A Moveable Feast
Jessie Allen, School of Law, University of Pittsburgh Book the Second. Chapter the twenty-fourth. Of Things Personal. Property is comedy in the Commentaries: it always ends well. But along the way there are problems and...
Jessie Allen, School of Law, University of Pittsburgh Book the Second. Chapter the twenty-fourth. Of Things Personal. Property is comedy in the Commentaries: it always ends well. But along the way there are problems and...
Jessie Allen, School of Law, University of Pittsburgh Book the Second. Chapter the Twenty-Third: Of Alienation by Devise The push for coherence is irresistible, necessary for understanding, and doomed to produce illusory meanings. Here’s...
Jessie Allen, School of Law, University of Pittsburgh Book the Second. Chapter the twenty-second. Of ALIENATION by SPECIAL CUSTOM. This chapter is about how legal rituals can put some flexibility into social boundaries. Blackstone describes...