Simon on More True Confessions of a Legal Writing Professor: Exclamation Proliferation and Why It Has To Stop! @uarizonalaw
Diana Simon, University of Arizona College of Law, is publishing More True Confessions of a Legal Writing Professor: Exclamation Proliferation and Why it Has to Stop! in Arizona Attorney (2021). Here is the abstract.
This article analyzes the exclamation point (and the overuse of it) from a legal writing professor’s perspective. First, it traces the history of the exclamation point. Second, it addresses how both grammarians and legal writing experts have suggested using the exclamation point on a limited basis. Third, it discusses studies showing that women use the point more than men to live up to society’s expectation of friendliness and, according to one study, use of an exclamation point can lead to impaired judgments. Finally, the article addresses advocates of the use of the point who believe it can help lighten the tone when it comes to digital communication.
Download the article from SSRN at the link.