Nelson on San(d)ford @RyanHNelson @GB2d
Ryan H. Nelson, South Texas College of Law, Houston, has published San[d]ford at 27 Green Bag 3d 323 (2024). Here is the abstract. Prevailing sentiment within the legal academy is that the U.S. Supreme...
Ryan H. Nelson, South Texas College of Law, Houston, has published San[d]ford at 27 Green Bag 3d 323 (2024). Here is the abstract. Prevailing sentiment within the legal academy is that the U.S. Supreme...
Ion Meyn, University of Wisconsin Law School, is publishing White-on-Black Crime: Revisiting the Convict Leasing Narrative in the Wisconsin Law Review. Here is the abstract. Between 1880 and 1915, the Southern criminal legal system...
Tejas N. Narechania, University of California, Berkeley, School of Law, is publishing Hamilton’s Copyright and the Election of 1800 in the Wisconsin Law Review. Here is the abstract. Copyright is, perhaps surprisingly, a regular...
The content we’re here for: Medieval Murder Maps. From its website: The interactive Medieval Murder Maps give unique insight into violence, and justice in late medieval London, York, and Oxford. Discover the murders, sudden...
Josiah M. Daniel, III, Vinson & Elkins, LLP, and the University of Texas, Austin, Department of History, is publishing Cooptation of the Carmack Amendment by the Railroads, 1906-1917: A Study in Associational Lawyering in...
Desiree Desierto, Jacob Hall, and Mark Koyama, all of the George Maxon University Department of Economics, have published Magna Carta. Here is the abstract. Magna Carta, a pivotal moment in the emergence of constitutional...
Book Review / Law and History / Legal History / William Shakespeare
by · Published August 16, 2023 · Last modified October 11, 2023
Paul Raffield, Shakespeare’s Strangers and English Law (Hart Pub. 2023) A Review by Andy Lowry The third of Paul Raffield’s[1] monographs on Shakespeare and English law “attempt[s] to provide a wide-ranging examination and analysis...
Assaf Likhovski, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law, is publishing Jurisprudence and Nationalism in the British Empire in the Early Twentieth Century: India, Egypt, and Palestine Compared in The English Historical Review. Here is...
Are you interested in the history of elections and politics? If so, check out the website Eighteenth-Century Political Participation & Electoral Culture, which collects information about English parliamentary elections, 1695-1832. Hat tip Professor Elaine...
Irving Robert Kaufman’s American Dream A Review of Martin J. Siegel’s Judgment and Mercy (Cornell University Press, 2023) Seohye Kwon* Most people would remember Irving Robert Kaufman for his infamous judgment of the...