Behrens on A History of “The King of the Foxes” Autograph Manuscript @DukeLaw @DukeLawLibrary
Jennifer L. Behrens, Duke University School of Law, Goodson Law Library, is publishing On the Scent: A History of ‘The King of the Foxes’ Autograph Manuscript in Regulation & Imagination: Legal & Literary Perspectives on Fox-Hunting 117-128 (Ross E. Davies, ed., 2021). Here is the abstract.
The autograph manuscript of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s 1898 short story “The King of the Foxes” now resides in the Dartmouth College Library. While the complete provenance of the manuscript remains elusive, bookplates and notations provide enough information to sketch an approximate timeline of its travels and a brief biography of several holders, including legendary attorney and former American Bar Association president Frank Hogan (1877-1944), the founder of law firm Hogan & Hartson (now Hogan Lovells).
Download the article from SSRN at the link.