Ramirez Santos and Egio Garcia on The Research on the School of Salamanca
Celia Alejandra Ramirez Santos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and José Luis Egío García have published The Research on the School of Salamanca (2008-2019). A Conceptual and Multidisciplinary Bibliography as Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Research Paper Series No. 2020-09: subsidia et instrumenta. Here is the abstract.
This bibliography offers a general panorama of the developments in research on the School of Salamanca over the last decade. This period saw the introduction of new research methods, partly stimulated also by the growing interest in Salamanca’s scholasticism of scholars from a wide variety of disciplines. The research field became more international, and various research projects and initiatives preparing editions of important scholastic sources were launched. These projects sought to broaden research perspectives which had previously focused mainly on the study of natural law, the law of nations, and specific theological and metaphysical themes. The entries in our bibliography of academic works published between 2008 and 2019 are arranged according to an exhaustive list of thematic descriptors that enables the reader to quickly locate the publications dedicated to a certain author, concept, research topic or institution. Although most of the concepts used as descriptors are of philosophical-political and historical-legal character, the bibliography also offers references related to disciplines such as the history of books, the history of universities, natural philosophy or epistemology, in what is intended to be a faithful representation of the current multidisciplinary interest in Salamanca scholasticism.
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