on Improvising With Peter
Sara Ramshaw, University of Victoria Faculty of Law, has published Improvising with Peter at 17 International Journal of Law in Context 40 (2021): Special Issue 1: Celebration of Peter Fitzpatrick and his Scholarship. Here is the abstract.
Listening to a recently rediscovered home cassette recording of South African musician and activist Hugh Masekela, which was a gift from the late legal theorist Peter Fitzpatrick in 2004, unleashed are a series of recollections and reflections on the distinctiveness and significance of Fitzpatrick’s scholarship, especially in relation to the emerging field of critical legal studies in improvisation. This short piece recalls Peter’s boundless wisdom, kindness and generosity and the lasting impact his thought and texts have had on his students, colleagues, and readers the world over.
Download the article from SSRN at the link.