Treuthart on Marriage Story: A Tale of Divorce, Love…and the Law @GonzagaLaw
Mary Pat Treuthart, Gonzaga University School of Law, has published Marriage Story: A Tale of Divorce, Love…and the Law at 45 J. Legal Pro. 65 (2020). Here is the abstract.
Noah Baumbach’s 2019 narrative feature film Marriage Story, with its nuanced capture of a relationship’s dissolution and the impact on the inter-generational family members, has generated much commentary from lawyers and other professionals. Using Marriage Story as a primary framing device, this article examines the lessons that we can learn as educators, scholars, and practitioners from this celluloid depiction of the legal and emotional aspects of divorce and child custody proceedings, the role of family lawyers and other professionals, their concomitant ethical responsibilities, and the use of appropriate dispute resolution processes.
Download the article from SSRN at the link.