“The Simpsons” and the Trump Presidency @TheSimpsons

DId The Simpsons predict Donald Trump’s rise to the Presidency? As it turns out, yes. In an episode called “Bart to the Future,” a “vision of the future” episode first aired March 19, 2000, the show depicts Lisa Simpson as President about thirty years in the future, elected immediately after a catastrophic Trump Presidency ends. She inherits a disastrous economy and struggles to repair the U.S. image abroad. For more about this episode see

Esther Addley, Back to the Future: How the Simpsons and Others Predicted President Trump, The Guardian, Nov. 10, 2016.

Dan McCrae, “Simpsons” Creator Matt Groening Thinks It’s “Unlikely” the Show’s President Trump Gag Will Come True,  Uproxx, May 22, 2016.

Ryan Parker, “Simpsons” Writer Who Predicted Trump Presidency In 2000: “It Was a Warning To America,” The Hollywood Reporter, March 16, 2000.


Here’s a selected bibliography about the show, law, and popular culture.

Paul Halpern, What’s Science Ever Done For Us: What the Simpsons Can Teach Us About Physics, Robots, Life, and the Universe (Wiley, 2007).

Kevin K. Ho,  Comment: “The Simpsons” and the Law: Revealing Truth and Justice to the Masses, 10 UCLA Law Review 275 (2002-2003).

Steven Keslowitz, “The Simpsons,” “24,” and the Law: How Homer Simpson and Jack Bauer Influence Congressional Lawmaking and Judicial Reasoning, 29 Cardozo Law Review 2787 (2007-2008).

Leaving Springfield: The Simpsons and the Possibility of Oppositional Culture (John Alberti, ed., Wayne State University Press, 2004).

Kimberlianne Podlas, The Funny Thing About Lawyers on “The Simpsons,” in Lawyers in Your Living Room! 363 (ABA, 2009).

Kimberlianne Podlas, Homerus Lex: Investigating American Legal Culture Through the Lens of “The Simpsons,” 17 Seton Hall Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law 93 (2007).