Humphreys on Excerpts from the Model Rules of Dating Procedure @DevinJHumphreys
Devin Humphreys, University of Notre Dame Law School, has published Excerpts from the Model Rules of Dating Procedure. Here is the abstract.
Nearly thirty years have passed since the first major attempt at defining a “law of love.” Throughout that timeframe, many a first-year law student has struggled with the framework of modern American civil litigation, a framework exceptionally difficult to comprehend until it has been articulated in its entirety. At the same time, there exists an intersection between the processes of modern dating and civil litigation that has not been unpacked, a gap in the scholarly literature that this essay seeks to begin to fill. Simultaneously seeking to articulate the law of love to those inclined towards litigation and render civil procedure a more relatable construct to the starting law student, the crux of this essay is the notion that the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure more or less map onto a dating manual.
Download the paper from SSRN at the link.