A True Crime Syllabus, From JSTOR Daily @JSTOR_Daily @nicoledonawho
From JSTORDAILY, a true crime syllabus. It begins:
In the world of true crime media, a good rule-of-thumb is that “runners” are rescuers and “joggers” get jabbed or jailed. But how did we become so obsessed with crime that the media now has patterns of language for describing this phenomenon? What about these stories compels us to need books, podcasts, television specials, and now social media campaigns about victims and suspects?
Author Nicole Donawho points to a number of articles that would make great readings for a course in true crime, including Amanda Keller’s piece on podcasts and Erin Blakemore’s Why We’re So Obsessed With Lizzie Borden’s 40 Whacks.
Which readings would you include on a true crime course syllabus? Send us your suggestions!