Nelson on San(d)ford @RyanHNelson @GB2d

Ryan H. Nelson, South Texas College of Law, Houston, has published San[d]ford at 27 Green Bag 3d 323 (2024). Here is the abstract.

Prevailing sentiment within the legal academy is that the U.S. Supreme Court misspelled the defendant’s name when it reported Dred Scott v. John F.A. Sandford in the U.S. Reports. After all, the man who ostensibly claimed ownership of the Scotts–Dred; his wife, Harriet; and his two children, Eliza and Lizzy–was John F.A. Sanford; his surname contains one “d,” not two. However, as this essay explains, civil procedure proves that prevailing sentiment wrong.

Download the article from SSRN at the link.