Williams on What We Grow Beyond: How the Last Jedi, Go Set a Watchman, and the Notorious R.B. G. Can Help Attorneys Be the Heroes They Want To Be @SamWill87352910 @uidaholaw @CapLawReview

Sam Williams, University of Idaho College of Law, is publishing What We Grow Beyond: How The Last Jedi, Go Set a Watchman, and the Notorious R.B.G. Can Help Attorneys Be the Heroes They Want to Be in volume 52 of the Cap. U.L. Rev. (2024). Here is the abstract.

Recent changes to the American Bar Association’s accreditation standards encourage education on cultural issues as an essential part of being a lawyer. While professional identity is best developed through practice, this article offers another means of developing professional identity through the lens of heroic figures who inspire people to become lawyers. It considers the multifaceted legacies of Atticus Finch, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Antonin Scalia through the lens of a non-legal hero – Luke Skywalker. By placing these figures in discourse with a less legal heroic figure, we can be the community that the ABA standards suggest that we are.

Download the article from SSRN at the link.