Barzun on Where the Law Is: A Dialogue @UVALaw
Charles L. Barzun, University of Virginia School of Law, has published Where is the Law? A Dialogue as Virginia Public Law and Legal Theory Research Paper No. 2023-52. Here is the abstract.
This short (5-page / 1,800-word) dialogue between a law professor and a first-year law student was inspired by Henry M. Hart, Jr.’s 1963 Oliver Wendell Holmes Lectures at Harvard Law School. Like Hart’s original dialogue, its purpose is to raise questions about the nature of law and the nature of our knowledge about law. Unlike Hart’s dialogue, it focuses on the role of historical and sociological explanation in legal analysis and jurisprudential inquiry. Specifically, it asks whether, and if so how, those fields of inquiry are distinguishable from law.
Download the dialogue from SSRN at the link.