Alford on On Foxes and Hedgehogs: John Nagle’s Many Means to One Great End @NDLaw
Roger Paul Alford, Notre Dame Law School, has published On Foxes and Hedgehogs: John Nagle’s Many Means to One Great End at 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 87 (2022). Here is the abstract.
This Article is about John Nagle’s many means to one great end. It will outline the many themes of his scholarship: (i) environmental law, (ii) statutory interpretation, (iii) constitutional law, (iv) nuisance and pollution, (v) election law and campaign finance, (vi) Christianity and the environment, and (vii) national parks. It will offer conclusions on how he used his scholarly interests as a means to pursue his overarching worldview.
Download the article from SSRN at the link.